Pets. They don’t understand capitalism. They just want to be your friend.
Depends on the pet.
Our single brain celled orange asshole may disagree.
Donald Trump is your pet?
(ba dum tss)
You guys don’t lecture your dogs on economics?
My cat lectures me.
Disassociation mostly.
Yeah i used to take a fuck ton of edibles right before work.
Waiting for the “I still do, but I used to, too!”
I do that right when I get home from work.
Find ways to enjoy life that don’t involve spending money. Libraries, little free libraries, enjoying nature, writing, minimalism, meditation, stoicism. Be vigilant and resist spending money, see it as giving the finger to the corporate overlords. Make an effort to get off the hedonic treadmill.
Mostly by ignoring all the tankie instances on Lemmy.
Just gotta wait for the weekend, just gotta make it through the week, just gotta make it to the weekend…
We’re in the bad place, the only way to not go insane or cry constantly in heartache is extensive use of compartmentalization. That is, you have to selectively and temporarily ignore certain things at times so that you can continue to function. Then later, make time to consider those things you had to set aside.
Yeah that last step is crucial, otherwise you’ll find yourself dwelling on those thoughts on loop anytime you’re not busy.
Using the very products of capitalism to escape (ie playing video games and mentally checking the fuck out)
while capital is currently ruining games I don’t see them as inherently products of capitalism. We have always played games and dice made under feudalism are not inherently feudal.
Video games are art my dude.
And like all things, capitalism has captured it and does its best to ruin it for profit
Literally a tool of capitalism
From the article:
As it turns out, what we consider a “coffee break” in the United States is actually explicitly tied to a 1955 court case, the United States vs. Phil Greinetz of Los Wigwam Weavers.
Greinetz owned the Denver tie factory Los Wigwam Weavers and, after World War II, struggled to find staff up for the surprisingly arduous task of tie making. To encourage productivity, he introduced mandatory coffee breaks so that workers would have the energy to make it through their shifts fully alert. One problem, though. Like bad bosses throughout history, Greinetz didn’t want to pay his employees for the time he demanded they spend drinking coffee. Eventually, the U.S. Department of Labor became involved, with the court ultimately deciding, in a rare win for the working person, that employers had to cover coffee breaks since the business was positively affected by employees being jacked up on caffeine.
Not if you drink 6 shots of espresso to experience that coffee high during work
Haha. That’d kill me. I’ve never been a coffee drinker. No hate on coffee, I’ve just never enjoyed it.
Edit: stupid autocorrect
Now that’s a solid tip if ever I saw one.
just the tip ;)
What part of capitalism is exhausting you specifically?
gestures broadly at everything
Take a break from social media and the 24 hour news cycle. Join a political action group if you feel the need, being with like-minded folks can help and you might make a difference. But otherwise sitting home and obsessing over everything that’s wrong with the world will just drive you nuts.
Given your past posts have you considered just sitting out politics?
Like you obviously have opinions but maybe consider that they don’t have enough facts to justify further action…
Maybe think about everything you so broadly gesture at and consider your role (or absence of role) before posting yet more comments. Or just hand wave some more…
I’d rather think of ways to defeat capitalism.
Right, you’re moronically espousing shit while never achieving it… thank you. Good job!
Maybe move to somewhere not capitalist then?
Looooool and where in the fuck would that be exactly
IDK, every other tankie here gets wet mentioning Russia or China, so there are two options already…
Yeah you cant just move to Russia or China and just be a citizen. I don’t know what kind of fucking weird fantasy world you’re living in. I’m pretty sure China and Russia also have capitalism too so I still don’t hear anything fucking useful from you.
For real. Like why even ask.
For me, it’s the massive medical debt that only seems to get bigger. The cost of living inching higher and higher, while wages remain mostly stagnant. The expectation to provide for others at the expense of time, stress and my own health. It’s not a good time to have a family with needs.
Combination of picturing what could be better and staring into the distance and slowly developing into a “hand of death clutching at your heart” panic attack
That and D&D
Most people self medicate.
I was going to say drugs are pretty nice. Exercise too, but also drugs.
Prioritize. What’s important to you? Put that first.
Personally, I would LOVE to travel. I don’t have that option because my wife works a gig where she can’t get time off.
So the idea of taking a week and going to Hawaii or Vegas, or New Orleans? Not going to happen.
So I take the money I would spend on stuff like that and invest it locally in making our lives better.
Bought a house in 2021, got out from under $1,800/mo. rent. Traded it for a $2,000/mo. mortgage, but you know what? I looked up our old place… $2,300/mo. now. House across the street is a rental, $2,600/mo.
As time goes on, our mortgage is going to get cheaper and cheaper.
Owning a house means more projects. Some of the plumbing needed to be re-done, the electrical panel needed an upgrade from 100A to 200A, the roof was 20 years old with a 20 year lifespan, swapped for a 50 year roof that will outlive me, the house has a 3rd patio which couldn’t be used because there was no cover, so we added a retractible awning, solar panels, just got a hot tub.
And, yeah, consumer capitalism, but these are infrastructure investments that improve our lives and add value.
Watch out this is Lemmy, people want to just blindly complain about capitalism, and seeing someone succeeding will make them angry.
They can get angry all they want, my spine health deserves a hot tub and the hourly rental shop was $70 before it shut down for covid. :(
At $70 a pop, this tub will have paid for itself after 194 sessions. 2 times a week for 2 years?
Yeah seems reasonable to me, although I consider the environmental impact more than financial.
Well this is true, fortunately we have solar panels so the electrical costs will be minimal.
The big potential environmental damage is going to come from draining and re-filling the tub every 3 months, and to be honest, I don’t know the impact of dumping 380 gallons of hot tub water.
Basically zero impact from draining into a sanitary sewer or spreading on a lawn.
That’s great! Living the good life while being considerate
if something is important to you and you don’t do it then it wasn’t really that important to you.
most people don’t understand that the dream is often more important than the reality of the thing.
$2,000/month mortgage? Houses in the hood in the LA area here are going for $800k+
OP is saying that you should find a project and a way to better your life, not that you must follow their exact path
Portland is getting expensive too, we got super lucky on a 3 bedroom, 1 bath for $390 in 2021. 3.25% 30 year fixed.
Be successful and be responsible for my own happiness
Hmm. Hobbies? Something that isn’t part of the daily grind? Maybe take part in the capitalism for a while, save some money to move somewhere else? I heard there isn’t much at least in the USA in between ultra capitalism and a cabin in the woods. But there might be somewhere else… Maybe a nice hacienda in Andalusia?
Aggressive mediocrity, malicious compliance.