What does he smell like?
 visibly reacts to Trump coming near them with visible, uncontrollable disgust. I hope news orgs take this and run with it like a dog with a bone. I want EVERYONE in the Republican sphere to constantly be talking about how godawful Trump smells.
Not a refutation… Excellent.
This really is the dumbest timeline isn’t it?You know they won’t because the media is owned by right wingers
Melania always seemed to have a look on her face like someone just farted. I now know why.
Would be hilarious if there was a whole bank of Melania photos where she’s smiling from ear to ear when she’s not around him.
She’s saving all of them up for his death
He’s an old fat guy with a poor diet, of course he smells.
I don’t really care if he smells, but I think it’s really funny that they care that somebody said it.
Honestly it would be this that brings him down. Everything else is fine but not being smelly.
Jingle bells
trump smells like shit
That is all.
Ok, now I have to take a crack at it.
Jingle bells,
Donald Trump smells,
Pro-se-cute him all the way!
Oh, whata time
It is to live!
Let’s li-ti-gate all he has to say!
Can anyone else improve this?
Jingle Bells
Donald smells
Jai-l all the way
What a time
To be a live
Let’s lit-i-gate him away
Rolls off the tongue better.
I feel like the litigate needs an easier word.
Agreed. Or a different line all together! I was trying to go with a justicey feel instead of just insults
“Donald Smells” is actually a better fit than “Donald Trump smells” and is probably clear enough with the context of th rest of the song. You could easily include a line about how “Trump” is longstanding British slang for “fart” though and then you get both names in.
Hey. Syllables: may I introduce you to them…?
I recommend that you try to improve the world with correction instead of (only) criticism. See something misspelled? Post the correct spelling! See some syllables that are off? Fix 'em so that others don’t get it wrong!
Thank you for pushing through the wall. I couldn’t find the energy myself.
Now this might actually get his base riled up.
But if the campaign said he doesn’t, he definitely smells.
It’s not hard to believe. He did once enter Air Force One with toilet paper stuck to his shoe.
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Too bad that one aide didn’t get the memo and told him about the cheeto dust on his mask when he was touring the factory
how fucked in the head do you have to be to married to this giant human-sized piece of feces
Greed is the oldest aphrodisiac.
It pays well.
They should check out the Economy in Slovakia so they’ll understand her motivation.
Slovenia, and they’re not that poor.
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In some ways it makes sense for someone so full of shit he must be overflowing with it.
I never heard anyone talk about Trump’s smell until seeing this so a. You know he smells. And b. Now I do, too.
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With his love of junk food, he can’t be smelling great. What you eat is how you smell. Aside from the whole bathing thing. Oh god, I just thought about Trump bathing. Oh god, make it stop.
Are we sure it’s not some power move from his art of the deal? Like he intentionally smells so people are desperate to get out of the room?
“The fart of the deal”
Aah the ole Yu-Gi-Oh tournament strategy I see.
Do not bathe, smell, assert dominance.
The state of American politics
if you’ve graduated from kindergarten, you’re overqualified