Help! China is doing a propaganda against widdle cinnamon roll America by checks notes telling the truth.
The US Occupation of Hawaii is illegal by the way.
The US doesn’t commit crimes, we pass laws to make them legal post-facto
the shame away.
I wish there was an obvious way to prevent this right-wing narrative
Not much money to be made selling weapons to Hawaii though
Have we tried bombing it?
You don’t think we care about Hawaii, huh? Then explain how a native of Honolulu got elected president. Next thing you’ll tell me this country has a racism problem, to which I will again point to Obama.
You know what country never elected Obama? Racist China. The very racist Chinese are trying to take Obama’s homeland because they hate your faded bumper sticker from 2008.
All Native Hawaiians are tankies
US Navy fuel depot poisoning the drinking water?
Sounds like some soviet tankie propaganda.
China, meet with Ryukyuan and Hawaiian independence activists please
But China and Russia don’t care about Hawaii
Neither does the US
Tbh i find it entirely believable that your average CPC member regards Hawaiian peope more fondly than your average
, if even just for a lack of racist propaganda as a child
Your average CPC member isn’t in charge of PRC foreign policy though
The people writing these articles typically aren’t either
You know what would really own the chinese and russians? Not neglecting Hawai’i.
This is like when Iran complained that LGBTQ-rights were used as a wedge issue by the US to foment revolution.Oh this is one of my favorite lib narratives. Pointing out when the US does a bad thing is ENEMY PROPAGANDA. See also: pointing out when the ENEMY does a good thing is ENEMY PROPAGANDA.
Didn’t this also happen in the UK when
got hold of Conservative plans to sell out the NHS to US insurance firms
IIRC the conversation ended up just being about how the document was leaked by rUsSiAn HaCkErS and discussing its contents would be playing into Putin’s hands or something
I’m sure if a Chinese relief ship showed up with supplies and rescue personnel America would have a normal one.
already happened with the earthquake in turkey. tons of headlines like “THEY’RE ONLY DOING THIS TO TIGHTEN THEIR GRIP”
also similar normal ones are had any time china bails a country out of IMF debt to the USA by giving them a 0% interest loan (and subsequently forgiving it)
“China has donated 500,000 doses of COVID vaccine and 2,000 ventilators to Africa. Here’s why that’s an inscrutable Fu Manchu conspiracy.”
Dunk on me all you want to, but just here to ask, what could be done better? As far as I know this was a natural disaster (probably worsened by climate change). I’m sure there are for profit groups that are helping Hawaii just out of monetary gains, but aren’t government emergency services on the island helping?
I hope this doesn’t come across as me defending capitalism, but is the argument here that it would better if Hawaii was independent of the US? And would that actually help their ability to respond to a disaster such as this?
deleted by creator
right-wing narrative
That narrative? The government should be helping its citizens. I am a very smart liberal and I definitely don’t just categorize things as bad/right wing and good/liberal.
It’s kind of fucked up how the overton window in the US has shifted so far to the right that the mere idea that a government should ever help its people is foreign to them.
government helping people is soviet ideology. the government should keep its corrupt bureaucratic hands out of the free market and its magical ability to innovate solutions (don’t look up what corporate subsidies are)