Wow, I always have to go in and switch it to inverted, it just makes complete sense in my head (probably from years of playing X-wing as a kid) pulling back (towards me) will always be looking up!
I don’t understand there are still games out there that do not offer inverted Y as an option. I couldn’t finish the Lego Marvel Superheroes game because of that.
It kills me that I simply can’t play genshin impact
Oof, that would drive me crazy and be a refund request. I’ll never claim that either is superior (and I’m sure I’m in the minority for being used to inverted), but not having the option to change it is inexcusable. I don’t know the percentage, but that’s got to be a significant portion of people that are so used to it, they can’t switch!
I do the same thing everyone always tells me it’s weird to set it inverted.
Same, I’ve always played inverted. Pretty sure it’s from N64 flying games, pilot wings and such.
Inverted is how I always play. If you imagine a camera on a mount, you have to push the tilt bar up in order to tilt the camera angle down.
Anyway, it just works better for me inverted, but I respect my non-inverted brethren and sistren.
Except that also applies to the x-axis. Unless you invert everything, this is just a preference that is likely a holdover from some old flight game.
some oldany flight gameftfy
Do you play inverted x too then?
I play inverted because that’s what the default settings were on Goldeneye.
Not like I’ve played thousands of games, but still, I’ve never seen a setting to invert the X axis, at least for mouse control.
I’ve seen it plenty of times. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve seen it and just forgotten about it because it’s not something you care about.
For example, I’m playing through Tears of the Kingdom and it has that setting. Personally I would never enable it, but the option is there.
Yeah but if you think about looking at things you have to move your head up to look up hehe
Hey this guy is controlled by joysticks! Possibly operated by a tiny alien hiding inside.
It depends on wether you push the camera by the back or the front.
For aircraft, most people imagine pushing the tail around, so stick down is pitch up.
For looking, most people imaging pushing the field of view (the eyes), so stick up is look up.
Inverted for flight controls, everything else, standard.
You know what’s even worse?
Inverted horizontal, and you can’t change it.Looking at you PSX and PS2 games.
To the people who prefer the y axis be inverted I have one question: who hurt you?
Elder millennials and cooler gen x’s grew up on Goldeneye 64, y axis inverted
I got familiar with it from TimeSplitters 2, but that’s basically same devs.
Edit: not sure how the control schemes of the FPS sections in Banjo Tooie were, but I could have acquainted myself with it back then. I guess it’s similar due to being a Rare game.
That game is a top 10 all time fun game.
It’s awesome!
I’m in this comment and I don’t know if I like it.
But holy shit I guess you nailed the source of my inverted controller usage because I played the crap out of that with my little brother.
Don’t forget pilot wings!
It was Starfox.
Grew up dreaming of being a pilot. Pull back to yaw up.
First games that were flight sims did so. So now it’s just what I’m used to.
Yeah it was always a reference to flight controls. But in the 80s and 90s, even 1st persons would take that approach.
At some point it was inverted by default.
First 3D (or pseudo-3d) games I played were flying games. So stick back to look up/climb became ingrained in my motor skills.
Throw in some Golden Eye and Time Splitters and there is no going back.
Think of the stock on the controller as a head with your hand on top. If you pull the hand back, in what direction does the eyes move?
Eh, that would also mean that X is inverted as well. I can’t play inverted X.
Except you’re wrong. The controller is on the BACK of the head, you know, where you’re looking. So both x and y should be inverted. Anything else makes 0 sense
Well the analogy doesn’t perfectly work with pad controllers.
It does work with flight sticks. Vertical controls pitch (up and down), horizontal controls roll (tilt left and right). You’ve got pedals/stick twist for yaw (turn to right or left) or the hat/thumb stick for view angle change.
No I think it does work perfectly with controllers. It’s why Mario 64 had lakitu as a metaphor and had the correct, inverted x and y controls.
Or instead of complex mental gymnastics, just up = up, down = down.
You’re moving the viewport, not the crosshair.
There is no up. There is left, right, forward, and back.
Pushing your head forward points it at the floor. Pulling it back makes you look up
Duke3D. That’s where it started.
Played a bunch of flight simulators and similar games back in the day. If it’s universally considered the best way to steer a goddamn aircraft safely and accurately, who am I to argue.
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I know someone who had both X and Y inverted, on his computer mouse.
The original Rainbow Six had it like that by default and now 25 years later it’s here to stay.
Wing Commander, Commanche, MS Flight Simulator, and various other games
I blame Goldeneye for my invertedness. Couldn’t for the life of me figure out how to change it as a kid.
The original Star Fox made me inverted for life. I don’t think you could switch it.
Inverted make sense if you think of it as controlling your neck and not your eyes.
Okay this has been bothering me lately… Wasn’t inverted y usually the default setting in games until somewhat recently? Now it seems to never be the default. What changed and when? Or is this just in my head?
If I had to ballpark it, I remember there being a bunch of inverted controls around the late 90s, so maybe around 2000?
I still think inverted was the default in the 2000s. Maybe around 2008 with the PS3 and 360 era it started to change? This is also when video games really seemed to take off for the average person too, so maybe that has something to do with it?
I never played on consoles, but I’m pretty sure that also happened on PC. Maybe around 2005 or 10.
I always use inverted because I’m telling the camera where to go, not where I’m going to look. So if I want to look up, I need the camera below me.
You pull left to look right?
I play inverted and I hate you for pointing this out. Now my whole gaming life is a lie.
If you’re playing first person you aren’t moving a camera. You’re moving the player’s head.
Which is why inverted y but not inverted x makes sense to me. I move the joystick like I would move my head.
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Out of the loop here, can someone explain where the guy with the fantastic facial expression is from?
The movie is At Eternity’s Gate. Actor is Willem Dafoe, who’s portraying Vincent Van Gogh.
(I have not seen the movie, just looked it up)
I scroll unnaturally (according to Apple) and invert my Y - if the thumbstick was your head, pulling it back would make you look up. Only confused people don’t invert.
That confused the shit out of me the first time I got a new Mac for work and the scrolling was all wrong. Best I can figure is that it relates more to touch screens so it may be more “natural” to people who grew up with a tablet or a phone as their first computer experience. As opposed to people like me who grew up learning how to use a mouse and keyboard as our first computer experience. Weirdly, I don’t have the same issue when switching to a touch screen. I seem to be able to switch just fine. But on the computer, I have to switch to “inverted” even tho that’s how it’s been as long as I can remember. Well that’s not true, I also remember having to click and drag the scrollbar before scroll wheels were added to mice 😂
Every time I throw the batarang for the first time in every arkham game I immediately hit the ground because I forget about the inverted controls.
There’s clearly two groups: young gamers that play their games the same way they use excel and the old gamers that have dedicated settings.
only works for me now when I’m flying something that can’t hover. Tried it in AC6 and felt like way less of a pilot :|
They’re both valid. It just depends on your mental model of the control scheme; whether you feel like you’re moving the crosshair, or your character’s head.