Looks like we upset a few too many residents over at lemmy.ca. I didn’t see a post about this on here, so I thought I’d go ahead and make one.
2 of 4 reasons why are basically just PPB lol, and a third is for calling for executions of landlords
they literally have 0 concept of the procession of history, and how the founding of your country less than 200 fucking years ago very much does matter to the present day???
“Moralists don’t really have beliefs. Sometimes they stumble on one, like on a child’s toy left on the carpet. The toy must be put away immediately. And the child reprimanded. Centrism isn’t change – not even incremental change. It is control. Over yourself and the world. Exercise it. Look up at the sky, at the dark shapes of Coalition airships hanging there. Ask yourself: is there something sinister in moralism? And then answer: no. God is in his heaven. Everything is normal on Earth.”
It gets even better, look at that dudes profile: https://lemmy.ca/u/MapleEngineer
25 years in the federal government in guns and badges, 22 of those in Corrections, then 10 years in hacker hunting and breach detection, now an information security sales engineer. Homestead farmer, amateur welder, equipment operator, electronic designer, 40 years soldering, husband and father.
142 Posts 529 Comments, Joined: June 14th, 2023
Also got a youtube channel
With a fun quote:
garbage cheap chinese breadboard for $1 I use as solder fixture
my good breadboard is $10 it is much better.
Holy shit
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Who the fuck is talking about breadboard quality. The whole point is that it’s cheap and temporary. Also the “good breadboard” is 100% also Chinese. Plus he sucks at soldering, he uses too much solder so all the joints are balling up. It’s supposed to be concave and shiny.
Image showing what you mean by that.
deleted by creator
There are so many treaty conflicts going on in Canada right now. O KKKlanada!
Having grown up native in Canada, I assure you that this is the view held by the majority.
Is worth a read, it is by a user slandering Hexbear, turns out:
Haven’t we learned our lesson about unprovoked wars after watching East Europe for the past year and a half??
@emizeko - not sure if you’re a Russian troll or a poor American doing the real fascists’ work for them–but I’m sorry for you my friend and hope the best for you. If you missed it in my other comments, I’m currently serving in the US military and am very confident that Western media at large is on the money, and that a novice OSINTer could refute the fanfic you posted. Best wishes.
Oh I’m familiar with it. My entire family operates this way. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad. I joined the military due to my parents fears about Russia and China invading or some shit. Now I’m the liberal because I’ve actually educated myself, and here they are defending the very things they were terrified of 25 years ago just to own the libs.
Followed by:
My mother was all into the satanic panic BS and Linin’s words about winning the next war via education and indoctrination of youth in our schools. Dad turned out, interestingly enough, to be closeted gay when they divorced because he was also an abusive sack of shit father.
Good that there was a divorce, but the setting of the phrases so close together is bad for online discourse.
The ironic part is that he is so indoctrinated from his small hometown upbringing that he still votes Republican-only and hides the fact his business partner and co-owner of his father’s ranch he inherited is also his boyfriend, or at this point, common law husband. He still hides it because the small community he lives in would probably not be very welcoming. The funny thing is that, at least before it was revealed he was hiding a boyfriend, he was hugely homophobic.
It took me literal years to deprogram, in no small part from reddit, traveling through the military, and seeing the hypocrisy of modern Christianity. It’s sad that so many will never question the values they grew up with and will turn into the next generation ignoramus.
a novice OSINTer could refute the fanfic you posted.
Cool I wonder if they paid attention when those OSINT guys proved that Ukraine committed the Bucha massacre
oooh I got a shoutout from a babykiller, neat
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I forgot that sopuli existed and was happier for it
Lol they won’t be missed
Of course liberals don’t believe in the whole premise of lemmy. It is, after all, a socialist structure.
Calls China an Oppressive Regime
Based in country that swore fealty to a pedophile enabling racist royal family which leeches off the people of the UK and imprisons people standing against monarchy.
The UK complaining about China is really rich given the way their courts work, their actual literal king and unelected house of parliament, ASBOs, and the UK being far and away the most exhaustively surveilled country in the world.
Calling for exections of landlords
Isn’t Canada that place with the blackface Prime Minister?
Yes they also let the natives into the forest in the winter to be left to freez to death…
It gets worse:
Sounds about white
No, that’s what the lying media will try and tell you.
Actually though, Justin Trudeau is our first black prime minister. He just does white face during public appearances to fool the Americans. Canada is actually a very progressive place and absolutely not racist at all.
and anotha one
Lmao @ the “not all landlords are bad” comments.
Not all landlords are bad, but all people under 30 can’t afford to live in Canadian citys.
It’s almost as if landlordism requires participating in a system of exploitation no matter how “nice” the individual may be
Idiots falling for that lazy argument still.
Somewhat like cops, not every individual is an evil, Machiavellian monster harboring Hitlerian-esque notions of governance and law. However, their existence continues to perpetuate a (horrific) status quo, AND NOBODY IS BORN A COP OR LANDLORD.
Don’t like being called a parasitic bastard? Quit then fucker lmao
Special shoutouts to @AccountVerificationBot@hexbear.net, @duderium@hexbear.net, @Sasuke@hexbear.net, @GaveUp@hexbear.net (and probably also @Frank@hexbear.net), and @GorbinOutOverHere@hexbear.net for being called out specifically.
Beep boop
This bot has posted in lemmy.ca (0) times. Level of liberalism detected in lemmy.ca posts: VERY HIGH.
This is an automated message. Please review the Posting Policy Bulletin if you have any questions.
Good bot.
Special shoutouts to . . . @Sasuke@hexbear.net
hiii <3
Wow, thanks for the info! Gonna creaate account there right away!
When I saw that thread last night, I was expecting the links to the “offenses” to be wild. But then it was just bathroom humor, and a singular call to execute landlords, which I found hilarious.
I just do not understand the lack of humor of a lot of people, on these instances. You’d swear their lives are devoid of happiness.
Step 1: Execute landlords
Step 2: Land doesn’t actually get properly distributed and a new landlord rises
Step 3: ???
Step 4: Profit?
(Step 5: Revolution all over again)
Edit: /s in case it’s not clear. sigh Poe’s Law sucks 🤦♂️
Uhh excuse me I’m sorry what was step 2 again??
The Maoist uprising against the landlords was the largest and most comprehensive proletarian revolution in history, and led to almost totally-equal redistribution of land among the peasantry.
A lot of those are pretexts for defederating I think
What rubs them the wrong way is our position on various issues (despite them being far more deeply argued and sourced than the paltry answers we usually get)
Also, admittedly and to a lesser degree, likely the fact we’re numerous and terminally online so anytime something dunkable is posted even the small subset of online hexbear users that see it appear on their feed and interact must look like an army to them
They defederated us for being perfect posters
We did everything right and they defederated us, folks