if you’re referring to the specific thing about Asians (and Russians in particular) having some inherent desire for authoritarian figures, I have personally seen this idea in the book Everything Flows by Vasily Grossman.
I actually kinda liked Everything Flows, the first half at least. The second half descends very quickly into incoherent anti-Russian/Soviet rants but the vignette about the Old Bolshevik being sent to the labor camp was very moving.
That one is a lot shorter so maybe I’ll give it a shot when I’m in a forgiving mood or want to add to my unwritten essay about how annoying it is that only “dissident” literature gets translated.
Okay, so what about the comment do you take issue with? Do you not believe it is a widely-disseminated idea in the west that Russians & Asians are inherently predisposed toward authoritarianism?
are you going to keep doing the posturing “heh… you really believe that?” thing without any followup or are you going to admit your understanding is a rickety piece of shit that would fall over if somebody breathed on it?
if you’re referring to the specific thing about Asians (and Russians in particular) having some inherent desire for authoritarian figures, I have personally seen this idea in the book Everything Flows by Vasily Grossman.
Is this a good enough reply? Why not engage with that part of their comment?
Like you’ve never heard a harebrained pundit draw a line through the tsars, the evil Soviets, and Putin to conclude “these people simply can not know our enlightened values”
Are you intentionally being obtuse to avoid having to debate us? I made another comment with a specific example of what we’re talking about, go respond to that.
Also you opened with calling us “delusional” and not making any real argument. So it’s weird you expected us to engage with total civility when you opened hostilely. But that’s a double standard I kind of expect from Libs.
Then what’s your complaint here, exactly? People are shitposting and being somewhat hyperbolic, but a lot of liberals have considered Russians subhuman morons since at least the beginning of this war
People here are commenting that many liberals thought Russia was going to invade Europe, and that libs have considered Russians ‘orcs’ and generally stupid subhumans, that is where reddit comes in as it serves as a decent aggregate of liberal opinion.
No one thinks anyone is subhuman, except you guys saying it about anyone you don’t like.
“brainpan” is a clear marker of making jokes about phrenology and race science ideology. Obviously no one is seriously explaining behavior in terms of brainpans in the modern day, but the argument goes that there is very little substantial difference between that and modern styles of “othering” used by modern definitely-not-fascists.
Because they know they can’t get hit. These “Ban me! Ban me!” Libs are all the same. Pathetic losers who want to start fights, but too wimpy to finish them.
There’s people here actually trying to engage you with examples and arguments but you’re still just bitching that they asked you to provide more specific objections.
I don’t see why anyone is even bothering engaging this person with good faith. They’re just “trolling” the same way people did back decades ago. Adding “lol” or “lmao” on to everything to pretend they’re not upset, not reading anything, calling everyone stupid no matter what is said, always saying “I’m sitting here laughing at you” to again pretend they’re not upset. They all ended up being incels and I wouldn’t be surprised if this is no different
Have you read the comments in here? Lmao where do you guys come up with this nonsense?
be specific
if you’re referring to the specific thing about Asians (and Russians in particular) having some inherent desire for authoritarian figures, I have personally seen this idea in the book Everything Flows by Vasily Grossman.
Oh, man, I hate Vasily Grossman. Life and Fate is on my shortlist for most overhyped book ever.
I actually kinda liked Everything Flows, the first half at least. The second half descends very quickly into incoherent anti-Russian/Soviet rants but the vignette about the Old Bolshevik being sent to the labor camp was very moving.
That one is a lot shorter so maybe I’ll give it a shot when I’m in a forgiving mood or want to add to my unwritten essay about how annoying it is that only “dissident” literature gets translated.
Replying to a comment is not specific enough an example for you? Do you think I’m referring to a random comment in a different post or something?
Okay, so what about the comment do you take issue with? Do you not believe it is a widely-disseminated idea in the west that Russians & Asians are inherently predisposed toward authoritarianism?
are you going to keep doing the posturing “heh… you really believe that?” thing without any followup or are you going to admit your understanding is a rickety piece of shit that would fall over if somebody breathed on it?
I’m just sitting here having a good time laughing at all of you
Epic troll, good sir.
Well we’re getting a good laugh out of you.
So glad everyone is having such a good time!
“why won’t people argue with me” the redditors say as they fail to engage with basic arguments
Is this a good enough reply? Why not engage with that part of their comment?
Like you’ve never heard a harebrained pundit draw a line through the tsars, the evil Soviets, and Putin to conclude “these people simply can not know our enlightened values”
Could you be more specific? Our asiatic brainpans don’t handle vague, nonspecific insults well.
Don’t be stupid.
Don’t be vague.
Air your specific objections so we can respond to them or get ready to get pig-poop-balled.
Are you intentionally acting dumb?
Are you intentionally being obtuse to avoid having to debate us? I made another comment with a specific example of what we’re talking about, go respond to that.
Was that the oink oink comment, or was that someone else? All you guys devolve into the same responses so quickly it’s hard to care.
Nah it’s this
Also you opened with calling us “delusional” and not making any real argument. So it’s weird you expected us to engage with total civility when you opened hostilely. But that’s a double standard I kind of expect from Libs.
Oh there it is! The old fallback. Love it. Got any other catch phrases ready to over use?
Have you read the comments on
It got so bad the mods banned using ‘Orcs’ as the term to refer to Russians with in the early days of the war. And many redditors cried about that.
We can argue the semantics of what exact type of dehumanizing language was used, but the overarching point remains.
Why in the world would I poison my eyes by going to that sub? Or even reddit at all.
Then what’s your complaint here, exactly? People are shitposting and being somewhat hyperbolic, but a lot of liberals have considered Russians subhuman morons since at least the beginning of this war
Oh “it was a joke, bro” is used when being called out as ridiculous here? Ok then.
No one thinks anyone is subhuman, except you guys saying it about anyone you don’t like.
What does Stormfront have to do with anything?
What are you on about?
People here are commenting that many liberals thought Russia was going to invade Europe, and that libs have considered Russians ‘orcs’ and generally stupid subhumans, that is where reddit comes in as it serves as a decent aggregate of liberal opinion.
Reddit literally banned the term ‘Orc’ in early 2022 because Ukraine used it to refer to Russians and Redditors eagerly adopted it; you can also see how they’ve tried to subvert it in there and who knows how many other threads. Like this one.
It got used so much it literally has a ‘slang’ page on wikipedia.
Russia invading Europe was literally the position of much of NATO at the start, and they continue to just toss out ideas about it.
A Reddit link was detected in your comment. Here are links to the same location on alternative frontends that protect your privacy.
Would you say Florence Gaub’s statements suggest she sees Russians as less human?
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
I didn’t realize that person was here on lemmy. And no I’m not going to watch a random YouTube video, thanks.
How do you type with your fingers in your ears?
Why would I do that? I’d have to remove them from your mums ass first.
It’s not random, it’s a news interview with the Director of the Research Division at the NATO Defense College.
“Oh fuck uhh lalalala I can’t hear your evidence”
“brainpan” is a clear marker of making jokes about phrenology and race science ideology. Obviously no one is seriously explaining behavior in terms of brainpans in the modern day, but the argument goes that there is very little substantial difference between that and modern styles of “othering” used by modern definitely-not-fascists.
i think you’re subhuman, here’s why
Why would you need to go to reddit when you could just browse your own post history
Why would you show up here just to talk shit?
Because they know they can’t get hit. These “Ban me! Ban me!” Libs are all the same. Pathetic losers who want to start fights, but too wimpy to finish them.
Because that’s what all of your comments are.
There’s people here actually trying to engage you with examples and arguments but you’re still just bitching that they asked you to provide more specific objections.
Lol yes you guys are well known for being exceptional debaters lmao
I mean, feel free to try and own us in a debate if your so confident about our lack of skills
(insert random emoji here)
Eat shit, spew bile, get told your breath stinks and cry about it
at least attempt a specific criticism instead of just being vaguely contrarian it’s annoying
Start with comment I replied to, Einstein.
Here’s director of the NATO Defense College Florence Gaub saying Russians have no concept of individual choice and are fine with early death
Is that a good enough example for you, Di Vinci?
I found a YouTube link in your comment. Here are links to the same video on alternative frontends that protect your privacy:
oink oink snort snort
Start by replying to the people who have already given you ample sources, Shapiro
wow thank you, you’ve totally changed my outlook on life
please give us your answer for who you think is responsible for the NordStream 2 bombing so we can laugh at it
Why would you think I care about that?
laughing brings joy into the world
What do you think of (random event you could care less about)?
Random event? It was one of the most significant events of the war you dumbfuck.
Wars are not fought over resources and land, they’re fought over principles and ideas. Therefore, the NordStream 2 bombing is irrelevant.
Careful, we’ve got lemmitors in this thread, the (in my opinion pretty obvious) irony of your comment might be lost on them
If the 19th century taught us anything it’s that the idea is the most important development humanity has achieved.
Removed by mod
Lmao imagine wanting to write a comeback to a countdown of ppb
Lmao very telling about your understanding of world events if you’re going to call that something you couldn’t care less about
I don’t see why anyone is even bothering engaging this person with good faith. They’re just “trolling” the same way people did back decades ago. Adding “lol” or “lmao” on to everything to pretend they’re not upset, not reading anything, calling everyone stupid no matter what is said, always saying “I’m sitting here laughing at you” to again pretend they’re not upset. They all ended up being incels and I wouldn’t be surprised if this is no different
Look at that username, 100% chance this person is either an incel, or an edgy teenager who will become an incel.
Hello I’m a fellow
good germanliberal and I don’t want to be infected with commie nonsense, can you point out the nonsense please so I can avoid it?