Jon Settlerman says unlimited genocide on Palestinian children
Honestly unsettling as a concept. “Foreign country, regardless of any atrocity, has my unconditional support”.
Puerto Rico wishes it had the unconditional support of the US.
it’s actually stunning how he’s not just a zionist, he’s made hating arabs his shtick. like, not even pretending to be a working class guy any more, he’s all in on paying millions to arms manufacturers so we can turn people who have not had a full meal in weeks into piles of gore. the second stroke better hurt a lot.
I was just thinking if residual Islamophobia actually helped him win against Mehmet Oz, and he just decided to supercharge it.
Theres an alternate universe where dr oz won the senate race and the only muslim in the senate is simping for israel. It literally makes zero material difference who won that election, maybe oz would have offered some token gesture of concern for the people of palestine, it would mean nothing of course.
maybe oz would have offered some token gesture of concern for the people of palestine, it would mean nothing of course.
We call this the Erdogan.
I despise Fettermen simply because he crushed my theory that always voting for the largest candidate is the best strategy.
We elected the largest adult son we had and it still couldn’t save this nation
your theory is still alive if you subscribe to my theory that he’s actually three shorter people standing on top of each other in an oversized hoodie
What a giant fucking gremlin
Hot Couch Senator
Sen. John Fetterman dead on leather couch;, no foul play suspected
Senator John Fetterman was discovered to be deceased yesterday, when his Uber butler sought to wake him for the latest ceasefire vote.
Authorities stated that the positioning of the noose as well as the senator’s hands and genitals lead them to conclude that his death was the result of a fatal accident.
“Whether you call it asphyxibation or choking-while-choking, it’s a risky practice to engage in with a partner but quite deadly to experience alone,” said the Pennsylvania Director of Health.
"If oxygen deprivation is a crucial part of your orgasmic experience, please take the time to research best and safest practices.
“Our hardworking first responders don’t deserve to have to look at your corpse bearing handfulls of genitalia, senator or not.”
I didn’t expect the image of him pleasuring himself to be so frightening
I’m ootl on the hot couch thing, what’s it about?
Gave that a listen, my cousin is this. Good fun
Yeah, I also have a cousin I haven’t spoken to outside of his birthday last year since we were kids, and I’m pretty sure this is him too.
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
Listen to Chapo Trap House
[He] even sought to attend a private Republican lunch on Capitol Hill to hear Netanyahu speak via video.
If the democrats manage to keep the senate 50-50 - Fetterman is the kind of person who could switch parties just to be a gigantic lying asshole and he’d claim he did it “out of principle”.
“Since the Radical Left took over the democrats I had no choice but to switch parties.”
deleted by creator
Unlimited strokes for this genocide lover.
Is it too late for him to run as the 99.5% Hitler spoiler candidate?
I’m honestly trying to remember a more Fascist candidate for president than either current one and I’m not sure andrew Jackson or Alexander Hamilton cross the bar and they ran on doing genocides.
Andrew Jackson committed genocide on the native population, so I guess it’s the timeless question of ‘What’s more important, domestic or foreign policy’
Deeply unsettling how someone can be this genocidal.
He’s the next fall guy for when Democrats pivot on Israel, so they have an excuse to continue doing nothing.
John Redditman
Honestly hope countries put out arrest warrants for Americans and others complicit in the genocide.
oh, is it time for exactly one democratic senator to block the government from doing public will again?
This is such a baffling position to me. Like how do you arrive at “no matter how many people from various walks of life they kill, this other country will always have my unconditional support to do whatever they want” as your view? I can sort of understand the “I will never apologize for the United States, no matter what the facts are” jingoist position even if I think it’s monstrous, but this is even crazier. If my mother was just openly murdering Innocent people she wouldn’t have my unconditional support. What the fuck has
done to justify this in his head? It’s insane.
The Law of Equal Exchange states: if a Democrat moves to the left, another Democrat must shift to the right to compensate for the imbalance.
Everything is going according to Dark Brandon’s Law of Nothing Will Fundamentally Change. Do not violate that if you want to keep the universe in balance.
That’s literally it
Money from AIPAC. That’s it.