I’ll start off with Raiden II’s Repeated Tragedy.
A local restaurant had this game, and every time we went, I’d beg my parents for money so that I could play it. I wasn’t very good at the game, so I never got past the first stage, and so I heard this song a lot. Really gives me nostalgia.
Also got to shout out Streets, from Timesplitters too. I put a lot of time into this game as a kid, and this song is what got me into futurepop (love me some VNV Nation).
🎵 🎵
This was a triumph
I’m making a note here: Huge. Success.
It’s hard to overstate my satisfactionnnnn
🎵 🎵
The Whirling in Rags theme and Martinaise theme (the one with the distorted horn) from Disco Elysium.
Every boss theme from Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
About half of the character themes from Guilty Gear: Strive (and I haven’t even played the game!).
IMO Pyre is criminally underrated. The story is leftist and emotional as fuck and it kills me that it nobody has played it. I am also a huge sucker for Ashley Barrett and Darren Korb harmonizing.
It’s hard to sell nerds on magic basketball
I liked Pyre but I’ve still played it the least of Supergiant’s offerings. Transistor is probably my favorite OST.
I never played Pyre, but the two of them have definitely done some great songs. Zulf and Zia’s songs in Bastion were great.
EDIT: the scene at the end where you
Save Zulf while his song plays
brought a tear to my eye the first time through.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAWmSzN7Uf8 is probably my favorite Pyre song
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Pyre is the only supergiant I haven’t played, probably because it’s the least “Normal” of them
The ambient music from Mass Effect 2 that plays while you’re probing for resources. I know lots of people hated that mini-game, but I found it extremely soothing and spent hours and hours doing it.
The galaxy map song from that game is what got me into ambient music and changed my life for the better. It just hits my brain perfectly
I probably spent so much time during my formative years (and some of my adulthood) playing Age of Empires II and Age of Mythology that these were the only ones I could remember off the top of my head. Many others I can remember if I think about the game, but not as easy.
Also, Asylum Demon, Firelink Shrine, Ornstein and Smough and Gwyn Lord of Cinder from Dark Souls 1. I’ve probably beat that game dozens, if not hundreds of times, and have used a ton of playthroughs as background noise before going to bed.
Risk of Rain 2 menu theme, I will get this song stuck on a loop inside my head for hours at a time.
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Lots of songs from the Zelda games. Gerudo Valley and Lost Woods from Ocarina of Time come to mind.
Oh yeah, Windmill Hut is another song that will bounce around inside my skull unbidden
Yup, that’s another one! Some of the tunes from Windwaker and other games in the series also.
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FTL: Faster Than Light
MechWarrior 2
Total Annihilation
Hotline Miami
FTL soundtrack is great
A friend of mine plays video games on speakers and has the Hotline Miami soundtrack playing in the background of all games, so whenever he mics in, I hear that playing in the background
On Christmas Day of 1999, I was gifted a copy of Homeworld. A few days later I was treated to a very groovy credits track by Yes, a band I had never heard of… but now wanted to hear more of. So I decided to give this new thing called Napster a try, and my first search was Homeworld Yes. The rest is history - in a real sense, I discovered music that day.
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The main theme from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
that entire soundtrack, i was a child so it took unreasonably long to complete the game & they’re <2 minute loops on each planet/zone. shit is etched in my brain
The Manaan Ahto City ambient music and the track from the Kashyyyk upper canopy especially
When I played Descent into Avernus my character’s battle theme was a remix of The Only Thing They Fear Is You. The character in question was a Hollyphant Barbarian with PTSD.
Sorry I didn’t see this earlier, but that is so rad. If I had the time to actually learn how to play tabletop DnD, I would totally do something like that lol
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The Only Thing They Fear Is You from Doom Eternal This isn’t an official release, but the gamerip of Damnation from Doom 2016 is leagues better than the soundtrack release The Way of the Ghost from Ghost of Tsushima Down by the River and Raphael’s Final Act from Baldur’s Gate 3 Vode An from Star Wars: Republic Commando The main theme from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Basically everything from Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, but especially this one This forgotten gem from Call of Duty: Finest Hour The one that plays when you fight King Dedede in Kirby: Nightmare in Dreamland I would’ve put in something from Disco Elysium, but I figure that goes without saying around here
Here are the links with tracking removed
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What’d I do wrong
Tracking links, I’ll see if I can fix it
Tracking links?
The trailing
in the link. A youtube URL should look like:https://youtube.com/watch?v=[video code]&[tracking stuff]
so just delete everything after the ampersand.For example,
is clean buthttps://youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ&si[=]124567
isn’t (note that the[=]
is just=
but I needed to defang it so it doesn’t get removed.Thank you for doing that, and for the information. I’m a complete dipshit when it comes to web security.
Okay, the songs that are belovedly burned into my brain are coming from FF7 Original, Disco Elysium, Civ 4, and so on. They’re great songs from great games.
But this is permanently burned into my brain because it’s just so fucking weird.
Ah, video game songs that are just plain weird are one of my guilty pleasures. Here’s one that lives rent-free in my head.
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I meant to say, holy shit, that was horrific.
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Mickey Rourke’s voice lines in the atrociously bad game Rogue Warrior, spliced by the Devs into a rap for the end credits: https://youtu.be/OVoyGUcXepc I would do it for karaoke if anywhere had it as a track.
GoldenEye pause music. Press pause, Bond flicks his wrist to look at his watch. This plays: https://youtu.be/qoWCB8AUiP4 Insanely hard beat.
Bonus mention to Zerg Free Radio in Starcraft, a parody of Radio Free propaganda channels: https://youtu.be/o7XV9fRAhu0
BF2’s MEC (Middle East) theme goes pretty hard: https://youtu.be/S0aXAm0jqd0
Battlefield Play4Free’s loading theme: https://youtu.be/5lcQntE4JuY
DOTA 2 had some bangers. Patches The Pirate theme from Hearthstone (the WoW pirate theme). Really I could go on for days.
I found this remix of the China theme from BF2, so good. Also, now everyone remembers Battlefield Heroes existed. You’re welcome!
Ha, I played Heroes too. I think it’s theme was an Easter Egg in BFV or BF1. Pretty fun game actually.
It had space battles, Luchadores vs Cowboys (https://youtu.be/59-qyN6wM_s), funny little self aware trailers (https://youtu.be/cvmwcU9jQ3M)… Honestly, pretty ahead of its time.
The China theme rules too.
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Honestly Sonic Adventure 2 had some bangers. Live and Learn, That’s the way I like it, all the Knuckles raps, classic
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obligatory Skyrim soundtrack mention
this is both cruel and unusual
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