“The communist states are getting earthquakes. Look at California. You can’t have more earthquakes than California. You want to figure out why?”
Californian here, the answer is “plate tectonics”, and “fault lines”.
Source: I graduated the third grade.
You can’t blame Rudy, he has a fault line running right through his brain.
Also the former mayor of NYC is calling New York communist? That’s hilarious.
Communism is when liberals
Oh the communists hate “liberals” too. It’s a big old scramble for authoritarianism at both ends of that old horseshoe.
I think it was from that fault line that dark goo was running.
Nah, he was just on the phone with Mr. Shadow.
I still blame him, because it’s his fault
That’s what the hammer and sickle represent, clearly.
Til that third grade is communist! 😱
Ah yes, NYC and Wallstreet. The bastion of communism.
Yeah, and witches cursed my pants to not fit anymore. NOT all the non-stop sitting and snacking. Definitely witches.
A witch turned me into a newt.
A newt?!
…I got better
He got better.
We thought you was a toad.
You gotta be mentally defective to be a republican.
Not true! Some of them are corrupt predators, too.
I really just wonder how easy it would be, psychologically, to start a Red-Blooded for Jesus organization, rake in profits under a non-profit tag, then “have to close because of the economy” and retire.
I’m on board. We make some up some bs but close enough Biblical quotes and bad AI images, put them on t-shirts and flags, charge too much. Couple that with a poorly produced podcast. Tell them that we “support” (in really vague terms) a variety of groups (that we have made up) and infer that monthly subscriptions will help stop communism and wokeness - again couched in vague terms.
Of course, it’s a for-profit corporation. Jesus specifically said that getting a high ROI is divine.
Depends on which tier of republican you’re referring to. People like Trump and Giuliani are defective in the sense that they’ll happily lie through their teeth for personal gain without that pesky conscience getting in the way.
The voting base is defective in that they have no critical thinking skills to see through these obvious lies.
Were the Publicans any better?
Different priorities. If your goal is to see your stock portfolio go up and ignore everything else, voting republican makes sense because that’s their goal too.
Not saying it’s right but that’s what it is.
Look up market valuation by prez and see that Dems do way better.
Usually republicans make things go up for a while, then they pass a bunch of stupid shit, destabilize the economy and cause a crash for democrats to clean up.
It’s more about control of congress than anything else, the president doesn’t have a huge impact on stock prices on the whole
If you are comparing the orange traitor to Brandon (not sure that’s what you’re intimating), consider both data points at the same time in their presidential trajectories.
Communist means whatever they want it to mean.
Communism is when you… Wait okay let me start over. If someone else is doing something and… Hold on. So you know how theres capitalism and then there’s… Please don’t do a communism.
Your words were all spelled correctly. Try again? :-P
AND not PROPERLY capitolized for maximum IMPACT
Capitalized. They can’t capitol for shit.
Did they wear out ‘woke’?
It means any place where total oligarchy is resisted in any way whatsoever.
It sounds like a stupid comment to rally the hogs, but in reality these types of things are a mask-off moment.
“We hate it when people attempt to better their lives because it threatens our wealth”
EDIT: I mean yes, it’s all those other things too. America’s Mayor would, be definition, have to be a dumbass bootlicking yes man who swindles for votes AND also be a fascist culture-warring capital defender.
Just like WoKE, CriTiCaL RACE ThEoRy, and AnTiFA
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Look at California. You can’t have more earthquakes than California. You want to figure out why?"
I think they’re called fault lines. This is on the level of “tides go in, tides go out, you can’t explain that!” Followed by an “are you fucking kidding?” face
There was a Republican politician that said something along the lines that God was punishing states because they allowed gays. And then his state got hammered in the ass by another storm.
He didn’t walk back his statement.
These people just want to blame everything bad on their enemies.
Years ago Rick Perry also demanded that Texans pray for rain and god responded by setting the entire state on fire shortly after.
And all the smoke particles made it rain?
And yet I am the asshole when I point out what belief in skydaddy will cause.
Wasn’t there one that had his house blown away?
You also graduated third grade! There must be dozens of us in America!!
Sadly, none of us have been elected to office.
Too smart to get into that hassle.
Nah it’s god, and when it’s lightning god angy. And rain is god sad. And alligators our ornery because they got all them teeth but no toothbrush.
Dont forget the Angels bowling leauge night.
If my toothbrush was made of meat but I couldn’t eat it, I’d be angry too.
Mama’s wrong again!
It’s a cult thing. You believe ridiculous shit that wouldn’t fool a child as a way of proving your faith. The more ridiculous, the more faithful you are.
Did this guy ever pay the $140+ million dollar defamation lawsuit?
Do you even need to ask? I mean to know, not to remind us it exists?
If only there were Communist US states.
Why the fuck is this guy on the streets and not in jail
Pretty sure Jesus would be a commie if he was alive
Pretty sure he was, if he was a real dude; just didn’t have the word. Was just called ‘not being a dick’ back then.
It was “being an enemy of the establishment”; call it what thou wilt.
They called it that too, but they still call it that.
Excuse me sir, would you like 2000 of something?
I… Really wish I had been doing that on purpose.
you were touched by the hand of Mitch
Jesus is very much alive, thank you. And he said, ask and you will receive.
2000 years of any day now.
So is the Allfather, and he said I should dropkick proselytizing little bitches.
And he said, ask and you will receive.
What’s the con?
And which landscaping company’s storage yard did he announce this from?
That is still one of the most surreal moments to come out of that whole mess.
I just don’t understand how it was allowed to play out. At some point, someone had to decide that going ahead with it was more important than waiting a day and finding a suitable location.
For the life of me I can’t remember what the press conference was about, only the screw up.
I love how this dried up old dipshit had it made in the shade after 911 but these maga dumbasses can’t let their little glue sniffing brains feel like the spotlight isn’t on them anymore. The world will be a better place once this idiot is behind bars or dead…or both.
Well by this logic, hurricanes and tornadoes must be targeting republican states. What’s the message being sent there? 🤔 At least you can somewhat design and build architecture against earthquakes…
I’ve noticed that people from tornado states are most afraid of earthquakes. Makes me think they believe that an earthquake is scarier than a tornado. The amount of fear I see suggests that tornado’s must be terrifying to live through.
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Earthquakes are mostly nonevents but tornados are devastating to whatever they hit.
I agree, but I guess it has to do with their relative unpredictability (as far as I understand). Hurricanes you can prepare for days in advance. And at least tornado’s you can ‘see them coming’ to the point where if you’re unlucky you might lose your house, but not your life. Not sure how the numbers back that up (or if they can even be compared), but emotionally that feels like the answer.
Funnily enough, looking at the stats for the US from 2020 onwards to now (averaged to annual data), 272 deaths per year were caused by Storms, 63 by extreme temperatures, 56 by wildfires, and only 0.5 (so in the last 4 years only about 2 people) by earthquakes. source
So statistically, they should be more afraid of hurricanes and tornadoes (But to be fair, the odds of dying to these are extremely low to begin with, car accidents are probably far more common)
Giuliani? The Russian asset? Communism?
Weird timeline.