can’t wait to annex one of those 3 acre provinces and end up at war with 86 countries
personally, the only paradox games i play CK and vicky, but this biblically accurate HRE rlly stimulates the map part of my brain
Yeah they would have to beef up the economics a lot for me to buy eu5. I really wanted to enjoy anbennar but even that was still too expansion focused.
it appears to have a pop system and a market system for trade. almost like its a vicky lite situation.
Oh shit, I might give it a go then. Especially once modders get their hands on it. Is it the same engine as eu4?
every PDX game since like CK2 has used the Clausewitz Engine
That should make modding easier then! I think
this is what
should look like
And 4,327 overpriced DLC to come.
deleted by creator
Their more recent model is fewer DLC for more money and it’s worked out quite well for Stellaris and to a lesser degree CK3 and Victoria 3.
Here’s some more by the way. It’s…beautiful
And of course “Kyiv”. That name is first registered in the late XIX century and while there is tons of spelling of the name from earlier documents, nearly all are sounding much more like variations of “Kiev” or “Kiov”.
afaik the old east slavic pronunciation is Kyjevŭ, but yes its become a weird nationalistic thing for ukrainians
That’s questioned. Old East Slavic chronicles had it as Києвъ, Къıєвъ, or Кїєвъ. First recorded version is Hebrew Qiyyōḇ, Greek Κιοάβα, Kioava, Κίοβα, Kiova and Arabic Kūyāba. The etymology from name Kyi is bizarre because in both original sources that name was written as кии. The one from “stick” might be correct but is equally wrong for Kyiv because in the same modern Ukrainian that had the city named Kyiv stick is again кии (btw the stick etymology is supported by Polish language where the name is Kijów, meaning literally “city of sticks” which check outs historically because we know it had very impressive wooden walls).
All the arguments for “Kyiv” sounds like modern folk pseudoetymology (which is not bad per se) but forced for political reasons back into the past. Especially striking that they claim the city was always “Kyiv” but the state it was the capital of is still called as always was “Kievan Rus”!
Dont we do a similar thing with hungary/magyar?
Not really. Magyar is the name in Hungarian coming from the leading tribe of the confederation migrating west. Hungary and all its variations (Ungar in German or even Węgry in Polish) comes from the Byzantine name Oungroi which most likely comes from the Turkic “Onggur” - literally “Ten Arrows” and metaphoric “People”. “H” was added by the Latin scholars as the connotation with Huns because Hungarian migration scared a lot of people in central Europe shitless - which was btw later accepted as folk pseudoetymology by the Hungarians themselves since they liked being compared to the Huns despite no provable link between those two people except both being horse nomads.
So it’s not really comparable to the anachronistic attempt at revise Kiev etymology, Hungary/Magyar are rather two parallel etymologies in different languages.
Voltaire’s nightmare
Interesting to see that they decided to leave parts of Scandinavia as “native”/“uncolonized”. I guess there wasn’t much of a state structure, but you never know.
Wonder if it will be some kind of mission tree aim to colonize the north for Scandinavian and Russian tags or what is going to happen there.
Places of Note:
Uff. Uff. Uff.
South Carolina
Böb, Mark, Don, and Man (dudes rock)
The New York Metz
All the other three letter abbreviated states are neopronouns that just dropped.
Removed by mod
Worst timeline though
That’s exactly what the person with “Poland” in their name would say /s
Sure, though Prussia was equally devastating to everyone around (and what they did to Balts is simply heinous) and reformation of Germany under it was tragedy for Germany, for entire Europe and ultimately to the world.
Shoutout to Europa Universalis 4 mod, Voltaire’s Nightmare, which walked for EU5 to run
I do love learning about some of these older, smaller countries. A lot of them have cool names.
We need to reset the Germany to preprussia, century or two of this should help.
I propose resetting to DDR.
HRE in the west, DDR in the east, Bavarian SSR in the south.
We can not allow the perfidious frogs a chance at expanding beyond Alsace–Lorraine and attempting to recreate Charlemagne’s conquest of the untamed wilderness that is the German city-stateletts!
I propose the formation of a Volksrepublik Deutschland to counterbalance the Deutsche Demokratische Republik and the Räterepublik Baiern.
Edit: Damn “People’s Republic of Germany” really doesn’t sound right because of the goddamn nazis.
i bet they get caught cheating on their emissions testing
Bring back Burgundy as a border state.
And Brittany and Occitania
Let’s just bring the Gauls back to France
The true children of the land and not those germans-in-denial frankish frogs
We can give everything along the Rhine back to the Romans as a buffer state.
The senate will consist of one representative of every state that claims to be the legacy of Rome.
We including the expanded universe of the 2nd Rome and 3rd rome?
Well we’ve had Rome, Eastern Rome, Holy Rome, Imperial Russia, Imperial Spain, fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, Greece, all of which claimed to be the continuation of Rome, so I think this would be the 8th or 9th Rome.
The senate would start with an American, a brit, a greek, a turk, a bulgarian, a frenchman, and everyone else who just claimed to carry the legacy of Rome.
It sounds like a conference where everyone would argue about who invented baklava or kebabs or some shit that would set the world alight in nuclear hellfire
Well we’ve had Rome, Eastern Rome, Holy Rome, Imperial Russia, Imperial Spain, fascist Italy, Nazi Germany, Greece, all of which claimed to be the continuation of Rome, so I think this would be the 8th or 9th Rome.
Don’t forget Ottoman Turkey, one of titles of Sultan since Mehmed II was Kayser-i Rum which literally mean “Roman Emperor” and this was even acknowledged by some treaties with Italians and even German Emperors.
Bring back Lotharingia to solve that problem.
this is a good second choice
Meanwhile, SE Asia will have like 3 nations and a dozen provinces if they’re lucky.
I need to get a more powerful computer for this.
cpu goes brrrrr.