Doctors have said it is safe to piss, shid, and cam in the showers now so those are no longer weird. What is the weirdest thing you’ve done in the shower?
I tried to be all sexy and romantic once and take a shower with my ex but it wasn’t big enough for the two of us so I got out and sat on the toilet and waited for her to finish before I got back in and finished myself.
See, this is the better solution than trying anyway.
That just sounds adorable
Adorable sexy-time
My last girlfriend lived in what was practically a mansion and I swear to god their fucking shower was the size of my current apartment. Granted I have a very tiny apartment but that was the biggest shower I have ever seen. You could have a full on orgy in there. (Also yes we totally banged in that shower.)
You could have a full on orgy in there.
Next hexbear orgy spot confirmed.
One big
unionpolyculean orgasm to one is an orgasm to all
Parallel play
In college my dishes didn’t fit in our dorm sink and I didn’t feel like going to the kitchen down the hall to wash them so I’d take them into the shower, which was in my room, and wash them.
Folks told me this was gross. I still think it wasn’t…I was cleaning myself in there and now also dishes so what it’s the cleaning location.
I do agree it was weird as fuck though.
That’s not anywhere near the most disgusting thing I did in college but that’s a different thread.
Well now you mentioned it I’m obviously naturally curious.
Don’t be a lib, say what you did!!!
I must keep some mysteries for another day!
When I was in college I fermented large batches of apple and grape juice concentrate into something that could be called wine and I washed my equipment in the dorm showers. Definitely weird but I never got an infected batch so it was clean enough.
This is literally a Seinfeld bit
I used to do this with my laundry when I was too far from a laundromat to walk there. I think what makes it weird is that you already had a sink.
Saves water I guess? If you were showering at the same time you rinsed the dishes.
You wash your vegetables in there too?
I’m in the shower right now, so, posting on Hexbear, I guess
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Reading this comment i felt progressively worse from reading in the shower, the precarious setup, turning a page and getting the book wet, until I died inside seeing it was a library book.
And Pratchett, at that
My exact thought.
That’s amazing commitment
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I also read in the shower, I have no cares about getting the book moist from the steam. Dunno if I’d bring a library book in, but my own books absolutely.
Took a nap in the tub with the shower head on.
That just sounds pleasant and cozy
It really is. Not great for the environment but if you live in an area where clean water is cheap and accessible there’s few things more relaxing.
I’ve washed my workout clothes by going in the shower with them. Doing a bit of laundry in the shower is one of my audhd life hacks.
This makes sense to me why not. Shower is for cleaning things. I’ve certainly washed hand wash only stuff in the shower how else you gonna wash them
Yeah. A bra or undies that need to be handwashed anyway are supereasy to just wash in the shower.
Amd tbh I’ve done far weirder things than this in the shower, alone or with others. But none are such that I would share them here.
I sometimes fill up a tub with water and hand wash my clothes in the shower because I don’t have a washing machine and sometimes I don’t want to spend 2 hours in a sketchy laundry cleaning my clothes while some dude is smoking meth in the corner.
When I was in student accommodation, I didn’t share the shower with anyone or pay electricity bills, so I liked to turn in the shower, turn off the lights and just sit for a long time. It was very nice. But very bad environmentally and financially
Two answers:
1 ) Sex. It’s uncomfortable and not sexy at all. Completely overrated experience. Movies made it look fun. They lied. If I wanted to play slippery meat Jenga with a chance of cracking my head open I’d play with a package of hotdogs on the floor of an Amazon warehouse.
2 ) Started sweeping all the hairs stuck to the wall of the shower into a pattern while making jokes about my girlfriend being The Ring ghost
Okay maybe 3. Third one: sang the Leonard Nimoy “Bilbo Baggins” song while scrubbing between my toes.
Grouch… Baggins…feet…Hobbit Feet.
Secret is safe with us Danny. Glad you’re here.
I disagree regarding g my other comment about an apartment sized shower. Only bougie sucker’s get to have fun sexy shower times.
This is not weird this is required
When I first moved out of my parents and into a tiny studio I refused to use the landlord’s washing machines and dryers in the basement of the building for some inexplicable reason so I hand washed my clothes and bedding and air dried them. My comforter was too big for the sink so I cleaned it by getting undressed, putting detergent on it, and wrestling it in the (standing) shower until it was thoroughly soaked and soaped. Then I’d rinse it off and wring it out as much as possible and hang dry it.
Guys will literally wrestle their comforter in the shower before going to a laundromat.
Jerked off with cheese whiz while dressed as Abraham Lincoln
This is not true I refuse to believe this is real
You’re right, jk lol
It was actually as James Madison
I just snort laughed at this
Now I believe it
∞ 🏳️⚧️Edie [it/its, she/her, fae/faer, love/loves, ze/hir, des/pair, none/use name, undecided]@hexbear.netEnglish15·3 months agoDUE TO WOKE cam in the shower is NO longer weird!
Volcel police help help volcel police
نحن شرطة VolCel.بناءا على تعليمات الهيئة لترويج لألعاب الفيديو و النهي عن الجنس نرجوا الإبتعاد عن أي أفكار جنسية و الحفاظ على حيواناتكم المنويَّة حتى يوم الحساب. اتقوا الله، إنك لا تراه لكنه يراك.
Idk but my roommate in my college dorm would regularly eat yogurt
Edit: I almost hope someone eats yogurt in the shower bc of this
I used to sit down at the end of my showers and do the whole Tears in rain monologue lmao