Not just hamlet but the entire body of works accredited to Shakespeare
damn, that monkey must be pretty prolific, perhaps even rivaling Shakespeare! Do we know their name?
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The name of the kid: Shakespeare
and everymonkey clapped.
Prithee, good sir, wouldst know the stripling’s name?
'Twas William Shakespeare, ere he found his fame!
Christopher Marlowe
At least one overly-proficient monkey.
We also drew dickibutt
Life is amazing
I thought they were written by a Klingon.
Yeah and all by one monkey.
Not on a typewriter though. Task failed successfully.
Pretty sure some other monkey did tho
If you’re paying, I’ll rewrite it on a typewriter for you.
Someone must have written hamlet on a typewriter at some point
We’re apes though.
Great ones even!
Apes are monkeys, in the same sense that humans are apes.
I’m not entirely sure that statement is correct, but it’s been a while since I took any anthropology courses…
Edit: I was wrong and remembered the tree incorrectly.
Family tree of primates. As you can see, old world monkeys and new world monkeys share their last common ancestor with the apes. That means that phylogenetically, that if they are both monkeys, then so are all the apes.
You are factually correct, the best kind of correct!
It is correct. I’ve been corrected on this before and did the research to discover I was wrong. Humans are Monkeys.
Yeah, looks like I was mistaken.
Good on you for realizing it. It was difficult for me to admit I was wrong when it happened to me as well, so I feel your confusion/pain :)
Nothing wrong with learning.
We’re old world monkeys a little more specifically, you can tell partly by our lack of tails
We’re Grapes
Grape apes?
Grape vapes?
Great apes
Great tapes?
One of us even wrote:
It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times.
One of us even wrote this!
The monkeys are really the friends we make along the way
As the saying goes
An infinite number of multicellular organisms with an infinite number of writing utensils will eventually reproduce a recognizable literary work
A more pithier way of putting it is that we are the universe experiencing itself.
A monkey wrote Hamlet. It got mediocre reviews.
It was the BLURST OF TIMES?!?
Unexpected Simpsons reference
Totally expected Simpsons reference…
We’re apes, not monkeys, though.
We’re both. Apes are a subset of old world monkeys.
e: sorry, old, not new
simiiformes / simians
And you don’t start sentences with capital letters.
nO I d’ont.
You rebel
I mean it’s better than capitalizing Random Words because you think it Looks Cool and it will Make America Great Again!
Or to write some WORDS completely in CAPITAL letters to CREATE disgusting CLICKBAIT titles.
And you dont start sentences with and!
Unless you really want to!
No, it’s ok! As long as you end every sentence with an exclamation mark! You can do anything! The only limitation is your imagination!
I will read anything if its all exclamation points! The exciting rise at the end of every sentence is addicting! I want to go up and down this hill all day!
Yeah! I feel like doing a shit ton of cocain now!
Not endless, i guarantee it.
Hamlet is a remake of and Old Norse legend Amleth.
Shakespeare wasn’t even that good of a writer. There are better writers, more modern ones, like Stephen King and George RR Martin.
George “Let’s ignore half of history, take a superficial misrepresentation of the other half, sprinkle some sexual violence and betrayal over it all, then let everyone claim it’s historically accurate” R.R. “The Dothraki were actually fashioned as an amalgam of racist stereotypes I didn’t bother doing even the least bit of research on, but will pretend were an actual historical inspiration” Martin?
Not throwing shade on GoT as a work of fiction, mind, as long as people are aware that it’s solidly in the realm of fiction. Its popularity alone attests to its literary quality. A piece of fiction doesn’t need to be true to reality to be good (that’s the point of fiction, isn’t it?).
You do have to consider that the two unwritten books have the capability of affecting the previous books. Its hard to say that its a great series at this point in time, at least in my opinion. It definitely could be, I’m hoping someone with a better work ethic will take over when GRRM passes on.
They only have such a chance if they are every written, and I doubt they will be
Would you say its great if it ends as is? I’d have to look it up but they were in the middle of it from what I recall.
I suppose that would leave the tv shows ending to stand as the official-ish ending though wouldnt it?
I would love it if the books were written, there are several things I want to see resolved
Why would people downvote this?
We’re in shitposts. This is pure gold!
To support OP, the greatest movie came out already and it’s called Bad Boys 2 with Will Smith and Martin Lawrence.
I understand GRRM spawned a thing that got popular, but he is not a writer anyone should emulate. He’s one of the most unprofessional writers ive heard of, and thats been echoed by other well established writers.
Maybe could call it perpetual immaturity.
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puts down small mammal
This llama is right!
Oh, my God, I was wrong, It was Earth all along!
We were there, monkeys all along. Or we were their monkeys all along. I’m so confused. This sentence makes no sense. My grammar sucks and i can’t even work this out.
Am I the only one bothered by the use there instead of their?
You made me reread the post looking for any there, their, of even they’re.
He edited the title
Thanks, thought I was going … bananas.