Pigs can’t look up? Hahaha WTF? Who came up with that?
Someone that’s never seen a pig
It’s like if you asked AI to come up with a problem pigs face and it’s only ever read about pigs but never seen one.
They can’t look straight up, and then some genius heard that and morphed it to pigs can’t look up period.
Plus, it’s not like the only way to look at the stars is by pointing your nose to the sky… Eyes have movement and the stars can also be seen in the horizon.
Still, would be nice to hug a pig, with my guts. (jk…)
Edit: shit, that sounds so wrong, I meant eating the pig…
Hello Prime minister of the UK from that episode of Black Mirror
Or an actual previous prime minister in his student days
David Cameron allegedly put his penis in a dead pig’s mouth to join the Bullington Club.
No pig has ever laid on his side and looked sideways at the sky.
A pig would be damn hard to pick up too. Better do it with a young one.
They could even look at water reflections, although their very existence is at odds with such possibilities.
Pigs can look down. And pigs can lie on their back.
They can also stand on a slope
These are all awesome pig facts
Pigs can look off into the distance in front of them.
Edgar. Well not really Edgar. More like someone wearing an Edgar suit.
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In. WA-ter.
His skin was hangin’ off his bones.
He says it’s kind but no one asked the pig what he wants
You can ask. Just say “officer, can l lift you up and show you the stars”?
You bet your ass that pig gonna be kicking and screaming.
Well, probably depends how much it’s used to humans and specifically you (and assuming neither have been horribly mistreating it).
But yeah, randomly getting lifted into the air probably isn’t high on the list of favorite activities for any living being…
No different from the girls I pick up then.
Can’t pigs lie on their side and roll around though? Then they’d be able to see the stars
What would the modern human equivalent of seeing the stars for the first time be? I guess we probably wouldn’t really comprehend it even if we had the opportunity.
Seeing the stars in a properly dark area, maybe?
It really is an experience. I’m from NJ and lived in the NYC metro area for 7 years so I’ve never really seen “true” darkness.
A few years back I went out to Colorado and a few friends and I stayed in a cabin up in The Rocky Mountains. That’s true darkness. On the road up to the cabin we turned the headlights off, got out of the car and you couldn’t see your hands it was so dark. It was cloudy so we couldn’t see much, but it was still pretty awesome to see the stars that bright (when we could).
Yes absolutely. I took a trip out towards the middle of Australia and it was crazy, we don’t even have that much light pollution in our cities but the difference is still massive.
Oh yeah, definitely out there, that’s the epitome of “the middle of nowhere” haha Where we were there was a small community up on the mountain, but nothing that really affected the darkness of what we saw since it was a good mile up the road and it was just house lights.
There are probably people that have never really seen the stars and it will probbaly only get worse. It’s honestly sad.
It makes me think of the Overview Effect.
There definitely are tens of thousands, if not millions of people that have never seen a bright night sky. That’s pretty much the case for anyone that lives in or around NYC. I’d say that’s the case for anyone that lives in or around a big city.
I’m down in Miami now, which is a far cry from NYC, but it’s still pretty bright here and you can’t see much, drive about 30-45 minutes west to The Everglades and that’s a different story though.
Many astronauts say seeing the earth from space is a similar transcendent moment. Especially the Apollo astronauts who could see the entire earth at once .
This is the Overview Effect.
I’ve always been sorta jealous of people with synaesthesia. I imagine there’s probably some weird downsides but I’d love to experience it. Just, like, something dumb like what color is my favorite song, or what does 4 smell like?
My SO has some mild synesthesia, mostly just lights having a “sound”. Like, our neighbor had some really obnoxiously bright flashing christmas lights that were allegedly quite loud. He “heard” something akin to a tiny truck backing up whenever he glanced out the window at the wrong time. He almost always knows if it’s a real sound or a synesthesia “sound”, though there have been a couple of occasions when he has had to ask me if i hear stuff while watching a show or movie that warranted an epilepsy warning. Sometimes he’ll get a smell when listening music that makes him nostalgic, too, but that’s only happened once or twice.
Do lots of LSD.
If you really want to, try taking some psychedelics.
Boob gazing the very first time.
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I live in a place with very little light pollution, and I can confirm - seeing our arm of the Milky Way, stretched across the night sky, in all its glory is amazing.
I’ve taken many people out of the city to watch the Perseid meteor shower. You have to drive a few hours to get far enough away, so not always easy to convince people.
It’s always fun creating that memory when you get one that has never seen the Milky Way. It can be an eye opening experience and I highly recommend everyone do it at least once in their life.
Being able to see the full spectrum of colors that actually exist in the world. Every very rare once in a while someone is born with more cones in their eyes, which allows them to see more. The rest of us, though, will never know.
Maybe seeing wavelengths we can’t normally see, like IR and UV? Would be pretty cool.
There is so much lightpollution that neither we can watch it
The good news is that the problem is fixable, so if that’s important to you, check out: https://www.darkskysociety.org/
Thanks, I will join the dark society
Someone didnt read hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. This is how you get Krikkit pigs
I’m betting pigs could write some bomb ass poetry
Are you familiar with the Freddy the Pig series by Walter R. Brooks? Plenty of porcine poetry in those pages.
Can a copper look up tho? Maybe that’s why they are so nasty and jealous of uplookers?
Tbf, this would also explain why guards in stealth games never look up
Thor tweeted that.
Oh shit thats me
You know, I must have watched this movie dozens of times since it came out, and I have watched Discovery, and I never put this together.
Tony from Dazed and Confused?
Are you going to change your name to Daryl?
Were you the french fries and ketchup kid?
This is the most wholesome thing I’ve seen on the Internet today. This was the smile I needed.
Hello! I’m here to ruin it :) Just because it can’t look up doesn’t mean it can’t see starts in front of it at night
Dont ruin peoples days
I’m just imagining him turning up at a farm and very insistently telling the farmer that this is what he’s going to do. Even if that farm doesn’t have pigs, that’s what’s going to happen when he pulls up.
If they make Blood Meridian into movie and he’s not the Judge we riot.