It’s funny if you think about it: Plant makes chemical (capsaicin) to help it thrive > humans love the painful spice, start growing and propagating peppers > Peppers spread grow like crazy. Evolution working exactly as it should
Does anyone have an explanation for why they would evolve to prevent being eaten by mammals? I would think having mammals help spread their seeds would be beneficial?
Found the answer myself. Protects against fungal attacks. Also birds don’t have the same receptors to capsaicin.
If not delicious then why delicious shaped?
meanwhile chinese cooking: i’ll have all 3 at once please
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It’s sort of what happens though. A plant gets a defense mechanism, it becomes more abundant, something will target that abundant food source.
I dunno, seems to have worked out for the chillis - there’s more of them now than ever before
That’s because evolution is a results-driven process. All that matters is making viable offspring. Doesn’t matter how it gets done.
Is it ironic that those two sauces aren’t really that hot? 😂
Delicious, yes! But very low on the Scoville scale for hot sauce.
Is Tabasco delicious? I find the Sriracha from couple of years ago delicious (the current one is much worse), but Tabasco always tasted like a white vinegar mixed with capsaicin.
the only hot sauce i’ve yet to actually find appealing is sambal olek, somehow the heat in that just makes me salivate and kinda feels more like sourness, as opposed to everything else where it’s just pain and like… no real flavour? with sambal olek i can actually taste the flavour in it.
Yeah, Tabasco is the weakest link when it comes to hotsauce. Sriracha definitely is a step up, but even that has to move aside for the Buldak Sauce.
Buldak has become my go-to hotsauce. It’s so damned good.
Tabasco always tasted like a white vinegar mixed with capsaicin.
Exactly! Delicious.
Tabasco sauce, and the peppers, are good for some foods, not so much for others. There is no ULTIMATE hot sauce, just what works.
Valentina is my favorite. Both the black and yellow labels are good, but I like drenching shit with the yellow (milder one).
Valentina is really tasty. Cholula is also nice.
None are HOT, though. 😂
Yeah, Tabasco is overrated. Get Louisiana Hot Sauce instead. A little less heat, but tastes waaaay better.
Sriracha is now completely random from bottle to bottle. It goes from Tabasco to Carolina Reaper with no visual indicator. Turns out fucking over your loyal farmers and having to constantly scrounge has negative consequences…
How fortunate then that the same species resistant to their defense actually goes on to cultivate it
Oh, we’re not resistant, we’re just crazy enough to like the pain. Birds are resistant and don’t feel it at all, they can eat chilis like fruits.
Well, given that it’s supposed to be toxic rather than just painful, I’d say we’re resistant in that it takes a high dose to kill us.
i wouldn’t really count body mass as resistence, by that measure every single mammal bar perhaps the field mouse is resistant to basically every toxin.
You’d have to eat a lot of pure cap to kill you. Oral LD50 in mice is 47.2 mg/kg (source). For an 80 kg person, that’s 3780 mg of pure cap. 1000mg of pure cap dropped into a pot of chili would be inedibly hot even to the most hardcore spicy food fan.
It’s just relative. Most mammals don’t pay rent, taxes, or have to deal with the TSA. Once you do those things, spicy plant chemicals become a frivolous game.
I eat peppers just to feel something
There’s a book called The Botany of Desire, by Michael Pollan, which is about this. Looking from the plants eye view of things, they have manipulated us into growing them in a huge variety of environments. The book focuses on tulips, cannabis, apples, and potatoes, iirc. Fascinating book.
Two quick examples from the book:
Pot gets us high, now we grow it in closets, warehouses, yards, basements, attics, etc.
Apples don’t reproduce true from seed, so Johnny Appleseed brought readily available cider to the Americas. (You need a cutting of an apple tree to grow that type of apple.)
Life wouldn’t be the same without Tabasco. How could I ever eat my cotton candy or cereals without copious amounts of it?
I’m actually surprised that I’ve never found cotton candy coated with tajin, now that you mention it.
This is a low shenanigan…
Are you calling shenanigans?
Tabazco is for kids, try this weapon grade sauce (9 millon SHU)
Just pepper spray your mouth at that point.
It’s not about quantity, it’s about quality. Tabasco’s refined taste all the way.
Have you tried cholula? It’s tobasco, but with flavor beyond the vinegar base. Often cheaper as well
Cholula is my go-to sauce that I can get anywhere for cheap. If I can get it, Blair’s Original Death Sauce is the way to go.
Nope, but now I want to. Thanks.
It is about quality, that’s why I freakin’ hate tabasco
It’s the Pabst or maybe Bud-light of hot sauces. I’ll use it if it’s the only option, but give me 5 bucks and 5 minutes at any grocery store, and I’ll find somthing better.
So your personal preferences dictate whether a product is good or not, and whether other people should also like it (“I do not like Tabasco, therefore its quality is shit”). Right. I’ll be sure to defer to you in my future personal tastes. 🙄
This is not a pissing contest about who can hold the most Carolina Reapers in. It’s a really subjective thing, which is why when the other commenter implied it was about hotness scale (which is valid foe those who go by it when choosing their preferred hot sauce), I personally go more by flavor. At least the other comment, while somewhat in condescending tone, was a way more productive opinion, backed with sources and actual measurements. 🤷♂️
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Damn, the irony and gaslighting, not to mention selective reading. And on such a small and insignificant topic, no less. Quite the teen behaviour.
You’ll have to get in line and convince me if you want me to engage with your cheap attempts at proving yourself. Same for any other frustrated teen wanting to engage in keyboard warrior-ing.
Don’t take it so hard, champ. This is a friendly and funny meme thread about spicy sauces. Such a shame to hijack jokes to derail it into pettiness like that. Reddit much? 🤔
I didn’t say anything about heat, just that tabasco is not a high quality sauce - It’s basically just red vinegar. If that’s what you’re into, enjoy. But you’re missing out on the good stuff if you’re settling for that
The quality is fine. It’s just vinegar, salt and peppers. It’s consistent and the peppers are aged in oak barrels. You may not like it and that’s fine too, I don’t keep it in my kitchen either, but it’s not low quality.
I used to like it, but more recently I’ve tried other brands and now tabasco just tastes bland in comparison. Last I bought it, I had to empty half the bottle in the dish and didn’t even taste it. I know they have different hotness scales, not sure if the one I bought was the hottest out there, but it was the hottest they had at the store.
Every chilli sauce do it, the only difference is how spicy it is and the among of sauce you add to the food. A little spicy until a circulatory collapse and halucinations depends on the taste of each.
Tobacco plants: produce nicotine, a toxic alkaloid
Humans: imma smoke that shiiiiit
Humans: I will now cultivate you, export you, protect you and make sure you’re growing well so I can keep smoking you despite a 50% chance of dying from it.
Tobacco clearly has the last laugh in this story.
Tobacco clearly has the last laugh in this story.
Well, it’s not like we’re immortal if we abstain.
Every second I’ve lived so far, I haven’t died, so if we simply take that pattern and extrapolate it for each future second…
I am
With a name like The Fartographer, I’m inclined to believe you. 👍
Until proof to the contrary, so am I
Let’s go fight in an epic clash of the immortals! First one to die, loses!
I dunno, it could go on forever
We like our poisons in just the rights amounts.
What’s the sauce on the right?
Huy Fong branded Sriracha. It’s the worst option because they fucked over their pepper suppliers so the quality is terrible now. Get any other kind of Sriracha and it’ll be better.
Hot cock sauce
Sriracha sauce, it’s really good
Very good though neither of those are very hot.
I’m good with hot food, to the point I actually occasionally use nasty sauces like the infamous Da Bomb on things I legitimately eat, but I’ll never get people that say sriracha isn’t hot.
Maybe I buy a special one or something, or it varies wildly from person to person, but i like to put a good juicy squirt of sriracha on my cheese sandwiches and it definitely still clears my sinuses quite effectively.
There’s really high variation between bottles after the pepper suppliers fiasco.
It’s spicy but it’s not really hot but I do think it might indeed be a palette thing.
Nothing actually said “hot” though
Tabasco #1 Hot Sauce Asked For By Name | TABASCO® Brand Pepper Sauce
Clearly hot sauce was never implied, not once.
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If no eat, why so delicious?
Sometimes it also makes your ass go brrrrrr…
In the meantime, birds be like: “ultrahot? nom nom fruity”