“Financial Influencer Grant Cardone Says He Can Make You A Billionaire. His Investors Claim He Defrauded Them.”
This fucker is trying to establish his evil plan to make billions as an expected standard.
I listened to his audiobook before I knew who he was. I just kept thinking to myself “this guy seems like an out of touch fuckwit.” I couldn’t help but disagree with so much of what he said to the point that I lost any desire to acquire any wealth. I figured I’d rather die poor in a ditch than become anything like this human leech. I’m still a bit dirty that I gave him a couple of dollars for his book but at least I know what I don’t want to be so that’s something I guess
Grant Cardone is a Scientologist who more or less runs a variety of real estate scams to enrich himself and other prominent Scientologists.
That being said, I would not be surprised if we end up with 50 year mortgages, but 100 seems absolutely insane to me as just… most people do not live that long.
Renting clothes? Honestly, this wouldnt surprise me either.
Its kind of a perfect scam actually: Set up the terms and conditions such that if there is any damage to the clothes, you have to pay for their repair or replacement, and then also offer clothing rental insurance for an extra fee, just in case!
Pay a bunch of instagram and tiktok influencers to rep various fashions and the clothing rental company, and of course manufacture all the clothes in sweatshops in the global south and charge something like 10 to 1000 times the variable cost of making any particular clothing item to the global north, but then rent the article of clothing for what 1/3 of the that number, per week.
Works much better if you can make certain clothing items /only/ rentable and not outright purchasable via basically coordinating with existing brands, exclusivity works to get gamers to shell out stupid amounts of money for basically unique cosmetics, why wouldnt it work here?
People bought gamer girl bath water, Republicans have destroyed public education, scrolling insta or tik tok all the time is basically known to cause various mental disorders but people so it because its addictive like a drug…
… yes i absolutely believe American Gen Zers would fall for this, and probably a good number of Millenials too
Hooray Capitalism!
Anyway, I think Cardone is saying stuff like this to try to posture as a concerned citizen, meanwhile, if I am not mistaken, I am fairly sure he is facing legal trouble relating to basically running a real estate flavored ponzi scheme. So I mean he is a real estate guy rofl, and I think his general concern is valid… its nearly certainly just him doing his own PR.
Rent-a-Swag wants royalties!
Thank you.
I was reading that whole thing thinking, “Tom Haverford is absolutely flipping out over this.”
Treat Yo Self!
Rent the runway owes him a lot of money.
Renting clothes? Honestly, this wouldnt surprise me either.
Unironically, I would lease all my kids clothes from like 3-8 years old. Wouldn’t think twice about it. That’s a solid idea.
My son has outgrown THREE pairs of shoes this year. Kid grew a foot and gained like 20 pounds.
so what do you do with the leftover shoes?
Right now? I donate them or hand them down to family, depending on fit.
it was a stupid joke about your child growing a third foot
Oh my god how did I miss that lol
just… most people do not live that long.
That’s the point though. Even after generations paying on the same house the bank gets it back to “sell” again
Neofeudalism is the goal of capitalism, always has been.
I feel like the purported capitalism that’s run rampant for centuries is just an extension and rebranding of the OG feudalism. Always thought that.
Very true, been touting this for years. The rich tricked the peasantry into helping them take over the aristocracy. Now we have less legal protections than a medieval serf.
Basically. The original bourgeois fighting against the feudal lords basically changed just enough so that they themselves could become lords, or lord like, with no so much care for anyone below thier own class.
There are significant differences, but yes, in a way. Class conflict has always been at the core of modern human history, and when the bourgeoisie and Proletariat teamed up against the Aristocracy, Capital was transfered from the hands of the microscopically few to the hands of much more. However, this is an incomplete transfer of power, and as Capital consolidates, it trends back to a form of Feudalism.
Yeah, well put. I’m just identifying the underlying class conflict of resource scarcity and power hunger, through all of human history under the guise of any and every governmental system
Very concisely written dude… really nails the way the shifting about happened
You are not alone in believing this.
I used the term “thinly veiled feudalism” in a college paper or three.
I had a history teacher in the late 90s that lapped up every paper I wrote bc within the boundaries of the assignment, I’d be writing about Che instead of Teddy Roosevelt.
You will own nothing and be happy.
imo its more like: You will own nothing and be miserable
Or…perhaps…instead of 100-year mortgages we learn from the French and start separating heads and wealth from the 1% that are trying to own everything so they can rent it to us.
Learn from the French
Seperating heads
Everyone loves a planned economy pretending to be a free market. It just happens that the plan of the US economy is to give alllll the money and assets to a small selection of political sugar daddies.
Just popping in to remind everyone that ‘free market’ as commonly defined is a misnomer.
The market tilts toward imbalance always, and the notion that it regulates itself is a myth. The consolidation we see today and rave against as a ‘planned economy’ is not an aberration of the free market, it is exactly the thing it was expected to do.
no matter as long as I have my place in heaven and all my sins are forgiven… who needs money, health or even happiness? God bless america, gimme guns, freeeeedom! /s
I’m going to sit down with Mom and get a refresher course on sewing. I can make simple stuff.
I have made clothing patterns in Autocad and printed them out on a plotter before. Going to pirate some pants.
You wouldn’t download pants…
deleted by creator
You nicknamed your dicklet “needle”?? Whatever floats your boat I guess.
Some of us have humiliation kinks. Don’t shame.
Don’t be such a pants pirate.
Sorry, that was a poor attempt at a joke.
Says literally only you. Relevant username, I see.
Meant to reply to the mom joke. So, yes, relevant username.
Is this real, or satire?
It’s a rip from cassette days when there were dire warnings of “Home taping is killing music. And it’s illegal”. There were some concerns about home sewing doing the same thing but even the doom sayers knew it was kind of lame to make too big a stink about. Now it’s more a call to arms to diy.
An early precursor of the “you wouldn’t download a car” PSAs. Funny how the arguments never change.
The status quo always has money.
A real version would use knitting needles instead of bones.
In Montreal,
Québec, 0.045% of the population own over 30% of residential properties.Edit: actually that’s 0.46% of property owners own 32% of rental properties in Montréal.
Source (French)
And it keeps getting worse: crazy inflating property prices and matching rent hikes.
A French comedian did a local show. He made a joke that he was going around town looking at the shops. He saw a real estate office and was dumbfounded by the prices. He exclaimed how half a million for an apartment was insane. People laughed and someone mentioned he was way off, it’s worse than that. Half a million maybe gets you a small one-bedroom studio in a city, not an apartment.
Worth noting that homeownership has never been part of the Swiss Dream like it’s part of the American Dream. Still, the average Swiss person is significantly better of financially than the average American.
Same is true to some degree in Germany.
Ben La!!
Ah my bad I misread it last time.
“0.46% of the landlords own 32% of rental properties.”
Source (French)
Do you want drastically increased theft? Because that’s how you get drastically increased theft
Yes, they do. They will then increase the punishment saying it’s to discourage more (proven not to work) so they can arrest people for long periods and have their legal slave labor.
If this happens…anyone want to be a ter—uh rebel?? silently lights up cocktail
says we might even rent out clothes
With today’s fast fashion churning out clothes with shorter and shorter lifespans combined with our cultural love of replacement over repair, we basically already do.
I always find it amazing that people actually give a fuck about fashion and don’t just wear what they like. I don’t get it, fashion is supposed to be a statement about yourself, not about the company that made your clothes. Wear a T-shirt and jeans, wear cargo pants, wear whatever you want because you’re supposed to be making a statement about who you are, not who a company wants you to be.
Advertising is a hell of a drug.
And peer pressure.
I grew up in OC, So Cal, and bailed out to a rural mountain area some years ago. I wear jeans, tshirts, hoodies/jackets and either work boots or flip flops on an average day (I’ll still dress up for weddings and other events that call for it). Every time I go back down there to visit, My brother and best friend feel the need to try to dress me like a damn ken doll before we can go anywhere, to no avail and it turns into an idiotic argument every time. I’ve repeatedly explained that I wear what’s confortable, and I don’t give two shits what some uppity muppets think of me based on how i’m dressed. I’m already married, have a great job, and make good money, so I’m not out to impress anyone.
For the record, all of my clothes are always clean and in good repair, I just dress extremely casual and confortable. I think these guys are just so would up in the rat race that they have trouble imagining life otherwise.
Fashion is wearing what you like, unless you’re talking about trends.
Somebody’s been reading Snow Crash again.
I will kill myself if life ends up this bad.
If you’re already prepared to die, take out a massive summit of the fuckers that have made things so bad while you do it! Put the fear of the people back in them.
No thanks.
Make sure actual innocent people don’t get hurt
You will own nothing and be happy.
I own a nice house and am pissed as fuck about that bullshit. My hypothetical kids, and more importantly the real kids that exist shouldn’t have had the ladder pulled up so they can’t even survive in this bullshit.
You own it, like the mortgage is paid or you rent from the bank still?
Own outright. Paid in full. I just pay taxes and insurance.
It won’t for you, it will for your kids and kids kids
they United States Federal government holds the note on my house. I’m paying 1% interest. for 33 years.
it’s a pretty sweet deal.
And how would one accomplish that?
Service guarantees citizenship.
Would you like to hear more?
I know a guy who took that deal in mid 2000.
I’m doing my part!
USDA direct loan. the rates went up this year but they still give a deferment for financial hardship. I think it’s called a 502 or 503 direct loan.
Because our money is worthless and all the wealth is in the hands of people we’ll never even see bc they live in the modern equivalent of castles? But hey at least we can finance cheap useless mass produced shit from overseas and feel so bougie