And I, as a front end developer, have to put all of those on this drop down list.
⚫ Female
⚫ Male
🔘 Gliese 436 bBut on a more serious note, if you actually need to know the user’s gender, a perfectly good set of options could be eg.
- female
- male
- other
- would rather not say
I’m a fan of “male” “female” “‘);DROP TABLE gender;—“ myself
What have things come to that we are now gendering poor little Bobby Tables?
At that point why have it in the first place?
- Male
- Female
- Other
- None
- False
- Undefined
- Null
- Nil
- [Object object]
- 🚹 (The gender formerly known as male.)
- November
- 98°
- Yes, please
[ Click here if you are a conservative and only wish to see male/female ]
In all seriousness though, this is what I did for my contact app (it’s a combobox, so you can type whatever you want in there or pick from the dropdown):
Tbh gender setting should be like a color picker for rbg
This does limit the amount of genders to 1,073,741,824 if using 30bit rbg, but I’m willing to accept that compromise until someone lists more
Ruth Bader Ginsburg only made it to 87, I don’t think you need to go up to 30 bits for that.
Ruth Bader Ginsburg is a fucking amateur (I don’t know who they are).
Then soon we will need to update the meatcolorspace to support alpha\ transparency channels.
What about a free text field or just don’t ask people about their gender?
Sometimes you have to ask for it. E.g. I work in the life insurance business and we need to know the gender for policy calculation.
Ok, but isn’t that just to make vague generalizations about someone based on their gender?
They need to know if you’re more likely to skijump into volcano or die from pregnancy to maximize profita
That is the whole insurance business. It is nothing but a bet if you look at it by a single policy. E.g. your insurance bets you’ll probably die at 70, so when you hit 71 you paid more than you get when you die. Your insurance wins. But when you die at 55 you “win” the bet. But because there isn’t just one but thousands of policies those bets aren’t bets anymore, they’re nothing but statistics. And one part is keeping track and calculating how old people born in year xy, in country … with the gender zxy are going to be.
Wouldn’t birth sex be more useful in that context than gender?
Nope. I don’t know exactly why but it seems that e.g. a trans man is more likely to die in a stupid accident like driving a motorcycle without a helmet at 200km/h and vice versa. It isn’t much of a medicine aspect and more of a lifestyle one.
Oh ok. Yeah, that makes sense.
You could have just said “Nope. Trans men are rad”
Why use many word when few do
Best to put them in an autocomplete dropdown. My gender is xerxes 1.18373772918474920102738172636634, not to be confused with xerxes 1.18373772918474920402738172636634
I think a lot of this joke refers to the Roman god Mars, and the Roman Goddess Venus, more than it does the planetary bodies. Roman and Greek mythology both have a lot of gender fuckery, so I think it’s pretty appropriate.
That bing AI thing says there’s somewhere around 65 to 70 named Roman deities, so I’m gonna make a call and say that there are probably 69 genders.
The spectrum is now divided in to precisely 69 individual genders. With men at one end and women at the other.
Assuming gender follows a normal distribution, most people are binary, falling only slightly one way or the other
I would expect “men” and “women” to be like 3σ from the center, allowing for some other genders that are even more extreme but rare
I thought it was because Venus spins in the opposite direction from most others planets.
Only one known person has encountered all of them.
Your mom.
Sex encounters.
Because she is promiscuous.
Yo mama stepped off the curb and got stuck. She’s also massive and warps space time causing light to bend around dat azz.
Her belt size is measured in AUs
Shoot, she wears a Kuiper belt
Orion’s belt was too small.
Boys are from Mars,
Girls are from Venus,
You’ve got a yumyum,
I’ve got a penis.
Found Linda.
I wonder if we could make some projections here, because based on the fact that women are from Venus and men from mars, it appears that we are gaining letters as the planet gets closer to the sun. As there is one planet (earth) between Venus and mars, we could reasonably extrapolate that the gender from earth should be called ‘omen’ - that’s simple logic. The next question is what letter to we add to find out which gender is from mercury?
At least that way we can be reasonably sure that en are from Jupiter
Actually are we going to end up with ‘minus’ letters I think we are ‘n’ are from Saturn and ‘ ‘ are from Neptune - who is from Uranus?
Obligatory shoutout to the podcast “If books could kill”.
I’ve never actually bothered to find out what that book was actually trying to claim, so I had a bit of a lol at the description of that episode:
In 1992 a yoga instructor with a distance-learning PhD had the courage to ask: “Are women not getting help around the house because they’re using the wrong modal verb?”
Toms-of-Finlandians are from Uranus.
And I pronounce it urine-US.
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