If you can’t pay your workers a fair wage, it is irresponsible for you to own a business.
“It seems to me to be equally plain that no business which depends for existence on paying less than living wages to its workers has any right to continue in this country. By “business” I mean the whole of commerce as well as the whole of industry; by workers I mean all workers, the white collar class as well as the men in overalls; and by living wages I mean more than a bare subsistence level-I mean the wages of decent living.”
-FDR. The average lib is to the right of a 1940s racist.
The average lib is to the right of a 1940s racist.
PREACH!!! Louder for the lurkers on the fediverse in the back. PLEASE!!!
Did someone get addicted to paying workers unlivable wages?
: “B-but, it’s cute when I’M the charity case!”
“rights” to do what, exactly? Pay a pitiful wage?
Also I’ve seen cafes do this cutting hours here and there thing, and it’s never the boon they think it is. Even if they’re barely breaking even or “losing money” during those hours, having changing, short, or unpredictable hours has ripple effects onto their busy times as well, and is usually the beginning of the end for an unsustainable business, not to mention employees having a little down-time where they aren’t completely slammed lets them catch up on background tasks and cleaning up and such. Those things have to happen eventually, so they can either happen while you’re still open and bringing in some revenue, or they can happen by keeping employees working for an hour after closing, making no revenue. Its not even good business
Edit: oh my god lmao this is a fancy restaurant not even a little cafe. Yeah I’m sure it’s really hard to make ends meet selling $20 salads and shit
$32 for a baked sweet potato (“yam gratin”)
Looking at the pictures in that menu, am I the only one thinking that the plating and presentation of those dishes is really dogshit for the price tag? And those are the ones they prepared to be photographed for the menu, the thing showing up at the table could be even worse.
No wonder they can’t turn a profit.
Complete dogshit. I thought we were over the stacking everything up ontop of the mash potatoes trend?
Sounds like their lunch menu wasn’t very good
More like “cum gratin” for the fellas
Shit looks nasty. With an outrageous price on top of it.
Yeah, constantly changing hours has put me off going to many restaurants. If a restaurant I like starts closing an hour earlier, I likely will not be able to go very often since I work pretty late. That restaurant is essentially removed from any future consideration. These are the death throes of a dying business.
I know someone that has worked at like 3 different cafes that all successively occupied the same storefront and I’m pretty sure 2 or 3 out of 3 did this type of shit right before they went bust
Uncritical support to business “geniuses” losing several thousand dollars of business to save $200
Seriously if they had 20 employees and every one was minimum their over head for a 4 hour lunch goes up $320 (a 4 top for them), this isnt examined by the ‘reporters’.
This does not make sense.
The minimum wage went up by $4 (let’s call it $8 with taxes and other shit). Looking at photos it’s a relatively small place so maybe 50 seats MAX? So that’s a front of house and kitchen staff requirement of 8. Let’s call say I’m wrong about the size and they are luxuriously overstaffed and have 20 people working.
That’s still only $160 more an hour. That was the make or break between success and failure?
Guarantee they were planning on cutting lunch a long time ago and this is their convenient excuse
They probably abuse their workers so much that they can’t get enough staff for lunch service
It frustrates me that these “journalists” just show up, and say “here’s my iPad write whatever I’ll just be down here cleaning your boot sir”
Maybe we need to regulate what can be called “newspaper”
Bruh not only did they get something like 50k but there were contractors and architects working for free. What the fuck, all you have to do is serve salmon with cream fraiche and pistachios and people bend over backwards?
Is it just me, or is it monumentaly stupid for a restaurant to close for lunch? Especially a fine dining establishment which would probably get a decent amount of business lunches and such.
Especially when lunch has a much quicker turnover because people have to get back to work. They’re making a lot of money very quickly in that 2-3 hour period
Idk, maybe they know something we don’t. When the new owners of the Cafe up the road from me in the country stopped serving dinner, I thought they were moronic.
But, they were open for like 8 years before the owner retired, and most previous owners lasted 6-12 months (those were my first jobs).
Turns out all the old guys go there for breakfast, and all the oil workers go there for lunch, but very few went for dinner.
I’m sure that’s the real reason and not just something they’re saying to get people to support them paying their workers less
Quinby, who also co-owns the Riptide in the Sunset,
hope this one goes under too Quinby you bourgeois piece of shit
You know, it’s funny. I never see them complain about high rent being a business expense. Some businesses do rent out space, so does this mean landlords should just take one for the team and lower rents? They’re crushing smaller businesses more than high minimum wages do, and at least workers are actually making the economy bigger while rent-seeking behavior inherently takes away.
But what do I know? I’m just some dumb goody two-shoes millennial.
I love that the owner is the first thing you see when you get to the website. Says everything you need to know about this guy and his business.
who is eating at this bistro, and what exactly is being eaten? am i safe to go in?
from prison break to lunch break
looking at his smile makes my face hurt
lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll’s eyes. When he comes at ya, doesn’t seem to be livin’… until he bites ya.
deleted by creator
They’ll close permanently before they cancel brunch.
A business is not a human right that others should be forced to pay for. The workers of Chadifornia are not your personal volunteers, go look for forced charity in Texas.
Job Creators are so good at running businesses
Can’t afford to pay people what isn’t even a living wage? Die then.
They deserve it for using the papyrus typeface.