Sorry for your loss
Appreciate it growmie, the solace we get is it’s on our terms and before she’s in too much discomfort.
You get years and years of love - making this call is the only thing you need to do in exchange. Hang in there
It is some comfort to know that. It was almost too late when I took my cat to the vet when he got cancer or some sort of digestive tract blockage. I still feel bad for how quickly his health fell at the end, but cherish the last night I had with him. Didn’t help that I had to call the ambulance for my wife that night as well. When we have events in my family we try to get them all at the same time. My wife was fine, just wasn’t a good idea for her to have a shower while sick.
Anyway, sorry for your loss. It hurts to lose a loved one.
Our first cat went downhill in a couple of days, didn’t even make it to the vet so we know exactly how fast this can happen unfortunately.
And you’re right, when it rains it pours, and hopefully this is the end of that.
o7 thanks growmie.
Congratulations on 14 beautiful years. This part is never easy, and the pain never really goes away, but it does get better.
Told my boy just give me a little while and I’ll be right behind you.
Take care of yourself.
Judging by the picture, that cat definitely killed her.
Yeah, Cat needs to show some respect, but that looks like an image of a cat printed on a package of something. Uncanny valley.
Yeah it’s just a picture on the food container. Does look pretty close to one of our cats though haha.
The cat on the container does look strikingly like our cat, the dog is blind, the cats don’t torment her, but they’ll swat her instead of moving out the way of course.
I had a dog that liked to use her front teeth to nip off rosebuds just before they opened. RIP delicate destroyer of green stuff. Pour one out for a real one.
We only started the veggie and flower gardens after she had started to go blind, so none of that, but she would always find the tall grass to goat out on. She would just stampede through the garden and flower beds because she couldn’t see the stuff, or didn’t care.
o7 for Piper the Godzilla of the Schmidt garden.
It’s an unfortunate feature that all dogs must eventually ascend to godhood. May their passage across the rainbow bridge be a happy one.
She’s going to hang out with her first cat sister and get all the snuggles from her again.
o7 for Piper.
That’s a very happy thought. :)
“Grieve not, nor speak of me with tears. 'Twas heaven here with you.”
RIP sweet Piper
We had a beagle that ate everything we planted. She hobbled around barely able to walk but would ninja jump through a tiny hole in a garden fence to eat all the greens on the other side and trample all the fresh sprouts. Sure do miss her.
Rest well best girls.
Ooh sweet baby fly high! You were the best girl ❤️
She is the best girl.
o7 for Piper.
deleted by creator
Beautiful dog, looks like he had a great run 😊
She did, couldn’t have asked for a better companion.
o7 for Piper.
Pouring one out. Man, that sucks. I’m sorry to hear that
So sorry for you Shmitty. What’s her name?
o7 her name is Piper, but we call her booboo usually.
o7 for Piper.
So so sorry. ❤️
So sorry 😞