Bro if that shit failed to perform then it’s on them for failing to manufacture enough. The demand was there. And it out performed the Xbox whateverthefucknow.
Wasn’t the reason they couldn’t produce more because of the semiconductor shortage?
Partly, but scalpers buying up what inventory there was for reselling was absolutely rampant as well
Yeah, but then they still sold the unit. How would that hurt their sales numbers?
it put me off buying one. I’m probably not the only one.
Scalpers were holding a lot of them and raised the prices so ppl gave up and got another console or a PC altogether. This may not be majority but definitely a singinificant difference and just 1 example for that.
Yup. Sales numbers good, but brand loyalty down which isn’t good for future sales
Bitch, you couldn’t get one for a year cause of how quickly they were flying off the shelves. The fuck you mean it didn’t sell well?
Well maybe now they aren’t flying off shelves anymore ;)
Sales are slowing down because people are expecting a PS5 Pro.
600€ is insane for hardware that’s already two generations behind. You can get a computer with better specs for 500€ and it can also do useful stuff while having cheaper games.
At 400€ I’d consider it, since I can actually hear the noise of the PS4 from the living room and through my headphones when my wife is playing it.
Not sure where you’re looking, but it costs around 430€ here in the Czech Republic
The country that’s almost as drunk, but good at hockey: Finland.
100%. I haven’t had a call in probably a year asking about PS5s.
some folks gave up and ended up with an Xbox or PC. I helped a few friends build a gaming rig and get onto Steam after they got fed up getting sniped by bots on friggin best buy lol
Well…I mean…that was mainly because of the lack of stock… well and scalpers didn’t help.
Like there was giveaways to get the opportunity to buy them… yeah sure they sold plenty but some people had to wait a long time to be able to get one and it wasn’t because people went crazy buying them alone.
But yes it sold well with that I agree. That said nobody said it didn’t sell well here so not sure where your comments comes from.
In the beginning of IGN’S post, it clearly says “after sales failed to meet expectations”, which just means it didn’t sell well.
To me it means what it says… They had some expectations and they didn’t reach it.
At the end I guess is open to interpretation, but expectations sometimes are out of reality… some times they go higher either to sell it to inversors or they simply over estimate…
I wouldn’t go as far as reading as them saying it didn’t sell well, more like they expected more…
But Ok I admit it could be considered as such…
As someone who deals with business analytics/ budgeting, “not meeting sales expectations” is a 1:1 translation to “bad sales.” Sony has R&D, manufacturing, and other “static” costs that need to be recouped with more unit sales–decent isn’t enough when you’re balancing everything around great.
(This translates to much of peak-covid -> “post”-covid business decision backlash. So much short-term thinking based on the economy being temporarily on crack with everyone at home).
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What were their expectations? PS4 sold 117M globally. PS5 is currently 54M, and it was severely supply constrained by chip shortages at the beginning of its run. If this didn’t meet expectations, then their expectations were out of wack.
I’m just doing the math, but if the ps4 sold for 200 at launch, Sony made about 23.4 billion, and if the ps5 cost 500 at launch, Sony made 27 billion. They made less sales yet still did better than with the Ps4.
PS4 was $400 at launch.
Though, tbh, it’s game sales that drive their profits. Consoles themselves are on thin to negative margins.
Technically PC is a failed platform as it failed to meet my 2 quadrillion sales to date. It will never get a PC2.
The only non-failed platform is Java, which is used by 3 billion devices.
Wasn’t windows xp PC2
Nah, PC2 was before Windows 3.0
Still holding out for PC3
My uncle works at PC so I have a PC3
Does the ps5 even have games yet?
Yeh 2 or 3 but normal people can’t afford them due to the price of fucking everything going up a lot.
In seriousness I like how the ps5 feels to play but due to slow releases unless it’s the last of us re re re master master deluxe lack of time or just not having a free 70 quid that month I buy 1 or 2 games a year.
Multiplayer games are not my thing.
I know what you mean, I’m more into division games than multipliers.
The one by Tom Clancy?
Hey eum, quick question, how Safe is this voyager app? And can I share like something quite serious but private? Or can I be traced when I say sensitive information?
What on earth are you talking about?
You’re probably safe unless you’re doing a terrorism or something.
But… Why are you asking here, of all places?
Lots! Lots of exclusive games, though?
Armored Core and Rachet and Clank.
The only reasons we have a PS5 in this house.
Both of those games are on PC
They are now. They weren’t always.
Pretty sure AC went straight to PC, R&C was only slightly delayed and isn’t as big as it used to be anyway. Everyone was playing AC on PC when it came out
Armoured core 6 launched on pc at the same time as consoles. I know because I bought it day one on it.
I’ve armoured core on pc. My pc isn’t even high spec and I can play 60fps at 1440.
That game is so well optimized
I would‘ve got one but after Sony fucked their own IP and me having to deal with their customer „support“ I‘m sticking to PC.
They are still releasing games for PS4… it will be fine.
My wife and I just bought ours last November. We aren’t getting anything else anytime soon, so good luck on selling more of the next gen.
Same here. It’s new to us and a couple months old, and it doesn’t exactly have a huge selection of PS5 optimized games suggestive of a mature platform. This wasn’t just for finances but we didn’t want to deal with the supply issues in the beginning.
Our console budget is spent for a good long time. And if they do jump to the next console quickly without properly investing in games for this one, that will undermine my trust in their future consoles.
I have such a huge backlog of games that I don’t even have an urge to buy new games anymore. I know I can eventually get them at a huge discount later anyway.
Last October here. I’ll be fine buying the PS5 version of PS6 games for the first few years.
I’m not the target demographic obviously but I used to have a PS2 and I was loosely following news, thinking of getting a PS5 during Covid but couldn’t find one. Then I just stopped thinking about it until right now.
I bet there were a lot of people like me. Sales could have been much higher.
I bought my PS5 specifically because I was tired of waiting for 2 particular games to be ported to PC. Of course, the actual catalyst was getting an extra $1000 outta nowhere cuz otherwise I wouldn’t have spent $700 for two games.
Which 2 games?
Bloodborne and Demon’s Soul remake.
Conceivably worth it.
It was the new ratchet and clank which made me really want one. Every other exclusive apart from Spiderman 2 I actually haven’t finished because I lose interest in them. And no I’m not depressed before some armchair Dr tries to explain to me like I’ve had on Reddit before.
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Maybe you’re just depressed…
I’ve been the same way with some games, I just feel like I’ve seen enough and am ready to put it down.
It’s my ADHD. I’ll play maybe about half start feeling bored and then I’ll switch to something new intending to go back and finish it except I’ll try playing it like 5 months later and have to start a new game because I’ve completely forgotten the story and the controls and what the fuck I was doing. So I stop playing again.
Still lasted longer than the vita
Despite it being less supported by Sony during it’s lifetime
Is this like “PS5 isn’t doing well, you should say your goodbyes while you can”, or “latter comes after earlier” and can mean anything?
Half way between. They want to beat Nintendo to the next hardware release, but they won’t. So probably two more years till the new stuff comes out, but 4 or 5 till it stops getting support and new releases.
There hasn’t been enough progression in hardware. It isn’t the 2000s anymore. If they release something soon, even within the next couple years, it will perform even worse than the PS5.
Also even if there was a quantum tech leap, if there even appetite for it except among gear heads and enthusiasts? It’s not like the hardware is falling apart like a cyber truck in a trail yard or anything
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3 years and a couple months.
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Huh for some reason I had 10 years stuck in my head.
Would love to see those numbers go up
I’m over here still playing on my PS3.
When I got married I inherited the first three generations. We put up some little shelves ordered by generation and all five of them still get played. PS3 included. It released with some awesome games.
I love the PS3, and I’m so happy we can emulate it now. Even rhythm games work well, which is crazy.
C-suite should have chatted with their own people in manufacturing, I reckon
Meanwhile the PS4 hasn’t even reached the former stage of it’s life cycle.
Meanwhile the Xbox SeX was dead on arrival.
Impotent you might say.