Its about workout with music in a Chinese school.
Bet this cracker ain’t got nothing for the cultish way Amerikan schools force the pledge of allegiance in the mornings.
Or how about team sports? Is this supposed to be different from some coach in Indiana getting kids in a line and having them do the same drill?
deleted by creator
This is far too pessimistic about team sports. The “brutalize themselves” really only applies to football, and I think it’s safe to say the vast majority of kids who play that (or any other sport) understand their chances at going pro (or even getting a scholarship) are slim.
There are also unambiguous benefits: learning how to handle defeat, learning to work with others in a stressful environment, finding fun ways of staying active, learning about nutrition and how to take care of your body in general.
Am I the only one who remembers this from grade school?
We were always pushed to try to get the presidential fitness award all throughout grade school.My grade school was out in the sticks of the midwest only a few miles from an air force base so maybe they leaned more heavily on the prepping us for military service.
The pledge of allegiance was never missed a single day.I also remember being ‘selected’ to raise the flag in the morning which was supposed to be some huge honor. It was the biggest goddamned flag you could imagine and had a very particular way to fold/unfold lest you let it touch the ground. And if you did let it touch the ground they had to burn it and it would cost the school a ton of money and you’d be in deep shit. I didn’t unfold it right so when the other kid tried to raise it, it dragged on the ground first.
We both panicked and hurriedly raised it praying that no one saw it. We never got in trouble and the flag wasn’t burned but I spent a whole year just waiting for the axe to drop.Oh nah, I vividly remember that stupid ass fitness program. I think at the time, I was living no more than 50mi from the Pentagon, so it very well may have been something that was emphasized and underlined more and more the closer one got to an installation.
Oppressin’ to the Oldies
CW this for tyranny for christ’s sake
So all those days in Kindergarten jumping rope to ABBA were actually capitalist indoctrination?
When teachers say “jump” kids don’t even ask “how high?” anymore 😔
Devastated to learn that my middle school gym days doing the cha cha slide were actually asianese-style authoritarianism
Yeah I’m Marxist-Leninist-Jumpathonist
cha-cha real smooth
It’s amazing how mad this has made some of you.
Everyone is calling me a pudding brained baby. This means I reign as champion in all the lands
Something something Sartre quote.
Imagine if a leftist tried to use “U mad bro?” or claim that they’re trolling when arguing with a CHUD and don’t have a good counter-argument.
Tbh I use “U mad bro” because it’s a great way to just grind any unwanted conversation to a halt
Easy way to tell someone’s yapping above their weight class
everybody is mad at me
i MUST be doing something right!
You know who else exercised? The nazis. Checkmate red fash
And the USSR too! Horseshoe theory confirmed!
Hey, don’t bring equine footwear into this!
“workout communally”
Ever heard of gym class? Sorry China’s gym class is probably better for actually exercising.
Our gym class was disorganized pick up basketball while the gym teacher nursed a hangover.
I was born and raised in a hick town, so I totally second that this is what PE is like. Despite all the emphasis on our football team, “gym” “class” was a complete insult to even the concept of exercise. You spend 20 minutes just very slowly explaining the rules of fucking kickball as if we just heard about it for the first time IN HIGH SCHOOL, and the rest of the time was a boring nothingburger of a ‘class’ because no one (me included) took it seriously. On the bright side, there wasn’t much of a jocks vs nerds thing at my school because I could always just make my physical shortcoming look like I’m just not taking it seriously like everyone else. You could just flip the script on any bully by pointing out “Wow, you care about things to the extent that someone else’s imperfection offends you? Loser!”
Please Mao, come back and rewrite the script for gym class to make it actually practical.
Similar to me.
I actually used to skip that class when I could by making up some excuse, just to avoid how fucking shitty that class was.
Did this dumbass never go to gym class?
The cool teachers would let us play music, as we exercised together.
evil orientals promoting their
shuffles deck
cardiovascular exercise
the mind of a liberal is truly astounding
The FitnessGram Pacer Test is…
Unironically. Fuck that death march.
• says something incredibly silly
• “omg wow you people are so mad”
TIL That PE class is Nazism.
To be fair, as a clumsy kid who hated PE and was bullied by my classmates for being bad at sports I would probably have agreed.
It seems to be a recurring theme where they turn their infantile whining about petty personal grievances into a righteous crusade against “authoritarianism”.
Eating broccoli = literally Hitler
Looks like there’s still no risk of America beating the obesity stereotype any time soon.
Japanese had their kids do radio calisthenics in school while they were younger (do they still do it?), you don’t see these dumbasses calling them evil commies putting on shows
When Japan does it it’s epic anime country