Hmm. Normally I’d be inclined to agree, but this really doesn’t feel like it’s punching at men or manliness. It’s more just saying no one will find you attractive if you have a cybertruck. And we all know you can be a man as well as completely unfuckable at the same time.
Only because we associate sexuality and “getting laid” with manhood. They aren’t the same. Are asexual men less men? No one’s gatekeeping manhood in this image, they’re gatekeeping sexuality.
Hmm. Normally I’d be inclined to agree, but this really doesn’t feel like it’s punching at men or manliness. It’s more just saying no one will find you attractive if you have a cybertruck. And we all know you can be a man as well as completely unfuckable at the same time.
“You will not get laid” is sorta the basic insult directed at men.
Only because we associate sexuality and “getting laid” with manhood. They aren’t the same. Are asexual men less men? No one’s gatekeeping manhood in this image, they’re gatekeeping sexuality.
But we do associate it with manhood. Until we move on from that mindset, it is an attack on someone’s manhood
We are not moving on today apparently, though a few above tried.
Well I wouldn’t have expected us to make a societal change in a day
Societal change starts with the individual. If one person today has changed their views, it’s a step.
I’m not doubting that, I’m just saying “we” as a society still associates the ability to get laid with manliness. And that’s not changing anytime soon