70 years of PRI Rule:
6 years of literally admitted in the headline limited success from a party that formed in 2012:
Ms. O’Grady received a bachelor’s degree in English from Assumption College and an M.B.A. in financial management from Pace University
Big surprise the WSJ opinion writer on the Americas is unaware of the perfect dictatorship
Before her work for The Wall Street Journal (WSJ), she was an options strategist for Advest, Thomson McKinnon Securities then Merrill Lynch, where she worked for 10 years.
Wonder if that could have any bearing on her thoughts.
She is also editor of “The Americas,” a weekly column that appears every Monday and deals with politics, economics and business in Latin America and Canada while also serving as a member of the board of directors at Liberty Fund.
She is well known for her positions regarding classical liberalism, her frontal rejection of leftist governments in the Americas and for being in favor of the legalization of drug trafficking
She has been characterized by her strong position against progressive governments
By “classical liberalism” I suppose she means victorian imperialism.
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I failed my final exam there because I cited my sources 🫤
Mexico only had one party hold the office of president from 1928 until 2000.
I wonder if the WSJ wrote hand-wringing articles about one-party rule at any point during those 72 years.
PRI rulling for 70 years = Democracy
Morena rulling for 6 years = Dictatorship
democracy is when you swap between two parties that are essentially identical every 4 years because the candidates are increasingly incompetent and senile
Mexico elects the same party in two elections: One party state, dictatorship, evil empire. USA: Elects a father then his son. Nearly elects a former president’s wife. Regularly elects the same party back to back: Freest land on Earth.
When one party wins two consecutive elections, that’s one party rule.
Morena made a dictator in the cupboard and the dictator looked at me
I thought that was a ghoul name if I ever heard one and sure enough, she’s on the board of the libertarian organization Liberty Fund and damn, just look at her NATOpedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_O’Grady
What’s the deal with this woman? British media is presenting her as a rejection of both the left and the right and seems to support her.
Speak to me like I know very little about Mexico.
She is a socdem, she has some green policies, she has an ok view on gaza war, i wouldnt call her a feminist, i think she is ok on LGBT+ rights, and since she is a founder of Morena she shares most of the ideas from it
Sounds alright
“Contrary to other parties of the left, MORENA has not sought to reduce inequality by increasing taxes on the wealthy. Instead, the party has focused on reducing the pay gap between lower-level employees and high-level government workers salaries, such as politicians and judges through austerity measures. The party announced support for a plan by López Obrador to cut salaries of higher-ranking public officials (including the President), lay off up to 70 percent of non-unionized federal workers, and reduce spending by cracking down on corruption and tax fraud. As Article 94 of the Mexican Constitution prohibits reducing the salary of judges at any time during their appointment in order to maintain judicial independence, judges on the Supreme Court took a 25% pay cut starting in 2019.”
So… Why are British media into her?
Instinctually I get pretty sus about things British media are promoting. Twice now I’ve heard them talk about how she’s jewish and I can’t help but wonder if that’s related to ongoing events in Israel. Does she have a position on Palestine? British media does not mention anyone being Jewish unless it’s related to Israel usually.
She has call for a ceasefire but in a “both sides” sort of way, the gov ask last week to join south africa case against israel so i think she will continue that policy.
Weird. Maybe not that then. I don’t know what the fuck is going on with our media clearly being supportive of her but we’ll see I guess. They don’t act like they support people without a reason… I just don’t haven’t worked out what that reason is yet.
Hmm…Maybe it’s that trick they tried with Chávez that failed spectacularly, the first time he was elected. The Western press will try to sweet talk you into joining their club, a wink and a nudge, talk well about you to try and buy you. They will invite you to fancy dinners and conferences, they will smile at you and try to smooth you into accepting that this is the way things are, we run the show, and you can make bank if you just play along. At the same time, some more mainstream opposition to you, will continue to bash you, to attack you, trying to dig up dirt on you, to deface your character, to lower your standing.
The right plays both sides in a baseball game. They bat with bases loaded, but they also pitch. You know how ‘‘non-falsifiable orthodoxy’’ works, where they can turn any data against you, right? That’s one aspect of it, but the other is more important. The point is to manage the narrative. How would I do that if I wanted ‘‘full spectrum dominance’’ of the narrative? Easy. I will extend some laurels to you, while at the same time talk shit about you. That way, whether you cede to me or not, I ‘‘win’’, because I was ‘‘right’’ about you being part of the team, and I was also ‘‘right’’ about you not playing along. That way the narrative is maintained.
I would venture a guess that this is the game they’re playing.
I’m not very good at explaining but she seems pretty based. Her predecessor from the MORENA party has raised the minimum wage and worked on social projects. I highly recommend the episode on this election from the podcast “Getting to the Root of It, with Venus Roots” for a overview of the current situation and some info about her predecessor.
Venus Roots
The United States is also a one-party state but, with typical American extravagance, they have two of them.
-Julius Nyerere
Zapatistas are now the official state party, I don’t make the rules
I wish.
Mary Anastasia O’Grady
What are the odds of an amerikkkan “intervention” in Mexico? Or will they manage to restrain themselves to focus on China?
The past few years makes me think they won’t be able to contain themselves, especially with a worsening climate crisis and climate refugees trying to make their way north.
so long as nafta and other agreements remain unchanged no chance i think
With that behavior like that…
Let’s say theoretically someone be funny and make a plan where Mexico bleeds U.S.A, like how Afghanistan bled the U.S.S.R?
Of course, this is a last resort option, if all else plans goes to shit
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Remember a Mexican on Reddit defending Taiwan and laughing when I said Mexico throughout most of the 20th century was a one party state. Probably a Mexican-American fed with how quickly he deleted his account after a few more callouts.
Yup MORENA is the Mexican branch of the Japanese LDP that’s right.
Nice to see the deep state is already concocting different ways to kill this woman. Frankly, I’m surprised someone hasn’t taken a shot at AMLO yet.