Is this before or after she gives everyone health care?
After, just like all the first world nations who had universal healthcare followed by famine.
Can’t avoid it.
Today I had to queue only five hours for my bowl of government issue gruel. Today was a good day. This is just how things are here in Europe.
Hi, speaking from southern Europe. I am taking the train to see family. There are no classes. We all shovel coal into furnace. Healthy exercise ! I have to get back to it. I spent all 16kb of data plan sending this optimistic message to poor american population
Hey! This fancy pants is getting gruel while the rest of us eat bark! Which is totally fine thanks to inexpensive modern healthcare, but it’s still shit to eat!
Believe it or not, still famine.
Before or after we stop literally burning food because we have too much of it?
Guy needs a psych eval stat.
He’s playing to his base: Conspiracy-minded fundamentalist Christians who are driven by fear, and have already ingrained associating the word famine with the book of Revelations.
There is a not insignificant number of his most hardcore cultists who literally believe that Trump is a messianic figure: not literally Jesus, but a man chosen by God to do his will, and all of his failures and troubles are caused by people who are literally possessed by demons.
The rest of his rhetoric is … these days, standard conservative demagoguery = anything I don’t like or agree with is communism.
He’s the angry fascist hype man for supply side Jesus.
Not sure God would have chosen such an asswipe.
I’m not a Christian, but iirc, that’s a thing with several prophets: they argue they’re bad vessels for god’s message because they gamble or something and god proves to them that he chose them and they’ll do it.
I did always assume they at least disavowed their former sinning ways though.
What he needs is something I can’t say out loud if I don’t want to get banned.
I don’t care what he needs. We need justice.
Well, separating his
from his ][
using the famous French invention called ][
would definitely be justice ]Is this about the piss tape?
Guy needs an overdose of ketamine stat.
It’s kind of already happened. Three hundred and fifty-odd free evaluations!
I wish we had that level of care. /s
Famine! Pestilence! Locusts for sure!
What an idiot.
They already had killing of the babies… it’s just biblical plagues at this point.
Next he will be claiming a plague of locusts and rivers turning to blood are on their way. By november it will be “paint your door frame with blood or the kamabala will kill your firstborn child”
the idiot finally flipped the page on his word-a-day calendar?
No no no, he got to that page a while ago, he just now figured out how to sound it out
“Amusingly” he may be right… for the completely wrong reasons. I read an article yesterday that said climate change may be happening much faster than anticipated. Scientists will need time to determine if this accelerated change is going to be permanent, or if it was a temporary “blip”.
If it’s a permanent change, I could easily see massive crop failures happening during her term.
But that’s regardless of who wins
The difference is you’re more likely to starve when there’s no competent leadership
Good point!
[Photo of empty trump era grocery shelf]
“YOU’RE THE THING THAT I AM!!!” -Republicans
No hamberders?
No hamberders and no morning covfefe.
Agreed. Let’s go back to when Trump was running the show.
He’s pandering to his hard-right base who will actually believe this bullshit. The problem for him is that by doing this he’s driving everyone else away.
As Sun Tzu said, never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.
“she’s had 3 and a half years to do the things she’s campaigning on!” swings both ways
In his mind he thinks it’s communism, and that communism brings famine.
Well under biden mcdonalds has been losing money. or maybe thats just the one near the white house.
Can he say it again while fox news runs record breaking stock indexes under him?
I know the indexes don’t mean much but it was still god damn funny.