Cool see ya in 2 days
What is your favorite color?
Is that a shades of grey reference?
Do you like Yerba Mate?
Never heard of that
It’s a green “herb” from South America, with an active ingredient :P
I’m giving up Catholicism for Lent
I’m giving up moderation for Lent. Woooo!
Unlike Steve Huffman, I never did moderation of jailbait, so I don’t need to give that up
Hell yeah, welcome to Lutheranism, where our motto is “sin boldy!”
I was raised Methodist. Have a casserole.
Just these two platforms in particular or part of a wider thing?
Considering dropping off social media wholesale myself.
Just these 2, but I might give up more later
We’ll miss you
What’s been the toughest sacrifice you’ve made for lent?
I don’t remember any Lent sacrifice harder than Reddit and Lemmy. I started fully practicing Catholicism again in April 2023 (best day of my life), so it’s been a long time since I did anything for Lent.
How do you like your eggs?
Multiplied for 5000 people
Classic, get a little variety with that fish and bread
How long will the break be, exactly?
What will you do meow?
I will continue contributing to Lemmy and enjoying the tears of Steve Huffman
reddit. wasn’t that a thing in the 2010’s?