Thanks liberals for 4 years of gas lightning me that Biden didn’t have a problem and that I was helping Trump by pointing out the emperor with no clothes.
Now they’re panicking well blow me.
All the people who endlessly posted “It’s just a stutter” should never be allowed to voice an opinion on anything ever again.
Looks like it’s 5 PM in Moscow, I hope you enjoy your weekend!
It’s 7 A.M on the west coast and people are waking up after that farce of a debate.
Acting like someone has to be Russian for pointing out the obvious elder abuse is just pathetic at this point.
EDIT: sorry, didn’t notice where this was posted.
“we are all Russian bots” is a running joke on this instance ;)
deleted by creator
I haven’t gotten my check yet
Uh, no, I was just posting to cover up the fact that we are being paid
I am NOT owned
pretty sure he’s doing a bit
I can guarantee you that user is saying that sarcastically lol. “Moscow time” and people on the left being “Russian bots” were so ridiculously overused by liberals from 2016-now that they’ve turned into jokes here on hexbear. We used to have a clock on the homepage with the current time in Moscow.
we still have it lol
You must be new here. Welcome.
The guy’s 81 and there are at this point, tons of clips of him looking like his brain is melting. We’ve had at least two I can think of in just the last couple weeks, and that’s excluding the debate lmao
It takes a special kind of stupid to not realize, or at least potentially believe, that Biden’s public appearances were being heavily limited because he’s sundowning
Then again, the sort of people who argued he was fine are the sort of people who have 500 funko pops and listen to Rachel Maddow every day
listen to Rachel Maddow every day
I can’t believe people willingly do this. Sounds like Hell.
They’re still saying it over on .world.
Voting for Biden is not voting for the man, it’s voting for an ideology, for hope, for a future less grim. Vote for Biden.
Joe Biden is more than a president. He’s an ideology, he’s a future, excuse me, he’s a grim hope for a vote for, I mean, in the future we can vote, uh, with your vote we can kill the poor.
Voting for Joe Biden is not voting for Joe Biden
I suppose they have a point though, as cooked as he is voting for Joe likely means voting for his staffers lmao
Not voting for Biden or Trump is voting for Trump, but voting for Biden actually isn’t voting for Biden
Classic vote for hope: Supporting a pedophile, segregationist, and zionist
I’m not a violent person, but they make my blood boil and I want to punch them.
Still see people making this argument on the .ml news thread about the debate lmao. These people are delusional
There will be some who will never leave stage 1 of the grieving process.
It’s really sad. I hope they grow up emotionally.
I was listening to MSNBC this morning and it looks like theres an even split around “Biden needs to do a bunch of public appearances to reassure people” and “we will need to watch the polls over the next 3 days but if he craters or starts to drag other candidates it will be time for him to go”
Pull the ripcord folks he’s not getting better, this wasn’t an anomaly, embrace reality
They are just going to gaslight us again saying people are “being performative to pollsters”
Anyone listening to DNC are codependent at this point. I already see their bullshit responses a mile away.
They overcorrected after everybody was saying he’ll be jacked up on drugs without apparently realizing he needs those drugs.
We will never see Joe Biden blink in public again, he will not be allowed out of his bedroom without a literal shot in the ass.
They’re trying damn hard to spin it that’s for sure. It’s not getting better though, and what do you do if he drops another one of these “performances,” which he will. I think there is a lot of internal discussion about the best way forward not just in the dnc but probably in the white house
I don’t see donations coming in, and I see Trump getting a good sized cash injection after this debate. Trump already has caught up with him on cash and he has to get on the campaign trail to help his odds when I wouldn’t even give him the keys to the car if he was my dad.
The Dems choices are to drop Biden or prepare for a party civil war.
It’s very sad when a liberal is briefly forced to confront reality. Nothing in their experience has equipped them for it and they have no natural defenses
Biden must swim the Potomac to prove he’s still got juice
Reddit libs blaming cnn is pathetic even for them.
“They just let him lie constantly.”
Biden did call him out, repeatedly but the format would’ve been fucked for that with a competent person in his seat. 2 minutes of nonstop gish gallopping bullshit cannot be refuted in a 1 minute response. the moderators never tried to force trump to stay on topic, or to actually answer the questions. they did this because they want him to come back so they can get money on the next debate, it’s also why there was no public audience
we should be able to step back from the horserace and say “it’s bad to let a man spout genocidal lies on TV for an hour” and journalists should have a responsibility to challenge that, regardless of how ‘partisan’ that would be in the context of the competition. CNN does not have journalists, of course, just craven little eichmanns and goebbels
Biden agreed to the format and the setting and the moderators. He also spoke so softly and it was clear he’s not all there. CNN are craven ghouls but everyone who isn’t lying to themselves knew that a long time ago. This is on biden and this team
Of course CNN took advantage of the easy ratings. Of course they platformed the fascist in order to stay relevant.
When I leave a burrito on the coffee table I don’t get mad at my dog for trying to take it. I blame myself for leaving it within easy reach.
This entire debate was a Biden self-own before he opened his mouth. If he had the rhetorical skill of someone like Obama he might have been able to pull his chestnuts out of the fire. But, he doesn’t, and he didn’t.
This feels like 2016 all over again, we’re going to end up with Trump because the Democrats are being led by someone whose own hubris will destroy them.
I don’t think anyone has anything in defense of Biden here.
To’s point, though, CNN embarrassed itself, too. They are both deserving of criticism.
That is a criticism you could make against most of the slop that passes for political journalism in the golf course countries. Politicians of all variants of reactionary ideologies are routinely allowed to lie, bullshit and evade questions and are still treated like serious and important people. The libs are just mad that their guy was too demented to take advantage of it this time.
You don’t have to go point by points just regularly say “everything he just said is horseshit” and get back on message. Satisfies people who give a shit about lying without falling unto the trap of wasting your time trying to catch him in a lie when his supporters obviously don’t care.
Also Biden “calling him out” would be a lot more effective if it wasn’t him going “listen man… i… what he just said… look… when you look at the records… I know… uhhhh. That’s my time.”
CNN is Russian propaganda.
Reddit just hasn’t gotten it’s firmware update yet
Just settle this with a round of golf
First one to shoot under 10 on any given hole is president.
I can’t fucking believe Biden tried to claim he had a 6 handicap. Like your opponent is literally telling very obvious lies in every single answer, all you have to do is not say sonwthing that doesn’t reflexsively make everybody that hears it go “Oh fucking bullshit”. And he choses to do it about his FUCKING GOLF SCORE.
To be fair Biden also lied about many other things, it’s just that his other lies are ones the Dems will claim to believe.
He literally just had to not say anything that somebody who was trying with their entire soul to believe couldnt pretend wasnt bullshit and he said he was in the top .1% of golfers in the world, when he could have just said “yea you got good at golf by charging millions of taxpayer dollars to golf at your own resprt, I was busy working”
Nope, geriatric pissing match about who can still hit a ball 100 yards.
deleted by creator
I laughed when Biden told Trump to carry his own bag.
There’s no physical way that Biden could carry his golf clubs being how he is.
Its such bullshit. He definitely exaggerated as well as referring to the Obama years, 10+ years ago. Bro would break his hip if he swung a golf club now.
Like trump baited him and he took it and stooped to trumps level. Just made himself look like a fool for no benefit
You see the thing about gas lighting is that you’ve got to imagine a future, one where the people of NATO, we’ve got new members to defend it. Never in the works- world have we ever had so much to defeat medicare.
“Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice- fool me twice I won’t get fooled again.”
It’s actually Russia that made him look bad last night. Figures the tankies over on wouldn’t understand that.
Really disappointed that hexbean doesn’t exist smh
Right now, America’s primary goal is to continue funding Israel’s genocide. Swapping out either candidate, who have both proved that they will continue supporting Israel, will not make that outcome more likely (that is to say, they probably won’t find a candidate who supports the genocide more than Biden or trump) they will not swap out either candidate because bankrolling this genocide is America’s singular focus right now.
As much as I would like to see Biden replaced on the ticket, you are right that anyone who replaces him at this point is going to be, somehow, even worse on Isn’treal than Biden is now.
We all fear the emergence of a
competentcognitively intact fascist.They’d also certainly lose is my reading of the vibe rn.
I think you misread OP who was saying they literally couldn’t find a candidate more unconditionally supportive of continuing/escalating the genocide
I was surprised at how much the media apparatus was finally admitting to what we’ve all known this entire time, but then I remembered that liberals have the memory of a goldfish, so ultimately I don’t think Biden will drop out. MSM will simply stop talking about this within the next few days, until the next incident, and the next, etc etc.
Remember, Biden’s handlers only let us see him at his best, so his performance was no surprise to them. These are the people who have to feed him and (likely) change his diapers. They know, better than anyone else, how cooked he is, and yet they have made zero moves to set up a contingency. There seems to be zero effort to set up Kamala or anyone else to take over the front of the ticket, why would that change now? They are so deep within the sunken cost of going all-in on Biden, they have left themselves zero alternatives. I guess DNC donors panicking and demanding it might be the one thing to make it happen, but I have a feeling they will simply ignore the problem until they can get people (including any nervous donors) distracted by something else. After all, this is the same party that shamelessly weekend-at-bernies’ed Diane Feinstein up until her last, wretched breath.
All that said, I do think there is a solid chance he croaks before the election. He’s already known for his frequent falls (that we see), and the falls will only get worse and more frequent as his brain continues melting and he gets worse at catching himself before he slams his skull into the floor or a podium or something. If his handlers were at all half-competent, they’d at least put him in a wheelchair and try to revive the “FDR 2.0” schtick, but that comes with its own risks and I don’t see the DNC going that route.
Ok fine, the liberals have convinced me. If Biden drops out of the race, I will switch my vote from
It’s his turn if it’s her turn
But is it her turn if it’s his?
If Biden drops out I’m going to tell libs I’m voting for him and regurgitate all the excuses they’ve made thus far
May also throw in a “we have to protect democracy, the people voted for Biden in the primary and now they’re trying to overturn that??”
This is going to be my favorite IRL bit if someone else winds up leading the dem ticket.
This is bad news
My stitches still hurt when I laugh and this shit is just too funny
I did not watch the debate and all this news feels like a properly written eldritch monster. I’m so deeply curious so I might need to watch it
best way to watch it is probably with Hasan, here’s the full 1h40m
Once I’m done with my chores I’m using that link! Tysm comrade
no more half measures walter
At this point it would be more like tripping and falling out of the race