Didn’t remember this being posted, sorry if old news
Biden said that he and his administration “strongly opposes” restrictions on gender-affirming care for trans youth in a White House statement released after he signed the bill.
Genuinely I hate this more than I hate the republicans. I’d rather the guy who says “fuck you” while he stabs me in the front than the guy who says “I strongly oppose this” as he stabs me in the back.
Joe Biden is a demon who has done far more evil in his life than Donald Trump could dream of. I hope he dies soon, I hope it’s painful, and part of me hopes hell is real so he can rot there.
Like, Fox vs Wolf I’ll take the fucking wolf, at least I can keep my eyes on it
Listen, fat - there’s an election in two years. So ya gotta vote because… I mean… You vote… And democrats support LGBTQ+… I mean… We might?.. We won’t?.. The important thing is… vote!
Then line-item veto that part? You can literally do a line-item veto.
Think that only some state governors can line-item veto and not the president, but that doesn’t make his statement any less hollow
The next time a lib brings up Project 2025 they’re getting punched in the face.
democrats are just such good sports and gracious losers that they’re jumpstarting the next administration’s “horrible platform of destroying democracy and the america we love” so they can get even more of it done
What does the right have to complain about?
The American reactionary is the most spoiled rotten demographic in human history.
The bill didn’t legalize the execution of anyone suspected of being trans
This is like the first federal anti LGBT bill in 30 years. Trump didn’t do this, Bush didn’t do this.
I don’t think you have to hand it to Trump given how much state level discrimination he enabled, but Biden has managed to make things a little worse across the country.This is going to be a selling point for the democrats in the midterms.
“We passed the first anti-lgbt bill in 30 years, not Bush nor Trump! Are we cool yet, America? We’re folksy conservatives just like you!”
A few months ago, I cut contact with a group of libs because they accused me of not caring about trans people over my refusal to vote for Biden back when he was still the expected candidate. Can’t really take any pleasure in how I was vindicated, though.
So “burning everything down” is enacting reactionary policy before trump can?
mOsT pRoGrEsSiVe PrEsIdEnT sInCe FdR
huh i wonder who he’s fooling
he’s fooling the same people who think he did everything he could to rein in Israel, i.e registered Democrats
This probably sets a new legal precident that will be exploited in the future so it really is a gutwrenching piece of news but also this feels like a punchline after years of the dems pretending to give a shit about trans people.
America and trialing reckless social / psychological / medical experiments on the troops. Name a more iconic bla bla bla.
fuck this sucks.
H a r m. R e d u c t i o n
Burn in hell, ghoul. I hope you have the most painful death anyone can ever imagine.
I’m glad this guy is going to die soon, likely feeling confused and disoriented from dementia while also hopefully remembering that his arrogance and abject failure as a president lead to a second Trump term
of course it’s no where in .world.
oh god!!! it’s even worse that i thought it could be on .world; they’re excusing it while simultaneously ignoring why it passed in a democratic senate and presidency.
in their minds: it’s somehow okay because it only makes life a little bit tougher for a few trans people instead of everyone.
also, nice touch w so few responses a day later; luigi has taught me that the most effective way to manufacture a narrative is to include the things you want to suppress by acknowledging it in a shortest, smallest way possible so that you can have plausible deniability that you’re suppressing anything.
eat shit you old bitch