That cop is a really good listener for a cop.
The robber is also white…
Cops let white people talk. The black man would’ve been shot on sight.
Comic is accurate.
For a US or French cop.
It’s pretty obvious that the entire comic talks specifically about the US, so I didn’t think it was necessary to specify that in my comment.
All cops. When lines are drawn there isn’t a police force in the world that’d stand beside you
Unless of course you’re either SUPER rich, a white supremacist, or both. Then cops are your ride or die bffs.
Bonus panel. The cop just shoots him.
Not the bonus panel we deserve, but the bonus panel we get.
The true secret bonus panel is when the cop gets the bonus for the shooting.
Cops serve the ruling class. It’s why they’re trying so hard to find the CEO killer.
Refresh your feed. They found him.
Yup, I saw an hour or so ago. Very odd to conveniently still have the weapon with him as well as a manifesto.
The cops can plant as much evidence on Luigi as they want, that doesn’t make him The Adjuster.
People with jobs serve their paycheck. People with authority let it go to their heads. Cops are the combination of the two.
Praise Muad’dib!
If police and prisons made societies safer the USA would be the safest society on the planet.
On a global scale this is probably one of the safest times in human history, and the USA is safer than most.
and the USA is safer than most.
aaaahahahahahaha. ahahahahahahaahaaaahaaaaa… ahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaaaaaaa fucking hah!
NOT funny.
The US is ranked 132 out of 163 for safety worldwide. I’d say that actually makes the US one of the least safe countries on earth.
Is it safer than living in a Roman frontier town during the Hun invasion? Probably… but the point is, clearly having the most militarized police and highest prison population doesn’t make things safer.
Global Peace Index includes factors like military spending and weapons exports. It’s not a measure of how safe it is to live inside the USA.
I’ve literally never had anybody in my life experience multiple riots, lock downs due to a crazed gunman shooting up his black neighbor and people crashing, burning and dieing in their yard probably due to drunk driving EVER, until I made some American friends. Visiting them was also a trip, fuck they’re paranoid, and honestly I’m not even surprised. You people have police officers stationed at SCHOOLS for crying out loud, how more fucked can it get?!? If I was forced to live in the states I’d also go fucking crazy.
I used to get so angry at posts like this. I was an absolute idiot back then. How the hell is this the reality we’ve allowed to be created around us?
I felt much safer in Japan more than I ever did in the US.
You’re using relativism to disprove the idea that overpolicing doesn’t make us safer? My goodness!
One lie I’ve heard over and over in my life is how unsafe everything is. Small town people think the cities are unsafe. City people think the small towns are unsafe. They’re not. They’re actually fine. It’s a scare tactic. The media over reports crime. Look at any crime statistics and you’ll see, yes, some recent spikes. As always. But if you’re watching the news you’d think we’ve been in a perpetual crime spike since the 1960’s or so. It’s a safer world right now than it was 50 and 100 years ago.
The USA is, in fact (even if it upsets you) one of the safest societies in the history of the world. Only behind other modern 1st world nations.
In that case we shouldn’t have ANY incidents of police officers murdering people, planting evidence, covering up internal crime or taking bribes.
Saying, “it’s good enough” in response to “overpolicing doesn’t make us safer” suggests that the overpolicing is ok, and it’s not. So thanks for your input, but I’m upholding my view.
I’m not saying it’s “good enough,” I’m saying that it has improved. It will hopefully continue to improve. It’s far from perfect. I have no disagreements there. My problem was with this statement:
If police and prisons made societies safer the USA would be the safest society on the planet.
Well it is one of the safest societies on the planet. And it continues to get safer.
This is not the argument against police you think it is.
With one reply you start with backpedaling, then you suggest a moderate approach to the police problem.
Has hoping that the problem would improve worked for us so far? People are being murdered everyday. When school shootings happen, the cops wait outside for the gunfire to stop before going in.
Your moderate solutions and hoping for things to improve hasn’t fixed anything. We need a progressive solution or things are going to continue the way they always have.
I’m sorry but your suggestions aren’t helpful and I won’t be listening to any more of them.
I literally never said anything about police. I’m not trying to argue about police. Just that the world is in fact a safe place that continues to get safer. If the fact that the crime continues to drop, if that destroys your argument about police being bad, then maybe get a new argument about why police are bad. Crime is down. It’s just a statement of fact.
Cop: “So anyway I started blastin”
Why would I investigate my employer? A healthy chunk of that $15B in CEO salary works its way back into the hands of officers via lobbying for increased pay/benefits, kickbacks to police unions and sheriff’s society’s, and direct hiring for police “consultants” and overpaid rent-a-cops.
If burglars want to enjoy these benefits, they need to get back to the old school way of doing business. Get. Mobbed. Up. You didn’t see Irish cops bothering the American wing of the IRA or Italian cops hassling the mafia. Burglars need to do the same thing as the rest of the working class and get organized. One stick is easily broken. A bundle is far sturdier.
They are mobbed up. Always have been. If you’d been to prison and followed the unwritten rules then you’d already know.
I know this is fiction
because irl a cop would not reflect on his actions.
He would just shoot & kill this man on the spot.
For the record, it’s specifically CEOs of S&P 500 companies that make an average of ~18 million/yr.
The Standard and Poor’s 500 is ~500 of the largest companies in the country that are publicly traded. It does not include the vast majority of CEO positions in the US, just the biggest.
Robbers are committing violent crime mostly against the working class.
Cops should go after both robbers and robber barons.
How does one create this comic and completely ignore that cops stealing via civil asset forfeiture take more than cops
The machine works as intended.
Robbers are (allowed to be) part of it so they can take the focus, all the fingerpointing, be the big bad wolf mascot.
Some folks will rob you with a six gun, and some will rob you with a fountain pen.
If only there were some way we could influence laws and how they are enforced…
I’ve been saving up for some space tourism, but you’re right, it’s time to buy a senator. (This is sarcasm.)
There would still be people who stole if we lived in a socialist paradise. And they would still want to be called boss.
The source looks like though the dude doesn’t appear to have a website, just links to a bunch of gated websites that I can’t access without an account.