Almost as true as GOP being the sole defenders of LGBTQ+ rights…
Equally true as the GOP being the stalwart supporters of a woman’s right to choose, the champions of sensible gun control, and the sacred guardians of single payer universal healthcare.
I must compliment you both on the sick burn and for using a proper ellipses character.
iOS autocorrect generates them. I discovered this while attempting to use vim in an embedded terminal emulator.
Ah… I type them manually. Opt-; on Mac and hold the dot / period key on iOS.
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That’s kind of evil. I hate it when I paste source code from a document and I have to fix non-ASCII characters that some overly clever UI inserted.
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The KKK did NOT endorse Hillary in 2016, nor Biden in 2020. Guess who they endorsed, Mr. Perry? Pro-Tip: He’s running on your side this year and is currently grousing in a courtroom as they determine if he broke the law or not…
They don’t care if their claims are true. Lies spread more easily than the truth.
No, actually, he really believes it. It was said in a closed door meeting, not to a crowd of people.
So standard projection from the GOP. Nice of them to confirm that they consider the KKK to be their military wing, not that that’s a surprise to anyone.
The fucking White Supremacy people are just so fucking progressive right?
Well, given that Republicans understand progressivism as fascism, fascism as anything Democrats do, anything that Democrats do as everything they (Republicans) don’t like, then yes, that’s exactly what they believe. As such, they can disavow explicit racists and continue to be implicitly racist.
Every accusation is a confession, as per standard procedure.
Sure, if we were still in 1862.
But then, the current GOP really wishes it were still 1862, don’t they?
An easy way to check is to see who gets mad about removing Confederate statues.
It’s not the Democrats
They’d all have to move north and emancipate the slaves though. Something tells me they’d be on the wrong side of that history too.
Apart from the huge logical leaps, the KKK’s agenda so closely aligns with the GOP’s and Trump’s, can you even imagine a single member of the KKK being a democrat? Being a democrat is like an excommunicable sin for these groups.
Being in the KKK is a good way to be shunned by every single progressive too.
Really weird thing he’s trying to do here, but logic certainly was abandoned long ago.
It’s an incredibly common talking point fed to reactionaries by right-wing media.
Try telling a Republican that everyone in the KKK who votes does so for Republicans and watch the denials and accusations fly despite it being perfectly obvious.
can you even imagine a single member of the KKK being a democrat?
A lot of local politics takes place in these very well-financed and well-organized partisan units that operate independent of the national scene. A big part of the Democratic Party in West Virginia has always kinda sucked - putting up guys like Joe Manchin and Jim Justice (who won as a Democrat and immediately flipped to Republican) - without any real respect for popular sentiments in the state. Kentucky Party Democrats put up a “Pro-Trump” candidate Amy McGrath in 2020. Ohio Democrats (other than Sherrod Brown) are almost universally awful, in their habit of supporting climate denialism and copaganda. My own mayor, John Whitmire, has been friendly with Greg Abbott, Rick Perry, and the Bushs since he took office in the state senate in 1983.
So yes. I can very easily imagine a batch of die-hard Zell Miller democrats camped out in a backwater Florida county that think their party has been taken over by Woke Soy Antifa Communists like Joe Biden.
All very fair - depressing yet plausible.
Can…. Can we just give this guy a drug test?
Full panel, and a full panel tox screen, too.
Check his brain for worms too
I mean, we should rule these things out.
For the safety of the worm!
As with anything GOP-related, if they’re projecting it onto Democrats, they’re guilty of it themselves.
Grooming children? Catholic church, which is largely Republicans in America
Anti-LGBTQ+? The number of GOP members who have been caught with same sex partners of both underage and adult varieties makes that laughable.
Pro-life? Several GOP members have secretly paid for abortions.
Economy crashes or stalls? It’s because of policies that a Republican-led government made before handing the mess off to a Democrat.
I’ll bet cash money this guy has a clan outfit in his closet.
He sleep in it like a pyjama and night bonet
Funny, they only seem to ever run as republicans.
The military wing of the Democratic Party is the navy in my experience, but the military wing of the American left wants to fight the kkk everywhere they see them.
He’s saying Democrats are the KKK while promoting replacement theory, a belief of the KKK
They dubbed it “The Ultimate Cancel Act”
Is this 🫱🦋 cancel culture?
Can we cancel any parties that currently advocate for slavery as well?
Only if you’ve got a majority in the Florida legislature and a friendly court.
Trying to sort through the projection, is this why they’re so afraid of Antifa? Because the GOP has a military wing with the KKK, they assume the Dems want to create a military group with Antifa or something? Certainly explains how they try to portray Antifa.
[Insert “The What?”] meme here
This chucklefuck can’t even get his story straight.
According to him, is the DNC pro or anti immigration?
According to him, is the KKK pro or anti immigration?
Reactionary asshole.
Reactionary asshole.
Not even that. He’s simply a liar.
Porque no los dos
I was intending this definition:
reactionary- (of a person or a set of views) opposing political or social liberalization or reform
To be fair, Biden and Eric Adams can’t quite seem to figure out where the fuck they stand on immigration either. Hell, The Obama Administration RAMPED UP deportation during it’s era. Ignorance and irrationality are endemic among both parties
That was true when there were Dixiecrats. But they all jumped to the Republican party when Reagan was in office.
Conservatives were always the racists / KKK
Party is irrelevant.
Then why are they marching and getting cheers at GOP conferences? Are they stupid?
Their base is stupid, so at best they’re lying openly because their base doesn’t know any better