Fox News did not air a second of the speeches from alienated GOP leaders and former Trump officials who endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris at this week’s Democratic National Convention.
It’s OK! Republicans are KNOWN for doing their Own Research and will SURELY find these Clips on their Own!
The sad part is this is how people in the DNC must actually think to give these assholes speaking time at their convention when the only commendable thing they ever did was admit to making a mistake most Americans were smart enough to not make in the first place
This is not a great take. This isn’t about reaching out to MAGA voters, it’s about reaching out to independents. Fox exposure would not have been great anyway.
Go off on sticking to your principles and ridiculing anyone that took longer than you to see the light (you are so smart you probably always had the political views you have), but I am keen to win this election and preserve democracy, which means a big tent with no minimal gatekeeping.
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Former GOP leaders and Trump officials? Cool and good.
Palestinian-Americans? Now let’s not be crazy!
The reaction to that speech was disgraceful
No but don’t you understand kiddo? Genocides perpetrated by republicans are unconscionable, but genocides perpetrated by democrats are just savvy politicking.
“If we don’t commit genocide the other party will commit worse genocide!”
I’ll never understand why you MAGA propagandists want the guy who bombed the shit out of Yemen to help Israel “finish the job” before turning against Ukraine and then domestically. But I think genocide is bad, so that’s the difference, I suppose.
the guy who bombed the shit out of Yemen to help Israel “finish the job” before turning against Ukraine and then domestically.
This applies literally to both candidates. The Biden admin hasn’t been slacking off in suppressing your civil rights as much as possible.
If you think genocide is bad, why are you voting for it?
Look in the mirror and say that again.
I’m not voting for a candidate that is committing genocide or one that will commit more genocide.
Only one of two candidates will win. So, unlike you MAGAs, I’m voting for the outcome that won’t include Donald “finishing the job.”
You are the reason the Democrats are doing genocide. If they knew they’d lose voters because of their stance on Israel they would be forced to change their platform. They believe they can commit unlimited genocide because their voters are loyal dogs who will beg for more.
It’s actually people voting third party that forces Dems to chase people who will actually vote for them. 1/3 of the country doesn’t vote at all. If everyone voted so that the Repub platform was nonviable, the parties would have to move left to compete.
Why do you hate Ukrainians so much that you want them to be genocided? Why do you hate women so much that you want them to be unwilling incubators?
Please tell me who to vote for that has a snowball’s chance in hell of winning that is against genocide?
I usually vote third party. I fucking love Jill Stein. But keeping Trump out of office is far too important. Trump wants to hand Bibi all of Palestine. Harris can and will be pushed to ending weapons sales. Pressure will get to where she has no choice. Trump doesn’t respond to anything other than what his crazy brain wants at the time.
If we stop supporting Israel in an election year trump wins. Is that hard to understand?
Okay, so if supporting Israel will make Democrats win then you don’t need my vote. Clearly you’re going to win without me. 🤷♀️
You were going to find a stupid way to waste your vote no matter what .
imagine waking up every morning and deciding to become a cheer leader for a genocide
"Everyone who disagrees with loves genocide " - said the clown with no solution to any problem .
I voted for Democrats every year since fucking 2012. Genocide is my red line.
You’ll vote for them when they’re rounding us into camps.
Maybe i’m in the minority here, but inviting republicans from the bush years to speak at the DNC isn’t actually that reassuring to me if I care about stopping genocide, or think that the US foreign policy as a whole is bad and wrong.
Hell I’d go so far as to say if you invite a ghoul like Mike Pence to speak at your convention, you obviously don’t give a shit about LBG issues at all, and are only using them as a shied so that no one can criticize your absolute inaction over the past 50 years on all social issues.
The point being made with their appearance is that Trump is so toxic and repulsive that defectors are actively coming out of the woodwork to endorse Harris. It’s meant to appeal to independents and Republicans who see modern Trump and are increasingly off-put by him.
Now, they are all aggressively repulsive pieces of shit, sure. But I think we all agree that Trump is an even more aggressive piece of shit in comparison.
Appealing to right wing voters by adopting their policies never works.
These ex-Republicans are not reaching other Republicans at the DNC. They are speaking to Democrats and selling them on their policies.
They’re not even ex-Republicans.
Did you actually listen to any of their speeches?
No as you can read in the article Fox News didn’t air them /s
But I think we all agree that Trump is an even more aggressive piece of shit in comparison.
How the hell is trump worse than bush era republicans or Mike fucking pence?
Bush era republicans and mike pence still believe in voting.
Trump wants to be a dictator.
In a country where the government m is just 3 corporations in a trench coat, this is a meaningless distinction. None of these people give the slightest fuck about what the public thinks on any given issue and will work with the Democrats to undermine any public movement that tries to assert its will (see gaza protests which are just the latest example of this).
Participating in oppressor Olympics means you don’t actually hold any values.
The real world is nuanced and complicated sometimes. The enemy of my enemy is my friend works here.
We at least need to be welcoming and accepting of defectors until we’ve beaten trump and reinforced our democracy so a threat like trump can’t happen again.
Refusing to participate in anything and just letting bad things happen means you don’t actually hold any values.
Refusing to participate in anything
What are you saying? That First Past The Post voting disenfranchises a huge portion of the electorate by artificially limiting the number of viable political parties?
The “totally supports democracy” democrats are probably all over correcting this issue in the states they control right?
Yup, FPTP is garbage, and the US is a dumpster fire third world country with a Gucci handbag.
And yet, doing nothing can result in things getting even worse, so someone shouldn’t pretend to have some sort of moral superiority over doing nothing from stopping napalm being thrown on the fire because “it’s already burning anyway.”
So you support Genocide. Good to know, now just be honest with yourself.
“sitting around doing nothing does not make you morally superior”
“So you support genocide”
Well you sure sound like a rational person with reasonable arguments worth listening to…
Who said anything about doing nothing? There is a large amount you can do beside supporting genocide “because the world is complex”, and doing nothing. One of those things is not voting for the parties that support genocide as a bare minimum.
“There’s lots of things you can do, one of those things is nothing.”
Not the correct attitude. This is an all-hands on deck fight against the fourth reich. Even people who suck for the reasons you correctly list are willing to point out that trump sucks. I don’t care if they were republican traitors yesterday if they figured their shit out and are getting the water out of the boat alongside us now.
If the boat gets repaired and stable again, then we can afford to only have less dangerous allies.
This is an all-hands on deck fight against the fourth reich
Agreed, which is why you must oppose genocide.
I agree with you that the Gaza genocide needs to be addressed immediately and with decisive action, and its deeply disheartening that it might not come unil November, but I do believe it is coming. This kind of human suffering cant be so easily ignored, I find it hard to believe that a Harris presidency would stand idle.
I find it hard to believe that a Harris presidency would stand idle.
Harris is the motherfuking vice president of the administration sending tens of billions of dollars worth of weapons to Israel. What in the actual fuck are you talking about? Are liberals genuinely this clueless?
This is an all-hands on deck fight against the fourth reich.
Yes, we should all work to destroy the American empire.
Even people who suck for the reasons you correctly list are willing to point out that trump sucks.
… what? You mean, the “fourth reich” is not the empire which keeps bombing and genociding and looting its way round the world, but is just … some guy? Who can be defeated by saying he sucks?
getting the water out of the boat alongside us now.
The Democrats (and republicans) are the water in the boat.
This is an all-hands on deck fight against the fourth reich
Sounds serious! So when will the democratic party drop gun control considering this imminent threat?
This is an indictment, not something to be proud of
Imagine getting paid to write articles like “right wing TV network hosts content favorable to right wing party candidates and not content unfavorable to them”.
And then discovering that masses of people are both surprised and engaged.
And no one was surprised.
Fox news is the most partisan of media.
As you can see, if conservatives were not chained to the Republican party by First Past the Post voting, they could at least have a chance to elect a more moderate conservative party.
like the democrats with a new name.
Give your fellow citizens the freedom to vote outside the two party system by supporting an electoral reform movement in your state.
Of course fox didn’t cover them, fox is too busy glazin that weird, geriatric fucking idiot.
I got kicked out from Radio, Television, and Film school for poor grades, poor attendance, and a number of other poor choices, so I really don’t know what I’m talking about when I ask this question:
Doesn’t that violate the Equal Time Rule?
Doesn’t that violate the Equal Time Rule?
not at all, nor should that rule even exist. It’s always been a bunch of bullshit pushed by conservatives to normalize their positions.
But without fairness and balance, how are the masses supposed to think unpopular ideas have significant support???
According to this FCC fact sheet:
Equal opportunities and other political-related benefits are available only to individuals who have attained the status of “legally qualified candidate.” These rules do not apply to cable channels or web-based video or audio such as streamed video content, podcasts, or social media.
And since Fox News is a cable channel, it does not apply
I’m almost positive that Fox isn’t cable… It’s broadcast and carried by cable companies because they’re required to do so by the FCC
Oh my god!
The upside to this is that I’ve proven my honesty about getting kicked out of film school
I have to admit, I love being wrong because it means that I learned something new. Thanks and thank you for your incredibly gentle response.
Probably not, since they did cover a presidential candidate and other speakers are not the ones running.
No. The Equal Time Rule is about stations providing equal airtime access to candidates.
Equal airtime for all candidates or just democrats and Republicans?
Mostly the latter, as the two capitalist parties jealously guard their duopoly.
Would you agree that it doesn’t break the letter of the law but it skirts the spirit of the law? Like, if they aired the RNC in its entirity but selectively skipped parts of the DNC…
The spirit of the law doesn’t mean anything. The law itself barely even means anything given how it’s enforced. I’m not exactly seeing equal access for third party candidates. This is just the ruling class negotiating via the two parties.
Oof, I guess if I’m gonna split hairs, I gotta go all-in. A third party candidates even recognized as candidates by the FCC?
Good God, how fucked is this country?
On this particular topic the two parties basically just throw lawyers at the system they created for themselves in order to fight each other. For example, they made networks take down some reruns of Trump’s shows during the last election. As if that would matter when the networks give him infinite free coverage, lol.
Third parties have little recourse both because they don’t have the cash to throw around and because the two major parties just constantly put up barriers to entry, usually needing to exceed an arbitrary percentage of votes in the last election (an arbitrary percentage that the two parties increase whenever a third party gets close).
This country is basically just 100 capitalists in a trenchcoat making us all fight them and each other and people overseas over all the problems caused by the system that keeps them in power.
This country is basically just 100 capitalists in a trenchcoat making us all fight them and each other and people overseas over all the problems caused by the system that keeps them in power.
Sure, sure… But in return, we get to look down on unhoused people who are starving from manufactured hunger.
Also, that’s a giant fucking trench coat!
We have the best and biggest trenchcoat, everybody says so.
Sure, that is their MO though
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If you actually want to avoid full-blown Fascism in America
The world empire ruling over humanity with an iron fist, who’s founding act was the liquidation of an entire continents worth of people is somehow not “full blown fascist” yet.
A reminder that between now and November 6, everyone saying “Don’t Vote for Kamala”, is actually saying “Vote for Trump”.
Can you explain in detail why there are only two viable political parties?
Troll bait taken…
Because that’s the way it’s been since 1852. It was the same way before 1852 but at least one of the parties had a different name. The system would need a structural change (like ranked choice voting) to enable a viable 3rd party to exist.
Yup, that makes perfect sense when you put it like that. This is precisely how Germany avoided fascism in 1930s, they just voted for the lesser evil and everything worked out great.
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Amazing counterpoint you’ve mustered there. Maybe read my follow up comment before making a clown of yourself?
It’s funny how no matter how your sarcasm is interpreted, it’s still factually wrong.
It’s funny how you expose yourself as being historically illiterate. German nazis never won more than 37% of the vote while there were still democratic elections in place. First chapter here discusses the rise of fascists in Italy and nazis in Germany. Let’s take a look at what actually happened.
After World War I, Italy had settled into a pattern of parliamentary democracy. The low pay scales were improving, and the trains were already running on time. But the capitalist economy was in a postwar recession. Investments stagnated, heavy industry operated far below capacity, and corporate profits and agribusiness exports were declining.
To maintain profit levels, the large landowners and industrialists would have to slash wages and raise prices. The state in turn would have to provide them with massive subsidies and tax exemptions. To finance this corporate welfarism, the populace would have to be taxed more heavily, and social services and welfare expenditures would have to be drastically cut - measures that might sound familiar to us today. But the government was not completely free to pursue this course. By 1921 , many Italian workers and peasants were unionized and had their own political organizations. With demonstrations, strikes, boycotts, factory takeovers, and the forceable occupation of farmlands, they had won the right to organize, along with concessions in wages and work conditions.
To impose a full measure of austerity upon workers and peasants, the ruling economic interests would have to abolish the democratic rights that helped the masses defend their modest living standards. The solution was to smash their unions, political organizations, and civil liberties. Industrialists and big landowners wanted someone at the helm who could break the power of organized workers and farm laborers and impose a stern order on the masses. For this task Benito Mussolini, armed with his gangs of Blackshirts, seemed the likely candidate.
In 1922, the Federazione Industriale, composed of the leaders of industry, along with representatives from the banking and agribusiness associations, met with Mussolini to plan the “March on Rome,” contributing 20 million lire to the undertaking. With the additional backing of Italy’s top military officers and police chiefs, the fascist “revolution”- really a coup d’etat - took place.
In Germany, a similar pattern of complicity between fascists and capitalists emerged. German workers and farm laborers had won the right to unionize, the eight-hour day, and unemployment insurance. But to revive profit levels, heavy industry and big finance wanted wage cuts for their workers and massive state subsidies and tax cuts for themselves.
During the 1920s, the Nazi Sturmabteilung or SA, the brown shirted storm troopers, subsidized by business, were used mostly as an antilabor paramilitary force whose function was to terrorize workers and farm laborers. By 1930, most of the tycoons had concluded that the Weimar Republic no longer served their needs and was too accommodating to the working class. They greatly increased their subsidies to Hitler, propelling the Nazi party onto the national stage. Business tycoons supplied the Nazis with generous funds for fleets of motor cars and loudspeakers to saturate the cities and villages of Germany, along with funds for Nazi party organizations, youth groups, and paramilitary forces. In the July 1932 campaign, Hitler had sufficient funds to fly to fifty cities in the last two weeks alone.
In that same campaign the Nazis received 37.3 percent of the vote, the highest they ever won in a democratic national election. They never had a majority of the people on their side. To the extent that they had any kind of reliable base, it generally was among the more affluent members of society. In addition, elements of the petty bourgeoisie and many lumpenproletariats served as strong-arm party thugs, organized into the SA storm troopers. But the great majority of the organized working class supported the Communists or Social Democrats to the very end.
In the December 1932 election, three candidates ran for president: the conservative incumbent Field Marshal von Hindenburg, the Nazi candidate Adolph Hitler, and the Communist party candidate Ernst Thaelmann. In his campaign, Thaelmann argued that a vote for Hindenburg amounted to a vote for Hitler and that Hitler would lead Germany into war. The bourgeois press, including the Social Democrats, denounced this view as “Moscow inspired.” Hindenburg was re-elected while the Nazis dropped approximately two million votes in the Reichstag election as compared to their peak of over 13.7 million.
True to form, the Social Democrat leaders refused the Communist party’s proposal to form an eleventh-hour coalition against Nazism. As in many other countries past and present, so in Germany, the Social Democrats would sooner ally themselves with the reactionary Right than make common cause with the Reds. Meanwhile a number of right-wing parties coalesced behind the Nazis and in January 1933, just weeks after the election, Hindenburg invited Hitler to become chancellor.
French liberals siding with NR against the NPF is a perfect modern example of history repeating as well.
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you’ve made a self referential comment I see
amazing counterpoint
Low effort arguments deserve low effort responses
Hilarious of you to refer to the basic reality of the situation as a “low effort argument”.
you’re like a living allegory for libs sleeping through their country descending into open fascism
Another in a long line of utterly futile ideas. But we understand that you’re doing the absolute best you can.
Another in a long line of liberals chanting better things aren’t possible. 🤡
Liberals make things better all the time. You sit on the sidelines achieving nothing.
You sit on the sidelines achieving nothing.
What are you saying? That First-past-the-post voting artificially limits the number of viable political parties?