Always thought it was a bit of a overplayed trope that little boys love machines, but man does tinyest LOVE a train or a digger.
I keep going “Look! a train!” even when I am out by myself.
Thinking I might take him out to gipsland on a vline this weekend for a cafe or something.
They seriously do, my boys love watching videos of diggers, cars, and trains. I wish I could take them down Epping Road during the week so they could see all the roadwork going on. They always point to an excavator when they see one and say, ‘Diggy!’
We’ve got something similar! Mr Brick the builder or something like that. cant wait till he is old enough for puffing billy. Not sure whos gonna get more outta that, me or him!
It’s like Lego but metal based and mechanical. You can build simple working diggers etc. I did a quick Google and you can still buy this stuff if you want but it’s limited supply as it may have stopped being produced. It’s IMO much better than Lego Technic (which is still awesome).
So Meccano is legitimately cool for a kid and it teaches how things they love work when they build them. It sounds like your kid and you would love to build something like that together.
Always thought it was a bit of a overplayed trope that little boys love machines, but man does tinyest LOVE a train or a digger. I keep going “Look! a train!” even when I am out by myself.
Thinking I might take him out to gipsland on a vline this weekend for a cafe or something.
I used to have a mobility scooter that looked a lot like a motorbike.
My absolute favourite thing about owning this scooter was the response of every little boy who saw me on it. Silent but profound joy
They seriously do, my boys love watching videos of diggers, cars, and trains. I wish I could take them down Epping Road during the week so they could see all the roadwork going on. They always point to an excavator when they see one and say, ‘Diggy!’
haha mine still calls them “train”. Everything is train. Buses, diggers, planes, trains, tran stations, train tracks. All “train”.
Bellarinerailway has a shitload of old different steam and diesel trains (I think about 20 now) including thomas!
Can also check out boats at the harbour near the Queenscliff station.
Aww I miss that age… my son was obsessed with trains, trucks and earthmoving equipment that digs.
Mine is 13 and hasn’t stopped. Trains occupy up about 50% of his mind. He wants to go back to Melbourne and ride on the trains.
At least it’s an inexpensive obsession. Some parents have to buy AFL or Pokemon cards.
We live near a railway crossing, and when my kid was little he loved waving at trains so they’d beep
@anotherspringchicken @TinyBreak Heck, I am over 60 and I still love waving at a train to get a toot of its horn
My son absolutely adored this book when he was little.
We bought him a couple of plushies from it too.
Definitely do a V line trip. He’ll have a blast. Or Puffin Billy (I think it still operates).
We’ve got something similar! Mr Brick the builder or something like that. cant wait till he is old enough for puffing billy. Not sure whos gonna get more outta that, me or him!
Ha! I had this memorised at one point. It was one of the books I could recite if I were putting the kids to bed away from home.
Have you tried exposing him to Meccano?
no whats meccano?
Omg! It’s like Lego but made of metal straps and bolts. Fucking fantastic
It has working gears and motors too! Super cool. I loved loved loved mine.
Me too. I basically kidnapped my brothers’ Meccano sets. Hours of good clean fun and many bandaids for the cuts you get from the razor sharp edges.
EDIT: its precise not sharp - still cuts though if you don’t handle it carefully.
I remember Meccano
I think I had some weird plastic version though
It’s like Lego but metal based and mechanical. You can build simple working diggers etc. I did a quick Google and you can still buy this stuff if you want but it’s limited supply as it may have stopped being produced. It’s IMO much better than Lego Technic (which is still awesome).
So Meccano is legitimately cool for a kid and it teaches how things they love work when they build them. It sounds like your kid and you would love to build something like that together.