Sigh… What a complete moron.
Well they just released a report on one of Trump’s running buddies committing statutory rape, so of course Trump must respond by lashing out against another country with some bullshit that doesn’t even make sense.
This is just a way to run a distraction headline. There is not, nor ever will there be, a real push for Greenland.
“Distraction shield”
You’re going to have to be more specific.
The report on Matt Geatz was released today.
one of Trump’s running buddies
Fake news! Trump hasn’t gone for a run in his entire life!
Trump’s running buddies
Ha! Now that’s comedy! 😁
Tell you what Don. I’ll vote for the billions to buy Greenland if you sign off on Puerto Rico and DC as states. That’s the deal.
Sen. Rapidcreek
Sell it, but demand payment in Chinese Yuan. Cite fears of what his economic policies are going to do to the dollar.
I legitimately have no idea if this is satire.
There has to be oil or metals in Greenland or something, right?
The incoming president is reportedly far more interested in the island’s coal, zinc, and copper reserves than in traditional real estate prospects
They’re entirely disinterested in real estate prospects, but they are interested in industry?
…so cheap rent and a guaranteed job?
Is there someone I should speak to?
I think it has to do with Nazis mythology and the lost race of Atlantis.
Fight the misinformation with funnier misinformation and you will at least live in an interesting fantasy
Nazis actually believed and were obsessed with shit like that. That’s not even misinformation, that’s historical fact.
Nazis weren’t just put into Indiana Jones for the lulz. They legit tried to rewrite history and part of this was finding artifacts and making them work to their own story. There was an occult backstory to the Aryans as Hitler and the Nazis envisioned it.
One of my new favorite channels, Extra History, had a miniseries last month called “Nazi Occultism” recently…highly recommend.
Do you believe the person you were responding to was calling the well documented Nazi occultism misinformation, or that they were calling Trumps desire to acquire Greenland based on Nazi occultism as misinformation?
Somewhat the former but not really.
Moreso, it was unclear from their wording, which one of your interpretations they were intending. I don’t think that most Americans really know about the occult side of Nazism, outside of surface level stories. It wasn’t until I saw the Extra History bit a couple weeks ago that I even knew there was a link between Atlantis and Nazis.
Atlantis had been a mystical space in public knowledge, sure. There was a flume ride at Sea World. All sorts of specials on ABC and a Disney movie (not that that gains any points for not-being-nazi, in retrospect). But the Nazi link is always glossed over.
So really, my intent was sort of like writing on the screen “Nazis really believed this stuff”. Was there a South Park Nazi episode that calledback that joke from the Mormon episode or the Scientology episode? That’s what I’m trying to do.
Did you never watch Indiana Jones?
Nazi obsession with occultism is literally the plot of a bunch of popular media.
That sounds like a movie idea to me. There already was a Nazi oretreats to the moon movie. A Nazi retreats to the lost city of Atlantis in Greenland doesn’t sound that far fetched.
We could use another iron sky sequel
Putin wants this, not Trump
In 1946, former President Harry Truman offered to buy the island for $100 million in what would have been the single largest territorial expansion in U.S. history.
That’s some fine fact-checking Lou.
So roughly $1.618B. Pocket change for some people. LoL. Somehow, with the chumps subtle maneuvering, I suspect that the current price would be higher.
That’s right, Donny, just let President Elon take care of the important issues.
Did elon muskmoron give the greenlight to that, mr first man?
I heard Mexico was partnering with Canada to purchase it.
Yeah, the tready Canada signed with Denmark, that ended the Whiskey War, was just to lul the Danish into a false sense of security. Half of Hans island is not enough. We need more!
Goddamn Canadians and your insatiable lust for conquest!
Can never get enough of frozen barren islands too far north.
The funniest war just got serial.
There was another Emu War?
Can someone translate crazy donvict ideas to sane talk? Just why does he have this thing with Greenland?
People made fun of him for suggesting it, so now he is motivated to “prove” them wrong. It is really that simple and that stupid. He is a child.
Probably some crazy conflation that north equals oil since Alaska and Canada have decent oil reserves. Or fascist expansionism like the Nazis, which explains the talk of Mexico, Panama, and even Canada.
Yeah, I was actually wondering if it was some fan service to his nutjob base, like maybe they think Thule is there…
Honestly too lazy/depressed/exhausted of… All of this to Google it and find a source, but I remember something about the northern Waters being a new potential shipping route or something militarily important in the coming years due to climate change making them more navigable than before. Specifically it was talking about what the northern limits of Canada are, and how before it was sort of vaguely defined because no one considered the land up there worth anything, but with the ice melting the us and Canada were gaining interest in them. This was before 2016, so I’m probably remembering something (or everything) wrong.
Anyway, if that’s the case, Greenland, Canada, Mexico, Panama… Could be the old Nazi playbook and Trump/maga/the evil empire just trying to secure all naval routes around north america because they know a war is coming, because they’re planning on starting an expansionist war.
I was thinking oil or precious metals.
Or he wants to go finish melting the rest of the ice faster
he doesnt know that its icy.
usually when this happens, Von ShitzInPantz is trying to pull another distraction for a bigger scam/ grift/ crime.
He wants some bullshit fake prestige
Buying or annexing?
wErE gOnNa BuY gReEnLaNd, aNd THEYRE gOnA pAy FoR iT