Every so often, they caught fire.
“what if we installed a thing that was less functional and more expensive and required a lot more maintenance and also introduces new problems on top of solving no existing ones”
“Brilliant give me $200,000,000 worth”
Tech bros are a disaster
The only problem (one I REALLY have to nitpick on) that I could see this fixing is sometimes the windows are fogged up, making it hard to see what’s inside.
Vinyl decals were invented in the 1960s
Squeegees were invented in 1919
There are industrial water repellents that fix this
PFAS for everybody!
Soap works pretty well. Just soap it up and leave a thin film of soap.
yep, when I play hockey or go biking when the temps are low, glasses fog up easily from your breath. Just apply a very thin layer of dish soap, a small dab on both sides of the lenses then wipe off, just leaving a very thin layer that won’t affect your vision.
Is the shoe one pfas as well?
This has to be an actual thing, right? Techwashing has to be real phenomenon.
Rube Goldberg being vindicated about technology yet again.
Some staffers pasted pieces of paper on the opaque screens that read, for example, “assorted sports drinks & coffee.”
Lol. Lmao.
Every so often, they caught fire.
The Secret Fate Of All Lithium
When I saw these I couldn’t help but laugh. What a dumbass idea. They were worse in every conceivable way
Trash future predicted this.
These are gonna be chests full of loot in my postapocalyptic setting called Fridges and Freezers™
Post apocalypse fridges are never gross enough. A closed fridge with any food in it is a petri dish after a day or so if it’d not working
Flashbacks to when my sister’s refrigerator died like the day after she left town for a month
Thats how you get a Mimic Fridge
I did some junk removal work (not bottom surgery, clearing garbage out of houses and stuff). We would duct tape fridges shut and use half a roll to be sure it’s tight before moving em.
Looks like a monster full pile of loot…
2 gold.
Between this and the locked goods thing from earlier this week, I’m beginning to think we have not put our best in charge of the livelihoods of a lot of workers.
They took them off the doors of my local Walgreens
So…not shoplifters but shitty off the wall management decisions yet again.
I sort of wonder if we’re close to peak “Tech for speculation’s sake”. This constant pursuit of solutions in search of problems can’t hold up forever.
Walgreens has seemed to me to be shrinking and slowly going out of business over the last decade or so… why the fuck would they make such an obvious fuck-up like this?
Wait, the CEO of the smart screen company whose product occasionally bursts into flame is named Arsen? Are you kidding me?
: “Do you like my innoVOOSHUN, poors?”
I couldn’t stop grinning throughout this whole article. A perfectly farcical representation of American capitalist “innovation”
Leave your job as CEO to found a start up that does the most useless, worthless thing you can imagine and use your remaining pull to sell your old company a service contract to use it for 10 years. Then sue them when they figure out the product is killing their profits and try to stop using it.
Innovation is using your money and influence you got from being wealthy and influential to trap the largest target you can into a predatory rent seeking business arrangement.
Looks like he went from making a tea and cafe company to this shit, which is also a great illustration of capitalism. He starts with making something physical and helpful to actual people in real life, but it isn’t profitable enough. You know what is? Ads and data tracking, something which doesn’t actually produce or make anything physical, or even helpful, but in our capitalist hellscape actually is more profitable, and more attractive to VC’s.
So like, when people say we can’t increase wages because it will result in higher prices, are they also against investing in useless things like this because it will increase prices? I’ve heard people say the former alot, rarely have heard the latter.