Share your shave of the day!
- Prep: warm water
- Razor: RazoRock Hawk V2
- Blade: KAI Captain Protouch MG
- Brush: RazoRock Beehive 28 mm
- Lather: Barrister and Mann - Le Grand Chypre
- Post Shave: Thayer’s Cucumber facial spray; moisturizer
1-pass plus head SOTN.
Currently the weather puts a lot of additional stress on my skin, as if the normal stress I’ve got every day isn’t enough. Using some skin food like a B+M soap helps to minimize irritation. LGC will always be Cola scented soap to me though 🤔
My mood isn’t the best atm either, but at least I’ve got a few people to talk to. Things should calm down soon.
Meanwhile here’s a song I can really relate to.
Tuesday, April 23, 2024: Sheep Tuesday
- Preshave: Proraso Green Preshave
- Brush: Semogue C3 Galahad Horse 🐎
- Razor: GEM MMOC
- Blade: Personna GEM PTFE (3)
- Lather: Stirling Electric Sheep 🐑
- Postshave: Naissance 702 Witch Hazel
- Postshave: Stirling Electric Sheep Aftershave
- Postshave: Nivea After Shave Balm
Tired. But good shave.
New Tabac, New Luck
- Brush: Dogwood Handcrafts Tabak Oridjinal, now with 28 mm Gelousy knot
- Razor: Zwilling J. A. Henckels Friodur 14 (8/8", extra hollow ground, stainless steel)
- Lather: Mäurer & Wirtz Tabac Original 2021 vegan formulation
- Aftershave: Mäurer & Wirtz Tabac Original
- Fragrance: Mäurer & Wirtz Tabac Original
The Tabac is dead, long live the Tabac. I stuck a puck of 2021 formulation vegan Tabac into the empty Stank Tank® and was taken aback by how heavy it feels now. These Tabac puck are bigger than I remembered.
Vegan Tabac is pretty similar to the tallow version, just a little bubblier, and either thirstier, or easier to load because it took me a longer than usual time to hydrate the lather. Well, some dialling in becoming necessary when switching bases was to be expected.
If the last puck can be used to predict the future, it’ll take me about 15 months to finish this and try a puck of the 2024 formulation vegan Tabac.
They updated the vegan recipe already?
Yes, some ingredients have been banned in the EU:
There were also other soaps touched by this. Maybe The Fat? I forget
some ingredients have been banned in the EU
You could make freedom Tabac
If only we didn’t automatically enforce EU rules😅
April 23, 2024
Brush: Zenith r/Wetshaving 31mm x 57mm Moar Boar
Lather: Mäurer and Wirtz - Tabac - Soap
Toner: Thayers - Lavender - Toner
Aftershave: Mäurer & Wirtz - Tabac - Aftershave
Fragrance: Mäurer & Wirtz - Tabac - Eau de Toilette
Talc: Pinaud Clubman Finest Powder
2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.
Back home again and got in a late shave. It is amazing how much stuff piles up when you’re away; even for a few days. Anyway, Tabac cannot be denied. Terrific stuff! ( if you like this sort of thing :) )
April 23, 2024
- Brush: Maggard 24mm Synthetic
- Razor: Blackland Era - Level 3 SB
- Blade: Gillette Perma-Sharp (1)
- Lather: Stirling Soap Co. - Varen - Soap
- Post Shave: Stirling Soap Co. - Varen - Aftershave
- Fragrance: Stirling Soap Co. - Varen - EdT
Great shave. Now that my soap collection is in the low 30’s (as opposed to almost 50 at one point), I’m toying with the idea of loading less soap. Don’t worry, I’m still a hate-loader at heart, but I’m finding myself open to trying new things.
Today, I went at the soap with a slighter wetter brush than normal, and didn’t load for very long. I still got plenty of good lather, so there you go. With a boar or badger I might have needed to load more, but with a synthetic this method worked, as much as I hate to admit it.
- Brush: Muninn Woodworks w/ TNS 28mm M7 Fan
- Razor: Ralf Aust 6/8, Full Hollow Square Point
- Lather: Wholly Kaw - Cedrati
- Post Shave: Wholly Kaw - Cedrati Aftershave Splash
Close and comfortable shave, no nicks or irritation.