I will watch the world burn and billions die so I can get type 2 diabetes.
This aisle looks like type 10 diabetes waiting to break through
Uhhh ackshully that’s binary for 2
Maybe one of my more controversial opinions, but these sorts of products should really be classed as drugs since they are entirely focused on producing dopamine release without any nutritional value. Like, other than legal/employment issues, you are way better off using cannabis than eating any of these things
It depends on how you consume it. Edibles, sure, that’s definitely better for you, but smoking burns your alveoli and causes a ton of health issues just from being that close to combustion. For vaping, it depends on the vape being used, but some of them will accumulate fluid in your lungs and cause edema or pneumothorax. A lot of the health issues of smoking aren’t from the nicotine or additives, but from the combustion.
I boof everything. Healthiest lungs around. don’t ask about any other health issues I may have
do people just forget dessert exists that isn’t made of processed distilled food-crack? I wouldn’t call fruit pie a drug but it exists entirely for dopamine/seratonin
you are way better off using cannabis than eating any of these things
you are way better off using cannabis then eating any of these things
that’s what they’re for
The simulacrum no longer bears any relationship with reality
Want to eat the kind of shit you’d see at a county fair, but instead of being made fresh with a deep fryer it’s from a microwave?
now with the power of Food Science and Innovation, you can have the ecstatic joy of fair food 24 hours a day, 365 days a year in under 2 minutes at a fraction of the price.
experience the rapture, the glory and the shame without ever being 10’ from your toilet.
Solution: buy a deep fryer. Also works as a retirement plan in lieu of a 401k
So many treat varieties. How does the US do it? Does each treat have different factory machine with different tooling?
i think it’s a 3 shift operation. you get 2 shifts (8 hours each, back to back) running a line of treat A. during 3rd shift, they swap out a couple of critical components during the 3rd shift production line deep line (to meet HACCP / health standards) and run Treat B for two shifts. i’m sure the engineering team that figured out how a single production line floor can, over the course of a week, run 10+ product lines each with their own packaging and terminating in a frozen/frigerated truck for shipping are some real logistics wizards.
imagine if they were paid to come up with built environments, networks, and community support systems to prevent diabetes and heart disease.
EDIT: no chance i would buy an entire box, but i would 100% try a deep fried twinkie.
Yes, in China
These tend to be domestic, it’s expensive to transport frozen treats across the Pacific
I’ve worked in a factory producing similar frozen foodstuffs (think more savoury than sweet though) and the machines I worked with were able to produce a few different but similar products depending on the production schedule for that day. I wasn’t involved in swapping the machines over so I don’t know the intricacies but they were able to do the swap during the night maintenance shift. One day we’d be fulfilling the order for X treat and the next would be Y treat.
Just speculation on my part but I’m guessing the general process for “breaded lump of cheese product” is similar across the board just with different recipes & shapes. So the same line might be making Doritos™ Loaded® one day & Velveeta™ Cheesy Bites® the next
smh my head and they say white people have no culture
My culture is
and my prophet is
Death to America
If they keep eating this, they’ll do it to themselves
The only good thing about this hell country
I hate that all of these look delicious to my fat high ass
Just looking at the boxes makes me nauseous.
I hate treatland
I will say: Those loaded doritos are kinda bomb if you do em right
I can feel my arteries squeezing just looking at this picture
Oreo Churros
Has anyone tried these? How bad are they? I’m intrigued by the Yankee Treats
All this shit is fucking flavorless as far as I’ve experienced. That’s the fucked part about this stuff, is it’s bad for you, sure, but it doesn’t even taste good. It is bland.
Get some churros or flan from a local Mexican restaurant, if will be 100x better
Wow treatlerism can’t even produce good tasty treats. Instead it’s just flavourless, sugary treats.
I’ve been hearing about deep fried Twinkies since I was a little kid and I’ve actually always wanted to try one
When I was in Scotland I had a piece of deep fried mars bar once. It tasted like heart failure.
Go to a state fair, you’ll find some. Along with a whole lot of bomb-ass food.
They’re good, same with deep fries Oreos.
it’s a staple of any county fair
Yeah but frozen ones just seem weird