Watch how Tesla goes bankrupt because of one CEO’s idiocy and greed and then blame unions for it. Tale as old as time.
If we could stop giving him tax breaks and government money, that would be good.
Reminds me of another grifter who built a real estate portfolio with tax breaks.
Fun fact about that:
Tesla has won $17 million to build a total of 41 charging stations. The next-biggest winner of grants, Oklahoma-based Francis Energy, was awarded much more money — almost $30.4 million — to build just 37 stations. (source
If anyone else in the industry could step up to make them less relevant, that would be awesome.
It’s because they need to use pure gold for the cables it’s the only thing that can deliver the 1.21 jiggawatts the cars need.
Or a clock tower at precisely 10:04pm next Saturday night.
Great Scott!
Dude, they’ve been selling plutonium at the corner store since like, 1985.
…but who knows if those stations will still work 10 years from now if he fires the whole charging team on a whim to prove a point?
IDK if you have an electric car or not, but in case you’re unaware, the non-tesla charging infrastructure is abysmal in the U.S. It makes Tesla chargers look as ubiquitous and easy to use as gas stations. All of those companies together have failed to even accomplish parity with Tesla. It’s sad.
State run corporation, that’s what you guys need.
I couldn’t agree more. Nationalized energy production, maintenance, distribution, and control. No more stupid state-grid no-regulation shenanigans (I live in Texas)
The Tesla charger adapter is going to be the standard in the US
The adapter doesn’t matter, the non-tesla chargers are harder to find, way less reliable, no where near as high powered, and basically unmaintained.
Fair enough. I think that the gov’t should pick one charger + one adapter to be the standard (Tesla or not) and then it should be made the standard and every company should be able to produce that standard with a minimal fee going to the company that created it (minus any gov’t subsidies given to the creator in the first place).
Part of the problem is that the government did. The bill requires CCS chargers, but no one wants those anymore, since Ford, Rivian and others adopted NACS.
Now I’m imagining that the entire Tesla charging system is run manually by a cadre of switchboard operators plugging giant cross-connect cables in to a massive patch board.
:) it’s set and forget, that’s how elon’s infra works
Did Tesla actually build the stations though?
why does elon think people will agree with him that unions are bad? Arent super rich the only ones who agree with that opinion?
You’d be shocked how much anti union hate is alive and well in impoverished Republican areas. The propaganda succeeded.
this right here, I live in a predominantly blue district and the amount of people that believe that unions are the worst thing that can happen to a worker is insane. I have to give it to the anti-union propaganda, it was efficient and it worked.
If it wasn’t so vile, it’s downright impressive. Even my mother is anti-union. Women’s rights, immigrant protections, universal healthcare, wealth taxes, etc.
But she will argue against me until I’m gasping for air that unions are bad for workers.
I grew up in a blue collar area and the normal lines that get repeated over and over is that unions prevent hard workers from standing out and excelling. They reward and promote laziness. They make the labour so expensive the business cant survive. And on and on.
I’m all for unions even though I was fucked over by Pepsi’s union. Just make sure your union leaders aren’t company men or women.
That sounds pretty fucked up from Pepsi, criminal even.
It was shit, I was lied to and they broke their own rules that are in writing and when I showed them they blew me off. It was a shit job anyways, at least I got a free CDL out of it.
You don’t even know what happened, and you’re already calling it a crime?
Sounds like nom union corporate software development.
I guess anyone who believes that thinks that they are and always will be in the 90% performance bracket who will get rewarded.
PS: only rich egotists like elon can afford to live in that belief.
Shhh…he’s campaigning for Harris in the rust belt at this point and doesn’t know it 😉 #galaxybrain
The super rich a disturbingly uneducated
Nope! Lots of blue collar workers have been programmed since birth that unions are bad. Without a proper education they’ll never learn otherwise. I know, I was one of them.
Amazon put gamer-centric union busting materials in it’s centers telling folks to buy games instead of paying dues.
Republicans simultaneously love American automakers and hate unions.
I would also like to see Tesla either unionized or dead.
Prefer to see it dead and Elon’s method of influence gone.
Unfortunately he’ll still have hundreds of billions of dollars, even without Tesla, so his influence will never go away. He could lose 99% of his wealth and still be a billionaire.
Then the less respect he has from the general public, the better.
What do billionaires do with their billions in prison?
Use it to avoid going to prison.
Name one billionaire who has gone to prison.
Elizabeth Holmes, and her story is very similar: overpromise, underdeliver, boast, defraud, intimidate.
PS: this guy too
Sooo, two? IIRC she didn’t have enough time to build connections and she didn’t know how to walk in billionaire shoes.
I can guarantee these pricks are untouchable.
That’s because billionaire means nothing. e.g. Jordan Belfort was almost a billionaire, but still went to jail like small fry.The untouchable ones are oligarchs, that is what people are implying and it is much scarier to have a 6-year-old messing around as one.
Not a billionaire, but Bernie Madoff got real close.
Madoff made the mistake of stealing from people more powerful than him. Billionaires always steal from poor people, and thus incur no wrath from people who could punish them.
Yep. Madoff committed the worst crime in America: messing with rich people’s money.
Thanks, Elon. You’ve convinced me. I won’t vote for Joe Biden in November.
Look at all this Republican propaganda working! First I refused to vote for Hunter Biden for President in November, and now I’m not even voting for Joe Biden in November. I’ll go even further, there is not a single man on the Democratic or Republican tickets I’m planning to vote for for President in November.
I agree. I have yet to find a man worth voting for. I guess we’ll have to wait until the DNC. The Democrats might nominate the man I’ll vote for, but I doubt it.
I’m not gonna vote for a woman either. Not until us Europeans are allowed to vote in US elections.
I’m very amused that five people apparently didn’t get the joke. I’m glad you did.
Damn and they just talked me out of voting for Hunter.
I was also ready to vote for Obama a third time until they convinced me he wasn’t born in the United States.
Funny, now I have to write Biden in so he can kill Tesla
OH NO! But if Tesla shuts down then the only source for quality electric cars would be Ford, Toyota, Lexus, BMW, Volkswagen, Porsche, Honda, Audi, Chrysler, Subaru, Mercedes, Fiat, GMC, Hyundai, Cadillac, Genesis, Rivian, Nissan, Volvo, and Kia.
Polestar any good?
Polestar = Premium Volvo
I think the only ones in your list actually making quality electric cars are Porsche, BMW, Mercedes, Hyundai, Genesis, Kia, and Rivian. The rest are rubbish and aren’t even trying. Ford built a truck that people might have bought if it was reasonably priced, and then shoved it full of garbage software and silly tricks everywhere. And the rest of those companies are only putting out one maybe two models of electric vehicles and then saying “EVs don’t sell” then cutting their programs. The ones I listed are the only manufacturers with even a slightly reasonable number of models, much less having usable vehicles. Even Tesla barely has any models, and they’re all pretty much the exact same besides their speed.
VW has a ton of models and cupra on top. Volvo has polestar. And that’s just 2 I know personally. I wonder how the error margin with you other exclusions is.
But have you thought about the teslatuby?
deleted by creator
You have a funny idea of “quality.”
Tesla and Musk owe sooooo much of their success to huge federal and state level EV tax bonuses and rebates. The government essentially subsidized his company for decades. He decided to dump all that money into an ego boost instead of R&D, and let other manufacturers catch and even surpass Tesla in technology and features. He’s done. Tesla is done.
Several American car companies owe their existence to the government.
“he would rather tesla be dead then not unionized”
Uhhh… Okay, sure. That sounds great. Either or.
‘No Business Which Depends for Existence on Paying Less Than Living Wages to Its Workers Has Any Right to Continue in This Country’
Fortunately at this point it no longer matters if Tesla is dead or not. All car manufacturers caught up. Genius Musk singlehandedly destroyed the biggest Tesla fan base and opportunity to capitalize on being first.
yes, he already got his bonus, but he will never let a good catastrophe go to waste and use it to discredit unions.
Just yesterday, on Twitter, I saw a guy selling his Tesla because of Elon’s anti-trans moves. Actively asking for other EV recommendations, and getting a ton.
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Still not sure why the idiot shareholders approved the pay package…
If I was a large institutional investor with a significant amount of cash tied up in Tesla stock I would be concerned about Musk selling off his shares en mass and tanking the share price. Musk has shown nothing but how petty he can be even if it hurts himself when he doesn’t get what he wants
He axed the supercharger department.
You know, the one thing Tesla had over all other EVs, the robust chargers that were everywhere.
I’d have cut and run then.
For a minute I was like “Wait why does an electric car need a supercharger how would that even work”.
Then I remembered that it’s a whole different thing now.
Very hard with the size of some of the positions of the larger institutional investors, they let their greed override any common sense with the long term growth for Tesla under Musk. The whole Tesla stock is a house of cards just waiting to dramatically fall in value.
Is not selling.
So basically a funny legal way of saying extortion?
It’s a mess of their own making, if you hold the tiger by it’s tail, you better not let go
Seriously. It was an easy way to get rid of that anchor
They hold over 40% of the stock, that’s got to be well over $200bn, no way would they risk tanking the value
You think that Twitter is worth over 500 billion? I would be surprised if it was worth 1 billion at this point. They’re still losing users.
Tesla, as that’s the one institutional investors hold all the shares for as it’s the only one of the two publicly traded.
Twitter is privately owned via loans. Twitter shows how pathetic he can be when he doesn’t get what he wants even at the expense of his own money
Oh right, I forgot which one was paying him that ridiculous compensation package. Is Tesla worth $500 billion? I would think getting rid of the obvious emotional weak link that has rather public temper tantrums would increase the stock price, but that shows what I know.
As of yesterday the market cap was over 700 bn for Tesla. He can and has tanked the share price by bulk selling shares. Nobody is going to take that risk when they hold a few hundred billion in shares as even a 10% dip is at least 20bn dip. Best they can hope for is some more over the top announcements from Musk that boost the share price enough that they can reduce their holdings before Tesla drops like a stone.
Imagine him tanking a company for revenge
It would be strange if he did it twice right?
Tank me once shame on me, tank me twice…
That’s funny.
So Musk rather wants Tesla dead than unionized
How does Biden become controlled by an auto worker union?
Translation: Biden is utterly controlled by those dirty little working class people and would rather they have benefits and a safe work place over me and my rich friends making more money.
(Trump vowing to crush electric vehicles)
Musk: Why is Kamala planning on ruining Tesla?
While bankrolling him. Maybe it’s ma$o¢hism
Trump is just saying shit about electric cars to get votes though.