Authorities warn about it? Why don’t they do something to stop it?
Hope nobody gets SLAMMED
They “warn” so of you didn’t know to jack up the rent, now you do. Knowing is half the battle!
they are warning people, so …
Saw this in c/latestagecalitalism:
I don’t think the sort of people who would have paid $10,000 are going to end up homeless.
I don’t see the rental listing for 120 1/2 but 120 Galleon St costs $25,000 a month.
What a lot of people do is sign the lease, take the biggest bedroom, then sublease the other two bedrooms for $5,000 each. Might not fly at $7,500 each.
It’s not even the prices that are the biggest problem. There simply just aren’t enough places in the area for people to live and to come close to their prior standard of living. There are thousands of displaced families.
We went to see a place in Monrovia today and within the 10-15 minutes we were there at least 6 other families came to see the place. Then you talk to some of them and in my head I’m thinking “you need this more than I do.”
Idk how landlords are gonna choose and it seems like A LOT of people are gonna have to move pretty far away.
Either way, fuck these people and fuck anybody sitting on multiple properties and not trying to help.
My partner is fully moving out of her place and putting it on the market for a year or two, fully furnished. We were living there maybe 4 months out of the year. Honestly I hope she’s able to make some extra cash on it but it’s mostly to make some housing available. Maybe we’re the evil landlords now?
This is lemmy. Even if you’re a decent landlord who rents at a fair price, doesn’t raise the rent, and does a great job maintaining the property, you’re still a scumbag.
There might be a good landlord out there somewhere, but I doubt they exist.
IMO, a personal landlord is rarely evil unless they’ve made a job of it.
Is this price gouging or is it the new, higher long-term price? Rebuilding will take years and so the housing shortage and therefore the higher prices seem like they will last.
Whatever it is called, it does seem to be illegal at the moment.
who are these authorities that is allowing greedy fucken people to price gouge the needy.
Those landlords have necks. That’s a shame.
Aren’t there a stupid number of homeless already in LA?
Like hundreds of thousands?
Seems to me to be more than enough could just organize and walk right into these empty residences
Like hundreds of thousands?
No, why spread such bad info? This sounds like Fox news bullshit.
Ok. 75k is way smaller than I thought, but enough that if they organized somehow they could get a lot accomplished by sheer numbers. But I don’t exactly know where one would start.
You can’t walk right into a residence with a lock on the door and good luck smashing and climbing through the window of a 12th story apartment.
This is the LockPickingLawyer and what I have for you today is…
How do you guarantee you’re picking the lock of an empty apartment or house? Who gets to decide who gets to occupy which home? What if three families all want to live in the same empty house? Do they fight it out? It’s really not that simple.