Wasn’t there some story in some old book about a big powerful imposing dude at the head of an invading army losing to a guy hitting him with a rock or something? I wonder if something like that is relevant here.
Pyrrhus, king of Epirus : “While he was fighting an Argive soldier, the soldier’s old mother, who was watching from a rooftop, threw a tile which knocked him from his horse and broke part of his spine, paralyzing him. Whether he was alive or not after the blow is unknown, but his death was assured when a Macedonian soldier named Zopyrus, though frightened by the look on the face of the unconscious king, hesitantly and ineptly beheaded his motionless body.”
Source : Wikipedia
hesitantly and ineptly beheaded his motionless body
I love when Wikipedia and others add these weasel words in to colour the situation
Oh no, this peasant was able to kill a noble? He must have been shidding and farting and crying, ineptly beheading the king
Like fuck off, the king got owned. Did his head come off? Then it wasn’t a fucking inept beheading was it
rare wikipedia W actually, that’s a reasonable summary of the source:
is a case where i question why they’d bother rendering it in their own words instead of simply relaying the quote but i’m sure its some encyclopedia style guidance bullshit
Alright fair enough, they get a pass this time
Uncommon W for a soldier, we thank him for his service
It’s also actually pretty hard to behead a human, especially a strong man like Pyrrhus was. Experienced executioner Sanson even wrote entire essay about partially that when he was arguing France should adopt guillotine, and i would assume it was even harder in condition of urban battle than in scenes of execution (though the weapon used was most likely machaira typically used by Greek soldiers back in the day, and it was heavy sword for cutting so it helped).
David and Goliath
Nah, that doesn’t sound quite right. I think that was the claymotion show with the dog.
No no that’s Wallace and Gromit. I think he’s referring to the show with the annoying scientist and his grandson flying around in a spaceship doing absurd shit.
The scientist was the grandson and it was called Futurama
Goliath issued a challenge to the Israelites, daring them to send forth a champion to engage him in single combat; he was ultimately defeated by the young shepherd David, employing a sling and stone as a weapon.
Yeah, I was doing a very annoying bit, I was talking about that but being very facetious about it.
I liked the bit
Heh, some kid threw a rock at me when I was like 7 and hit me in the head. I didn’t die though. Skill issue by the sounds of things.
skull issue
rip to the idf but you’re built different.
It’s all fun and games for the colonists until shit gets biblical.
“Dudes rock”
ALso… holy fuck a 21 year old SFC? When did he enlist 15?
nah their rank system is just real fast for reasons nobody bothers to explain
The IDF run with triple XP bonuses on at all times.
“Battle passes, fucking pay to win noobs”
If you look at the list of IOF casualties they’re mostly like Lt. Generals and then it will list their age as maybe 25-26.
The IOF promotion system rewards time served, so SFC is literally the lowest rank you can have if you sign on after your conscription period.
hehe… the lowest rank is Sergeant… the IOF just did away with the “enlisted” ranks altogether. (eyah, yeah… i can see the wiki page you linked. I’m still going to like my own joke even if its bad)
i wonder if that’s actually how he died or if they’re just trying to excuse the next time
murders children
This was my very first thought. My second was the ancient story of David and Goliath, which bears many uncanny resemblances
I’d wager it was more than just a thrown rock, there was an iconic picture of a sling-wielding Palestinian in the Great March of Return.
something something five smooth stones
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army says… was wearing helmet
Palestinians have developed armor piercing sling technology.
David and Goliath
something something their history are doomed to repeat it
more like domed lmao
I really want there to be a joke about “Iron Domed” but I can’t think of anything… :sad:
What happens when settlers cut off access to al-Aqsa?
They get Domed with a Rock.
I don’t think you need to pierce anything to fuck someone up with a rock. People get concussions while wearing helmets, this is just more extreme.
Medieval fighters used maces against armour. I’m not sure how well a combat helmet works as a hard hat against thrown debris (since they’re designed for bullets/shrapnel rather than blunt force trauma), but I think getting concussed enough to die is possible. Or maybe his neck got broken, idk.
yeah i don’t care what helmet i’m wearing, i’d still rather not get hit in the head with a sling stone or a big rock dropped from above or something, it’s still going to be a bad day at best
Big rock, broken neck?
Hell yeah
Why isn’t this an emoji
Dāwūd and Goliath
I remember an interesting video by an ex-IDF, pro-Palestinian resistance Israeli who said they have murals of David taking on Goliath, and when he served in Gaza, he saw a very powerful mural of a child throwing a rock at a tank, a similar image to an important story he grew up with.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
If this guy was wearing a helmet, the rock would’ve had to collide with his face to kill him, and that’s a very funny consideration.
All the western military analysts talking about their wunderwaffen harderware seem to forget that no matter what we do, we’re still humans, we can die to a rock hitting our head, let alone an “outdated soviet rocket”
“The flying bullet down the pass, [it] whistles clear: ‘All flesh is grass’.”
“And so his ass was grass”…
A scrimmage in an urban ruin,
A raid on homes without a knock,
Four years of training oh-so-fluent
Drop to a large projectile rock.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
North Sentinelese archery stays winning
also lol nice fucking helmet loser
Dude went all in on the idea that surely this time the Palestinians were going to choose paper. He built himself to counter paper in every way possible. If the Palestinians had attacked him with paper he would have been so prepared. And then they chose rock. Again.
Bury him upside down in the piss ditch