I doubt the US is trying to overthrow Netanyahu, but if they were, I’m glad of it.
He definitely shouldn’t be in charge of anything…he’s dehumanizing humans…like a country and leader did in the 1930’s.
Western leaders didn’t mind that guy in the 1930s for a good while until his dehumanizing got too carried away. After financing him, supporting him and allowing him to gain power for a good while, it then began to get too difficult to get him out of power … then things got carried away … and you know the rest.
Don’t forget IBM building the systems to efficiently catalog and murder the jews in the holocaust, and pretty much every non-jewish-owned corporation being perfectly happy empowering fascism for profit — no different to today, with most major corporations still “donating” to R’s and every other fascist or dictator globally.
Turns out capitalism doesn’t give two shits about freedom or democracy and only worships the almighty dollar…
Plus Hogo Boss made all the sexy SS uniforms and shit…so many companies are terrible.
Seems like no one cared so much about the dehumanizing (a lot of which was hidden and not fully discovered until later) and instead it was more about stopping his massive land grab.
And some idiotic folks in this country think trump isn’t marching straight into that same history…replace jew with LGBT and there you go.
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Just a distraction.
I mean the easiest way of overthrowing Netanyahu would be for the US to stop giving Israel money while he’s in power. He’d be gone by lunchtime.
If the US sanctioned Israel, the very next day the Gaza massacre woull stop and Bibi would out, and within a week probably in jail, not only because Israel’s oldest ally turning against them like that would be the stronguest possible message that they fucked-up, but also but because losing support from the US would be seen as an existential threat for Israel.
The talkie-talkie from the US Administration that’s as far as the US goes at the moment (accompanied by the very oppsite of the words in actions such as military and diplomatic support) is rightly seen as hot air produced merelly for Biden’s political convenience.
He’d be gone by lunchtime.
There’s this narrative that Israel is completely dependent on US aid and would be powerless without it, but I don’t think that’s obviously true. What military is going to meaningfully threaten them? Jordan has no interest in another giant wave of Palestinian migrants (given that the last one led to a coup attempt), nor does it have a significant military. Lebanon hardly has a genuine government. Syria is a mess. Egypt does have some legitimate power, but also has no interest in a massive war right next to them.
The only regional power capable of meaningfully threatening Israel is Iran, and Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Sunni coalition do not want massive expansion of Iranian influence.
Not to mention, Israel has already defeated all of its neighbors, simultaneously, twice. I’m fairly confident that the only thing that would actually happen if the US stopped sending aid is a bit of a dent in the Israeli economy.
My point is that I think the Israeli political establishment would rather give up Netanyahu than give up billions of dollars worth of funding and weapons from the US.
Yeah, I think you’re right. Netanyahu is still currently on trial for corruption, he’s struggled to form a governing coalition, and even though he wanted to turn 10/7 into a moment of national unity, most Israeli’s blame him for the attack. He really is not popular domestically, and losing the support of Israel’s largest international partner would probably be the final nail in his coffin. I think this narrative of the U.S., “overthrowing,” Netanyahu is his government’s attempt to spin mild U.S. criticism into foreign election interference.
They could just as easily close ranks with support for Bibi galvanizing over perceived foreign influence in their politics. Nationalism is a powerful narcotic and the US making that move could just pump it into their veins.
Israel would be gone by lunch time.
No, as a thought experiment, I think if regime change meant continued US support they’d be safe from neighbouring countries while negotiating that change.
Given the “enemy” they are bombarding lacks the capacity to retaliate at scale no real harm would come to them if they had to just stop genociding and occupying.
They would have to concentrate their resources on defence in the normal sense of the word.
Israel isn’t afraid of Hamas if US drops support, they’re afraid of Iran and several other Arabic countries. Palestine is just testing/training grounds for their military in their own eyes.
Exactly. This is why I think they’d be willing to trade in Netanyahu.
Just… stop supporting Israel? That’s it. Please. If the genocide stops and Netanyahu goes down for it, we are on a less dark timeline.
Oh, wow, Israeli Fascists spreading ever more unbelievable fables of them being the true victims.
I did NAZI that coming.
I haven’t read down the thread yet, just saw your comment. Maybe others have said something similar-
Just out of curiosity, why do you say it is a fable? It seems obvious that Netanyahu has fallen out of favor with the Biden administration and that Biden’s administration is courting the opposition. See the recent visit by the Israeli opposition leader to the US.
“Overthrow” is probably too strong, but I guarantee the US State Department and intelligence agencies are working behind the scenes to weaken Netanyahu and strengthen the opposition. There will likely be an attempt to remove Netanyahu before the US elections in November. As it is, the genocide is a noose around Biden too. If he can stop the current situation, it will help him tremendously in November.
There is zero evidence for it, only conjecture, just like your post reads as an “imagine that” or “I wish that” in all but actually using those specific words.
Sure, we can all wonder about the possibilities, and even presume that it might (based on nothing but some personal sympathy for a specific american political force) but we’re not government members and are not telling it to the Press.
Might is the domain of fantasy, a universe away from is.
The “enemy from outside” is quite the Propaganda staple of Fascists, including the Nazis, and variants of it have repeatedly been used by this Israeli administration to justify their current, Nazi-like mass murder along etnic lines, so an Israeli government member “casualy” sharing with journalists such evidence-free wonderings - stated as fact, no less - seems far too convenient and within that pattern to be a mere accident.
You did have Schumer calling for elections in Israel. Biden invited the opposition party to discussions in America against the protestations of Netanyahu.
There are a lot of mixed messages with the continued arms shipments, but it seems obvious there is some movement in the Biden administration to find a more agreeable negotiation partner. I doubt they’ll go outside of the established democratic processes, but again, I won’t be surprised if there is some pressure for Netanyahu to step down.
All the actions of the Biden Administration have been on the side of supporting to the maximum extent Israel, its Administration and its actions, with the only actions that ever so slightly deviated from that - such as the food airdrops - being so ridiculously small (solving about 1% of the problem) that they do not seem to be meant to solve the problem at all, and hence cannot be explained as motivated nu that, with the most likely explanation being that they’re for managing image to help Biden’s reelection chances, a selfish rather than selfless purpose.
Sure, the talk is often different, for the simple reason that talk is cheap and as long as what makes any real difference - actions - carries on as it is, then the talk is entirelly irrelevant and only has the informational value of showing that the Biden Administration are usual and shameless liars.
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Sure, what would you like to bet?
But to be clear, I think it will be within established democratic processes. It won’t be s coup or anything like that. For example, Schumer had called for elections. If they have the elections, it would be an attempt to remove Netanyahu.
Surprised they didn’t accuse random US politicians of secretly being hamas
not their usual strategy
Israel is not a protectorate of the US but an independent and democratic country whose citizens are the ones who choose the government
Okay cool, can we stop supplying weapons and Intel now?
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I’m all for the destruction of US hegemony but not at the expense of the people of Palestine.
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The US has its fingers in more pies than just Israel. Egypt just got a huge multibillion dollar loan from the IMF thanks to America throwing their support behind them (likely in exchange for building that nifty concentration camp in Sinai).
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The people in Arab countries are generally anti imperialism but the leadership can often to be beholden to America through (usually oil based) financial ties. Egypt’s government, for example (because it’s freshest in mind), has repeatedly tried to crack down on pro Palestine protests likely at the behest US handlers. They’re obviously not quite as heavily controlled as Israel, though one could argue that Israel has slipped the leash a bit lately, and Israel’s destruction would be a huge blow, but I don’t feel it would be the killing stroke you and I would like it to be.
They’re doing a terrible fucking job.
Take a step back, breathe, and imagine he’s a Communist. You got this.
senior Israeli official says
Bibi taking the hasbara into his own hands
On one hand the USA does this all the time (cough Imran Khan cough)
On the other hand, they like having Israel, just none of the accusations of genocide that might ruin poor Biden’s election campaign
Knowing what happened to USS Liberty, I seriously doubt they’re trying to overthrow Netanyahu. Probably trying to bribe him or other members to cool off so the news goes away for a bit.
On one hand the USA does this all the time (cough Imran Khan cough)
Mainly to leftist governments though, and Bibi’s a right-wing extremist. He’s the sort of person the US usually installs, which is why there’s no way in hell they’d try to overthrow him
Well they aren’t exactly being an allied nation right now. So other than giving them to the wolves, if the Israeli people want the US as an Allie, they need to decide between peace and genocide.
Sorry but the US isn’t exactly the pacifist and/or peacekeeping nation, you think they are. Not to mention that they are trying to spy on their own allies, tap their phones, install backdoors in network equipment, persecute whistle blowers, etc., meddle with other countries internal affairs, trying to stifle the competition of other countries economics and what not. And now supporting full blown genocide and sending arms to Israel. And believe me a lot of people in the US were very happy when the UK left the EU.
So they are just a tad better than Russia in my books and I wonder what the world would be like without countries like the US, Russia, China.
This would be less believable if we didn’t do it so goddamn often.
Ok how does that stop far-right Zionists? Will there be a crackdown on fascists? No? They’ll come back into power soon because Israel is a racist colonial ethnostate.
If you’re under the impression that Israelis universally support Netanyahu, I have a feeling you’ve never actually talked to any.