- Destroy Power Substations
- ???
- ???
- ???
- Race War!
I think there are a few critical steps in the middle that are missing, there. Fuckmunchery aside, how did this person expect that blacking out Baltimore would somehow magically trigger a race war?
It is widely understood in the white supremacy community that this would happen. But they are a bunch of fucking dipshits.
Molly Conger has an excellent podcast that highlights people like this called “Weird Little Guys”. This tactic is mentioned in like 50% of episodes.
This is a weirdly commonly held belief among far right accelerationists. They think that the race war is inevitable, and if there is enough social disruption, social order will break down, people will turn to the militias, and guess who runs the militias?
The US electrical grid is shockingly vulnerable. Transfer stations can be disabled from a distance by rifle fire. There is no practical way to guard or physically secure every single one. A disabled transfer station has the potential to cause a cascade failure that could cause catastrophic failure of the grid. The USA has just three grids, Eastern, Western, and Texas. So terrorists have figured that attacking the power grid is the easiest way to cause maximum disruption with a single bullet.
The thing is, each of the grids has failed in the past, and while there was some disruption for a couple days, there has never been a social breakdown. The other thing is that the dummies who plan these attacks keep getting caught before they can do any damage.
Securing the substation itself is easy you just build a cinder block wall around it put a roof on it and then alarm it. You put up cameras in hire ADT to look after it
The problem is once you do that they can then go after transmission lines.
These people need to be infiltrated and run in as terrorists.
Oh, absolutely. I’m sure that they are infiltrated, which is why they keep getting caught. If you and I can figure out what they are up to, then I’m guessing the FBI and all their fun toys know what’s up.
They have evidence against all of them, but it’s better to wait until they can really put them away for a long time.
We don’t know why someone hit Metcalf and that was over a decade ago.
Reposting a comment from a few months ago:
Was just worrying if we were due for one of these:
Over the course of 19 minutes, about one hundred bullets caused $15 million dollars in damage to our power grid, damaging components that take months to manufacture: 2013’s Metcalf sniper attack near San Jose, California
A second incident, 2022
Moore County, NC: Gunmen shot up two power substations. 40K customers lost power. Took days to fix. FBI had warned about extremist threats to grid. Investigators found shell casings, offered $75K reward. Theories: anti-drag show motive or generic extremism. One lady died when her oxygen machine stopped (homicide). Schools closed, curfew imposed. NC governor pissed. White House “monitoring.”
If terrorists were testing our response time or something, they would’ve acted on a large scale by now right? I kinda need to always be able to charge my PC/phone soooo
In October 2015, it was reported that the Department of Homeland Security had found indications that the attack may have been committed by “an insider”.[15]
Wait…that’s it? $15 million in damages gets a shrug and “musta been an inside job”.
She’s an underpants gnome LOL
Power goes out, people start doing dumb things for profit or survival, people get wronged by those actions and respond with violence, violence begets violence, fear grows, paranoia grows, violence becomes more likely with less provocation, welcome the lord of the flies to the concrete jungle.
The national guard would get called in and martial law would happen before the tribal wars could really kick off but there would be racially motivated violence all the same, as is tradition.
But this assumes that people in survival or emergency situations are only going to look for themselves. In fact, in almost every emergency situation where there’s been a breakdown of emergency infrastructure, the exact opposite happens - it just doesn’t get reported on by the big outlets.
After Katrina, for instance, you heard “oh there was a huge rape and murder pit in the Superdome” on several news outlets. The Superdome was actually used by survivors as an ad-hoc camp, and the only armed people there were making sure people DIDN’T get hurt like that. People with boats went on sorties into the flooded city to get people back to the Superdome, where they had food and cots and medical care. The only real “looting” was for medical supplies, food, and things to help people SURVIVE, not luxury goods, and many tried not to scavenge in areas or businesses that couldn’t take it - Walmart could deal with a couple dozen missing sleeping bags, small businesses in the area would definitely miss that medication though.
It turns out humanity, in an emergency situation, left to their own devices, GENERALLY will choose to help other people first rather than hurting them. Research has shown that this will to help is fairly deep-seated in most people, and it tends to fall apart when societal pressure is reapplied - in the case of Katrina, that camp fell apart pretty soon after the National Guard and police started shooting anyone who was “looting”, no matter what they were taking.
the national guard would arrive in the 10-20,000 group size fully armed and positioned within 72 hours, anywhere in the US. every vehicle and phone in the area fully tracked and cross referenced.
They would trickle in, securing based on priority and needs, coming to full deployment in 72 hours. Problems after grid failure would manifest in hours. The Nasty Girls wouldn’t be in place fast enough to stop everything, but they would be ready before things could get near the racists’ wet dream.
Obviously, the single celled intelligence of overnight race war instigators can’t plan anything more complex than when to breathe next; so they can’t possibly fathom the real world series of events that would follow their fantasy big-brain master plans.
Yea that’s exactly how the response during hurricane Catrina occurred /s
Given how the crazies are going at the moment I’ll try and fill in some of the gaps
- Destroy power substations
- Eat the cats, eat the dogs
- Grift through a GoFundMe
- ???
- Race war!
- Sell watches for 100K while your wife says everyone is poor
“Man I hate being without power. You know what else people hate… other races!”
There’s not much to it. They simply believe that as the strife causes conflict over resources the factions will “naturally” align along racial lines. They also believe that people “naturally” cohabitate better within their own race.
This does require ignoring all of human history and the brutal conflicts that have occurred within racially homogenous regions. But I’d never accuse white supremacists of being intelligent or genuine.
Those people aren’t the sharpest tools in the shed. No point trying to find out what “logic” they were trying to follow. There is none.
Oddly enough she will have 18 years of daily race war inside jail as american inmates split along racial lines
Yea, I’ve thought about what I’d do to my neighbor, but we have power for now so I won’t. Power better not go out though.
Idk… frame it on BLM people?
Ooo, I know, society collapses and they think they have all the guns!
she probably expected looting
Because power outage = race war? What is it with racists and incredibly stupid plans?
They all read a shitty fiction book (The Turner Diaries; you can download a pdf for free; please don’t buy it because it contributes profits to racism) in which that’s a part of the plot leading to societal collapse. Timmy McVeigh (OK City bomber) had a copy in his car when he got arrested.
Part of the requirements for being racist is being stupid
It’s a terrible plan, to be sure. I bet their thinking was something along the lines of creating an environment suitable for looting/rioting, along with police brutality to follow, all in the hopes that racial tensions in the region play out in their favor.
Of course, they completely ignored how things went when hurricane Irene knocked out power to the region. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t fun but folks were generally okay.
Of course, they completely ignored how things went when hurricane Irene knocked out power to the region. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t fun but folks were generally okay.
Reminds me of that big NYC blackout. The news was covering it like the whole city was going to fall into chaos with neighbors attacking each other and everything. Mostly it was just people chilling in the dark hoping to get their power back as soon as possible.
Of course, they completely ignored how things went when hurricane Irene knocked out power to the region. Spoiler alert: it wasn’t fun but folks were generally okay.
And people didn’t start turning against their neighbors- in fact the opposite happened and communities generally became closer than before, regardless of insignificant things like the color of their skin or where their grandparents were born.
they are one bad day from snapping and going full KKK and they’re all deluding themselves into thinking everyone else is the same way
Too much TV and not enough non-white people in their life
The didn’t consult the underpants gnomes.
It all starts with the stupid
When there’s a power outage in your town and you have a sudden urge to go attack someone with a different skin colour.
Truly a feeling we’ve all felt. It’s just a natural reaction.
The Indian family down the street is great, but when I can’t cook a nice daal in my Instant Pot because the power’s out then my racist jimmies are rustled.
The funny thing about disasters is that they tend to bring out the best in people. Read Solnit’s A Paradise Built in Hell for a good survey of the phenomenon. Elites tend to panic and get the rest of us killed during a crisis while we the people are unfucking things cooperatively.
Checking this out based on your epic summary alone.
It’s a great book. I listened to the audiobook from the library.
I was introduced to the concept from the Behind the Bastards episode “Elite Panic” which is a great introduction to the topic and my favorite BtB episode of all time.
No shit? All time? That’s quite the compliment! I don’t recall if I’ve listened to that one, I have most of them, but I’ll have to go back and check. If I haven’t listened, I’ll queue it up!
That might be a bit hyperbolic. It is a really good one but the adventure park one is the best episode based on how funny it is. And the little Nazis one is probably better in terms of content. But it is a really good single episode that I recommend to people that is eye opening.
Ooo I know:
Evolutionary speaking, it makes sense to compete within your own species when times are good, cause there is no threat to the survival of the entire group.
Conversely, when times are bad and the entire species is threatened, it’s best to cooperate as much as possible instead of compete.
She was previously convicted of robberies in 2006 and 2016.
Damn immigrants, they’re criminals, oh wait…
Somebody is about to lose her own personal race war in prison, lol.
Idk, man. There’s a ton of deranged supremacists in federal prison and I’d imagine she’d be welcome within their ranks with open arms given the gravity of the conviction and previous charges. As much as I’d also like these people to have a really poor time in prison, even by the already shitty prison standards, the best we could expect for the public is just to keep these slugs away from any and all people and resources they could use to do this again. Our county is in a desperately poor state.
Edit: typos
For men you have a white power gang in almost every federal and state lockup. But because gangs like the Aryan Brotherhood are patriarchal institutions, women are not permitted to be full members. As such, when a female white supremacist ends up in jail, she is far less likely to find a group which shares the same political views.
Nah, people like this get picked up by the jail white supremacy gangs pretty early. She’s gonna become a bigger racist in there
I can fix her
More fun to make her worse.
I can fix her
Elon, is that you?
As if Baltimore did not have it rough enough already.
This person is an actual human turd. Complete failure of her family and support system.
Complete failure of her family and support system.
They likely consider this a tremendous success
Now she’s a martyr to them
“Number 1!”
At being absolutely reprehensible…
And if Trump wins, she will be pardoned…
18 years isn’t long enough
Uh… eighteen years is a good start, but she’s only thirty six. I don’t want a racist domestic terrorist to ever see the light of day again.
This is actually AGAINST her CONSTITUTIONAL Rights! Until she PHYSICALLY KILLS someone it’s actually ILLEGAL to Arrest her just for PLANNING to do Something! Shall NOT Be Infringed!
Looking at your post history, you appear to have a single joke which you think is funny every time.
let’s assume you’re correct. there’s still irrefutable evidence that she did the actions that lead to charges to be filed against her.
wouldn’t what she did be considered terrorism then? it was an act thats purpose was to inflict fear and chaos on the community and destabilize the local government.
if she was tried as a terrorist, and I believe she should have been, she would have been looking at life in prison.
so, is she a criminal or a terrorist?
Lol you’re funny