I love canon and cross overs, but I’m fine with Netflix shows being their own universe. They’ve done so many multiverse shenanigans that it seems totally immaterial now whether the stuff we saw happened in the MCU world.
It happened in A world. Maybe similar stuff happened in the MCU, but not exactly the same. That’s okay.
Just focus on telling good stories. I’m less interested in canon now.
So, officially shows like Agents of Shield, the Netflix Shows, The Runaways, Inhumans, Cloak and Dagger are all canon. There are some discrepancies, but they’re meant to be canon.
I assume that everything that happens in one happens in the other, but the details might be a little off. If there is a discrepancy, what your watching takes precedence.
I read a position that I’ve adopted that everything is technically a different canon. Every movie and show. So, even though things happen in both, anything off is accounted for, like Hulk or Thunderbolt Ross looking different, the time stamp on Homecoming not matching up, the multiversal events not meshing between MCU, comics, and Sonyverse, etc.
Now that time travel, branching timelines, and wildly different variants of characters and worlds are an established part of the MCU, they really should just lean into the loose canon philosophy that Doctor Who has embraced.
That is, something is canon if it is useful to the story you are currently telling. If it contradicts that, then it is still canon, but took place in a different history that has since been altered or superceded by what’s happening now. Or it was a different timeline altogether.
Just tell good stories, and people will forgive canon slippage.
I read “It happened in A world.” in the voice of that 90’s movie trailer guy voice.
Don Lafontaine. RIP
“In a world where a thing happened…”
So the source for this all seems to be “they put them in the timeline order playlist on Disney+”.
It certainly makes them more canon than not, but I don’t think this really changes anything.
Without spoiling anything Echo makes it very clear you don’t need to have seen any of these series and if anything they want to move away from that concept.
Really it comes down to Daredevil Born Again.
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MCU “canon” as they’re in Earth-19999 or just that there is connections though it may be another universe?
ITT: people who still can’t accept that they are and always were canon.
It’s ok to be wrong. Just let it go.
The only thing that bugs me is the city skyline. Stark/Avengers Tower would have been a neat little easter egg to cg into a few background shots. They could even go back and do it now.
With the multiverse being open now anything that happened to a marvel character in another universe is canon right? I mean everything that happened in What If is canon.
Nothing in What If? has touched the MCU we’ve been following all this time. It’s still skippable. I imagine we’ll see some of the What If…? variants in Secret Wars though.
What If Season 1 connects to Multiverse of Madness in several ways. The most obvious is Captain Carter, but there are a few more subtle nods.
You don’t have to watch What If to understand the movie, but it helps.
But Captain Carter is not in the same universe we’ve been following. The one in MoM may not even be the same one from What If…? The only way that affects our MCU is that Dr. Strange knows that there’s Captain Carters out there.
I fully expect the multiverse saga to be used to pick and choose characters from other studios’ movies to keep once it’s over.
Deadpool seems to be on that track. Another could be Michael Fassbender Magneto, allowing him to keep the holocaust origin without making him super old.
Captain Carter was introduced in the What If…? animated series. Maybe it’s a different universe character, but the character didn’t exist in the comics before the show.
I think you’re 100% right that Marvel will pick and choose which characters to promote to the official MCU canon, and which will be ignored. They already decided that Coulson stayed dead as far as the movies are concerned. Any of the Netflix characters could make their debut in the new MCU. We’ve already seen Fisk and Daredevil, maybe we also get Punisher, Jessica Jones, Luke Cake, Jeri Hogarth, Foggy, a resurrected Purple Man, Nuke, Misty Knight, Colleen Wing, Madam Gao, Stick, and, um… yeah that’s it. From Sony, we could see Venom, Carnage, or Kraven show up if they can manage to make a deal with Sony. I doubt we’ll see Morbius, but maybe he gets a brief cameo in Blade?
I think picking up the DOFP XMen cast makes a lot of sense. Fassbender and McAvoy did a fine job taking on the mantle.
I suspect that this decision was made in an attempt to stem the bleeding. Marvel’s new stuff has not been consistently well-received, so they are appealing to nostalgia as they move forward with their multiverse plans.