Thx just_kitten for costing me 12.99. I’m now watching severance
From season 1? You lucky bastard
Yep lol
I wish I could enjoy that for the first time all over again - and not have to wait 3 be agonising years between seasons. Enjoy! I look forward to reading your thoughts tomorrow
If you’re interested in pirating,
Once I finish American Primeval again , until I really I know it and appreciate it well
severance is next on my queue
and then all the Twin Peaks because I had forgotten how amazing it is
Took apart and (almost, so far) rebuilt a fancy outdoor umbrella. Thing blew over last summer and broke a rib / pulley system.
Not doing that again that was fucked. Lotta swear words. I jump on the manufacturers website afterwards to find a part for it “We do not recommend attempting to repair this unless you are technically capable and have patience”.
Shoulda read that part before trying.
But it’s getting there!
Swearing is one of the tools available to get a job done.
My best friend that I haven’t seen for 30ish years was going to come to Australia next month, but now isn’t due to something of a family tragedy. Shit.
so many hugs, I hope things improve for them soon
Tonight’s wave.
Such an empty beach this summer I really don’t know where everyone is. Suits me though but still, where’d everyone go?
That is all.
For what mate?
I think it’s about the rivers closing and not being able to have any herring anymore
I think it’s that they went to the supermarket but someone already bought the last of the cheese slices.
Oh. I’ll have to source my imitation crocs from somewhere else now.
Just stressed because of some family health issues and financial stuff linked to it.
Oh dear. Hugs 🫂
15 minutes into my workday and I was down the back of the work yard, doubled over and crying. Why am I doing this to myself? Why am I doing this to this business? Why is this business doing this to me?
Counting down the minutes until 5pm.
If I was your manager or colleague I’d be strongly suggesting that you step away, take a break and take all the time off that you need with absolutely no worries.
So I hope that you’re OK, and is there anything we can do to help? If you want I’ll send you monies for a free pizza?
C’mon, free pizza Friday! DM me!
This is a very sweet offer, thank you! I’ll pass your offer to someone who might need pizza a little more than me, I’m out for Indian with some friends tonight so hopefully that’ll cheer me up!
Okies but the offer still stands ❤️ ( it was gonna be an Uber Eats gift card so could’ve been spent on anything anyways)
Lemme know if the Indian is any good because, as a pom growing up on Indian food, IMO there’s only one half decent Indian place in the whole of Melbs and I’m craving finding another. I hope you all have a lovely time and that you feel better and have fun!
Call in sick
Maybe you could write off today and go home sick? Some couch time might help.
Take care of yourself.
Thanks - definitely planning some good couch time this weekend!
so many hugs, you take care of yourself
Can you call a friend to come over? Cos you need hugs
Heading out to dinner with some friends tonight who have already been warned that I’ve had a rough day, so hopefully it’ll be a nice evening out!
a smol first harvest of chilies and some lettuce , can’t wait to eat those chilies after they have ripened a bit more on the windowsill 😊
That looks beautiful!
Thank you. 😊 This year I’m only growing guaranteed crops and those I know I’ll eat.
Slowly on the mend. Work from home and a 3 day weekend should see me feeling better
Bloody Hell, I love cold watermelon.
Suggest adding mint & feta
At least 80% better than room temperature watermelon.
Would you like a cooler Monday? Consider asking a Minoan Snake Goddess. This one is about 50% liquid paper, but asking can’t hurt.
I don’t think there’s any point in asking but I’d like to ask the a/c gods not to fuck up on Monday. Ta.
This seems reasonable. I wish you no snakes in your ducts.
I feel significantly better today. Still need a holiday, but I’m not teetering on the edge of a breakdown today
This is good to hear. I hope the weekend is a chance to refresh & reset.
So glad to hear it. Book in that holiday ASAP.
Take it easy .
Always thought it was a bit of a overplayed trope that little boys love machines, but man does tinyest LOVE a train or a digger. I keep going “Look! a train!” even when I am out by myself.
Thinking I might take him out to gipsland on a vline this weekend for a cafe or something.
I used to have a mobility scooter that looked a lot like a motorbike.
My absolute favourite thing about owning this scooter was the response of every little boy who saw me on it. Silent but profound joy
They seriously do, my boys love watching videos of diggers, cars, and trains. I wish I could take them down Epping Road during the week so they could see all the roadwork going on. They always point to an excavator when they see one and say, ‘Diggy!’
haha mine still calls them “train”. Everything is train. Buses, diggers, planes, trains, tran stations, train tracks. All “train”.
Bellarinerailway has a shitload of old different steam and diesel trains (I think about 20 now) including thomas!
Can also check out boats at the harbour near the Queenscliff station.
Aww I miss that age… my son was obsessed with trains, trucks and earthmoving equipment that digs.
Mine is 13 and hasn’t stopped. Trains occupy up about 50% of his mind. He wants to go back to Melbourne and ride on the trains.
At least it’s an inexpensive obsession. Some parents have to buy AFL or Pokemon cards.
My son absolutely adored this book when he was little.
We bought him a couple of plushies from it too.
Definitely do a V line trip. He’ll have a blast. Or Puffin Billy (I think it still operates).
We’ve got something similar! Mr Brick the builder or something like that. cant wait till he is old enough for puffing billy. Not sure whos gonna get more outta that, me or him!
Ha! I had this memorised at one point. It was one of the books I could recite if I were putting the kids to bed away from home.
We live near a railway crossing, and when my kid was little he loved waving at trains so they’d beep
@anotherspringchicken @TinyBreak Heck, I am over 60 and I still love waving at a train to get a toot of its horn
Have you tried exposing him to Meccano?
no whats meccano?
Omg! It’s like Lego but made of metal straps and bolts. Fucking fantastic
It has working gears and motors too! Super cool. I loved loved loved mine.
Me too. I basically kidnapped my brothers’ Meccano sets. Hours of good clean fun and many bandaids for the cuts you get from the razor sharp edges.
EDIT: its precise not sharp - still cuts though if you don’t handle it carefully.
I remember Meccano
I think I had some weird plastic version though
It’s like Lego but metal based and mechanical. You can build simple working diggers etc. I did a quick Google and you can still buy this stuff if you want but it’s limited supply as it may have stopped being produced. It’s IMO much better than Lego Technic (which is still awesome).
So Meccano is legitimately cool for a kid and it teaches how things they love work when they build them. It sounds like your kid and you would love to build something like that together.
Just remembered that I need to be up early tomorrow but I’m currently half way through Die Hard 3 with an open beer.
What do?
put movie on pause , put down beer, go to bed
I know that you’re right, but I really don’t want to do it :(
Thank you as always chef, they were a great great post Die Hard 3 chaser
I went to Aldi with the kid other day and I compared the pair between her and her dad in the way they shop.
The man: He pushes the trolley so I can concentrate on my list. He is slow. He likes to look at everything. He says it’s because he doesn’t come that often. By the time I’ve reached the end he’s still sniffing and fondling the fruit. I have to walk back to the trolley constantly. He doesn’t forget anything. He browses quietly except for the odd “should we get this” or “didn’t you say we needed this”.
He scans. I pack. He loads everything in the car. Returns the trolley.
The kid: She pushes the trolley. She likes to look at everything. She’s quick but likes to point everything out. “Can I have this” “put it in” “can I have this” “put it in” “can I have this” “whatever”. Eventually she stops asking because I’m not even looking. I’m concentrating. I may have forgotten stuff. She costs me an extra $50.
She scans. I pack. I push the trolley to the car, load it and return the trolley.
Question: Which one would you prefer to shop with, the slow poke who does everything for you or the octopus who doesn’t hold you up?
Ps. They shop together quite often. I can see why it takes them so long to get back from buying ice cream.
I think I’d prefer the slow poke, but I am conflicted. I did learn eventually to NEVER shop with my bloke. He was a menace in colesworth - filling up entire trolleys with stuff that caught his eye but nothing on the agreed upon list. He was also a ‘specials’ victim of the worst possible stripe. The incident of the 10 2 litre containers of vinegar still scars me to this day (But it was on special!).
We ended up with me doing the household staples and frozen stuff, and him doing the fresh food - separately. So I’d give him a vague list and tell him to come back with 5 kg (or whatever) of animal protein and 5 kg of fruit. He could choose what sort for each. We did have a productive veggie patch so we really only bought spuds & onions as staples. I think this satisfied his hunter/gatherer instincts better than an exact list. And enabled me to keep my temper better. And relieved the pressure on the pantry storage. And enabled me to keep better tabs on what was in the freezer and how much room was left for new stuff.
Hahaha. The vinegar 😂. I can relate. I might say I’ve run out of paper towel and he’ll come in with 5 packets because they were on special.
He also buys the fruit on his way home. I’ll ask for a capsicum and he’ll come in with a bag full because they were cheap and he doesn’t want to look like a tight arse buying just one.
I feel attacked in this thread haha
I love them both, just different.
When I shop in person and have the list I don’t wander the aisles at all, just go straight to what I want then leave.
Tho I do love to browse somewhat at QVM. See new and unusual foods and check for quality and prices.
I must introduce you to My People
For me the quick octopus.
Can’t stand spending any more time in there than needed.
Probably the quick octopus for the same reason as Bottom, but then I’d prefer not to have the extra expense (and inevitable junk food, if it was my kid). It’s a dilemma. Maybe send them both and you stay home and relax?
E: Although, it’s Aldi and the checkouts get frantic so it would be nice to have help with all that, and not have to return the trolley 🤔
I admit I like quick shop so much that I forget stuff sometimes which is just bad luck cos i ain’t going back. They both pick up the slack when that happens.
Quick, but alone preferably. At Aldi I hit up my list and rarely deviate.
I think Aldi is one place I do deviate more because Centre Asile of Dreams must be explored. And their frozen section tends to come up with something bizarre!
I will have a quick browse of the frozen section for some easy junk food. Tendies/Pies/Spanikopta/etc are all cheaper than take away and satisfy the same cravings.
Slow poke, any day. I tend to do my shopping quickly and deliberately and am happy to be slowed down.
If I go shopping with someone else that goes quickly, we’re bound to miss half the list.
Don’t need to duplicate my own faults.
I messed up. It all started when I tried a different facial cleanser, which caused me to break out near one corner of my mouth. Then I woke up during the night and in my blurry brained state decided to dab some ti tree oil on it. I grabbed the 100% pure one by mistake and used it. It’s kind of burned my face and I now have weeping irritated skin there. Looks a treat I can tell you!
get on PT and start sniffing loudly and going “Fucken cunt. FUCKEN CUUUUNT” in the most obnoxious bogan accent imaginable.
Lol just call me the weeping woman