Every Thanksgiving.
I’ve been going strong since 2016. There will never be room for MAGA at my dinner table.
Friendsgiving is a great replacement it’s been great and now one cheats at boardgames as a plus
Just had ours. It was great
I’ll be the one dining amongst the reds this year. Most of my family is content with just casual bigotry, but my brother is more outspoken and knows how to push my buttons (obviously, he’s the youngest). My plan is to get drunk, quickly, so that I don’t feel any guilt or shame about speaking my mind right back at him.
You should make them pay 1.50 for every plate they didn’t make themselves and someone had to import from another house, refuse to cook or tidy anythingas thats done by immigrants, and point out loudly everything not made in the US.
Id start with pointing out every imported alcohol and amy food not grown in the US.
You should make them pay 1.50 for every plate they didn’t make themselves and someone had to import from another house, refuse to cook or tidy anythingas thats done by immigrants, and point out loudly everything not made in the US.
“Sorry fam, it’s a $10 a piece for this turkey. Don’t want people thinking they got an easy ride.”
“Oh you want me to help clean, I charge $20 a hour…Oh you want me to help for free. Isn’t that communism? Aren’t we encouraging people not to pull themselves up from their boot straps.”
“You want me to leave and never come back? That’s free.”
You might find this helpful. There will likely be another this year (fyi Beau took a sabbatical for workaholism and his wife Belle and collaborators are doing an excellent job of carrying it forward)
You should learn the facts and numbers well. Maybe even listen to some Shapiro to ready yourself for the flavor of points they’ll try and make
No-thanks giving™
I’m not going to Thanksgiving this year. I’d rather celebrate with my cats than my crazy family
My tradition (ever since I moved away from my irl friends) is to stock up on one of every type of turkey TV dinner at the grocery store, then feast on that over the course of the 5-day weekend (thank you, Union!). It’s super chill. I play video games and knit. My pup and I will hang out at the dog park.
Me too. Are you telling them why? I’m leaning towards cutting them all off, going full no contact, saying exactly why, and moving to either a blue state or out of the country for a while (which I have the means to do).
I normally find some stupid excuse to get out of family gatherings, but this will probably be the year I tell them directly.
I’m really torn because overall my family and I have decent relations and they aren’t the totally fucking insane Maga types. But I’m so incredibly disgusted, ashamed, and terrified, I can’t just go over and pretend everything is normal. We are so far past politics as usual and the ebbs and flows of power/control. So idk what to do. I’m probably going to skip and stay home and order a pizza and smoke all day and watch LOTR or something, just can’t take this shit anymore idk
This is the first time I have ever had a good (medical) excuse to not attend my wife’s conservative family’s Thanksgiving. The problem is they’re evangelicals and this is Indiana, so they always vote red.
To their credit, they are very warm and welcome people. They accepted my daughter is queer the moment my wife told them (whereas my supposedly left-wing mother poorly hides her distaste) and they welcomed me into their family despite knowing I was Jewish. They have never once tried to convert me.
I don’t really get it, but it won’t be an issue for much longer anyway because we’re emigrating ASAP.
Ayyyy, Indiana gang. I’m up in amishland where it’s quite red, so I definitely understand.
I’m interested in emigrating too, though I’m a bit worried about this seemingly global shift to the right.
Yeah, there’s nowhere 100% safe, but I’m a dual citizen with the UK and they are working to ban conversion therapy. My goal right now is to just keep my child safe.
Oh man, having dual citizenship right now would be clutch.
I wish you and your family all the best!
Thank you. The best to you as well!
Trump won the popular vote.
We’re the ones that are not invited.
Friendsgiving is the better holiday anyway
Only because the left didn’t show up. His base didn’t grow–it’s constant.
Dems said no leftists invited. Not crazy they didn’t show up.
Leftists did show up. That’s the real rub in all this.
The folks who stayed home were centrists without any strong allegiance, who never got their student loans forgiven or their energy bills reduced or their wages kept up with inflation.
While Harris was hobnobbing with Liz Cheney, they were door knocking for legalized abortion. While she was begging for money from Silicon Valley, they were trying to get weed decriminalized in a few more states.
And it’s not even like Dems didn’t win. Harris ran behind other statewide candidates in Arizona and North Carolina. In House districts it was even worse. Rashida Talib got twice the Harris vote count and won her district in a landslide, while Harris pandered to Israel to no avail.
I would love to see the statistics on this. Even more so if they do indeed show better electoral participation from the left. Sure, it would be a meaningless victory to see more fellow leftists looking at the big picture, but it would be something.
Also very true. Thank you.
We’ll never know. It’s easy to think that every republican showed up, but democrats sat it out.
Edit: is there a map of of people who didn’t vote? Why am I getting downvoted lol
Thank god
Credit to @lukeymcgarry on Instagram.
Surprised they don’t watermark
My parents are pulling almost exactly this from my aunt and uncle because they’re Trump voters.
deleted by creator
The only reason I voted for him was because we’re on the brink of WW3 and I thought he was truly the last hope of getting the wars settled. I’m scared, and I’m sorry, but shit is crazy right now. Trump at least has some relations with Russia and North Korea, that could potentially cool the pot. Feel free to tell me why I’m wrong, I’m open to discussion.
Not going to tell you that you’re wrong, only that it’s funny that this is where we’ve landed when it feels like the world is at 1939.
Something something doomed to repeat it…
Yeah. Israel gets to colonize Gaza, Putin gets Ukraine, and he doesn’t have to go to war with the USA because there’s a known russian asset as president.
I agree that Trump will end a couple of wars by making sure that the bad guys win them. Just surrender human rights and dignity, let white supremacist dictators take over, let a couple genocides happen, war prevented, great success.
Oh, and meanwhile poor people and LGBT are persecuted in America. Doesn’t matter, war prevented.
The stereotypical image of a Trump voter is an overconfident bully, but let this be proof that you can also vote Trump out of complete cowardice. I, recluse nerd, cannot comprehend being so pusillanimous that you put a dictator in power just because you’re scared.
I say this as an ex republican, about 10 years free from it. Turn off your media feeds, they are lying to you. They know you will believe it because they think you are stupid.
they know you will believe it because they think you are stupid.
looks at family
they’re probably right.
Yeah, looking back one of the hardest parts of being stuck in the right wing media bubble is accepting how confused I was. College and traveling helped me escape.
He’s deleted his comment so idk if they still see replies. My point with unplugging is to reduce the amount constant hate and fear mongering. Right now their whole belief system is built on hate and fear, so they can’t argue in good faith. Removing those daily inputs can help most people begin to escape the right wing bubble.
I hope in the coming years you have some luck turning around the people in your peer groups also. (Assuming they are still republicans)
Looking at the inverse here. My entire family except for one of my brothers, my wife, and myself are chuds. If I didn’t have/want a good relationship with my parents I’d stay home
Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers?
Never saw it but I can see the VHS cover in my head now. It was always on the shelf but I never did rent it. Watched all kinds of other stuff but never did manage to see CHUD.
I’m in the opposite boat. My inlaws are all MAGA whereas my wife and I are very much liberal. This is ‘her’ year for visiting family and she does want to go, but I’ve already warned her that her entire family is on the THINNEST of ice. It’s going to take a miracle for us to actually stay. I’m sort of looking forward to the first comment from them where we can simply scoop up the kids and head out.
My wife and I both posted images on Facebook about how we don’t feel safe around people who voted Trump and don’t consider them friends. Not even really decided if we’d say anything to family yet. Their parents sent them a message basically saying “so logically you don’t consider us friends or feel safe around us.” So that was the last straw. We aren’t going.
I’d have to grab the pic we both shared, but yes, it would’ve been a logical conclusion from it. But it was just so weird and passive aggressive to just text that to your daughter in that manner.
the parents are applying modus ponens, so the use of the word “logically” is justified here. just weird to see it happen from the maga crowd
Any idiot who says, “your body, my choice” at Thanksgiving is going to get force fed a drumstick the hard way. It is long past time to stop being polite with them. Women are dying because of this.
That’s the point where I’d politely ask them to come outside with me, then beat the shit out of them while repeating “Your body (punch), my choice (punch)” until I felt they got the point.
Yes, but no, wait, let’s not ruin the drumstick. Let’s use these salad tongs!
I haven’t spoken to one of my trucker cousins since 2016. Used to talk every family gathering, shoot the shit and catch up, talk about whatever until it was time to leave.
Now I actively ignore that he has even spoken if we’re at the same family gathering that I didn’t set up or host. Hasn’t been invited to any that I do.
And apparently, he “doesn’t know why”
Yeah. Last time I saw them they had a screaming fit in front of my kids about how much they hate black people. Unprovoked. They are SHOCKED we blocked them on socials. Like idk what you expect, but I’m not going to find out.
I guess that is the biggest crime the Republican party committed, it polarized society for decades now, taking us to today where families are falling apart over something as stupid as politics
Next stop: a possible civil war where not only neighbor kill neighbors, but even family kill their own members
Mind you, I’m not trying to excuse the fascist assholes, but a lot of these people were just people watching the wrong YouTube channel for a while, watching more and more fox news, etc… how would they have been today had they gotten normal content that wasn’t specifically designed to brainwash him?
People who enjoy it when others are unhappy bother me so much.
I don’t enjoy it when Republicans are unhappy. Sometimes I think they deserve to be unhappy, but I do not enjoy it.
they/them nieces ‘n’ nephews
I guess it would be asking too much of the average MAGAt to know the word “nibling”.
Sounds like something you do before Thanksgiving dinner while nobody is looking.