What the entire fuck is wrong with them? It’s not just how could they do this, but how can they not see what they’ve become? Their whole fucking ideology is built around the idea that they’re the good guys, the defenders of civil rights, the beacon of an enlightened, refined, civilized society. That’s their whole goddamn thing, but now they’ve compromised and lesser eviled their way in to virulent, active support for fucking genocide WHAT THE FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!?!?>!>?!!:!>
And, and, all the fucking bullshit, for decades, about tankies being irredeemably evil because of genocides that didn’t even fucking happen?
It’s been really fun to get votescolded by my own spouse for pointing out that Democrats are supporting a genocide (which got the response, “Oh? Which genocide?” which I think was supposed to be
) and that Harris, as California AG, put transwomen in men’s prisons and continued policies that denied them gender-affirming healthcare.
I am so tired.
Shit, I am so sorry. : (
“I am so tired” just runs through my mind every idle moment now.
Uh oh, looks like someone needs to not let the barely acceptable absolute minimum standard possible be the enemy of the pure ontological evil that may or may not be part of a degree lesser than its frenemies in the official Bad Guy party whom it constantly makes common cause with!
He’s going to slip her a piece of candy from Melania’s purse at a State of the Union address in 2036 if he’s still alive.
I really tried to be open to the idea of pulling the lever for all the libs in my immediate social orbit, but after seeing her campaign as Biden 2.0, and knowing how grateful I am for having NOT voted for Biden, the prospect of voting Harris literally makes me queasy.
History will look back on these people as monsters they are, Inshallah.
shes not even Biden 2.0 anymore, her campaign messaging is to well to the right of 2020 Biden so her actual governing will end up even further right
Right exactly it’s not surprising but it is really sickening to see the libs buy right into this weird imperialist reich of joy
I was ready to roll my eyes, groan, and put up with Walz until he pulled out that opportunistic Sinophobic “I WAS THURRRR, GANDALF! I WAS THERE 3,000 YEARS AGO DONCHA KNOW. I WAS THERE THE DAY THE SEA SEA PEE DID A HECKIN’ MASSACRE AT TINYMAN RECTANGLE! UFF-DAH!” but only because I hadn’t heard the “Isn’treal has a right to exist” pandering soundbites yet.
It’s really fun to see them calling us hysterical for pointing out the actual genocide happening abroad while they lose their shit over fictional future genocides happening at home.
Only that which affects me matters, which is why my nightmares are real and the Palestinians are fake.
It isn’t even just a single issue. If you will defend and fund genocide literally against your political interest what wouldn’t you do?
Right? What about fucking ICE, the deportations, the rapidly escalating hate campaign against homeless people, Roe, and on and on and fucking on? We’ve seen how the democrats handle these issues under triassic racist honky
and Kamala is openly running to the right of him???
They don’t think Palestinian lives matter even close to as much as their own comfort. Simple as.
I’m no longer frustrated, or dissapointed or even irritated. If anything I’m a bit relieved to have a really firm grasp on exactly who I can and cannot trust ever again. The information is there, ignorance is no excuse. You can’t weasel your way out of supporting a genocide with your oh so important vote. There are lines that can never ever be crossed under any circumstances, there is absolutely no pragmatic excuse, when both evils are this evil any distinction is no longer necessary. Judging the lesser of two evils only works as long as you have any fucking moral boundaries. I’m past dissapoinent, or even anger. It’s fear and absolute fucking disgust and hatred of and towards the so called respectable people and ‘progressive’ libs who are wither indifferent and just want to see a president who isn’t funny on TV or people who claim to have progressive values while clearly only having some similarities to them in the circumstances it fits their own personal comfort. Donald Trump arguably may be worse for LGBTQ people who live in America, but those are still some of the most privileged queer people out there worldwide, it’s bad but it’s not an active genocide and won’t be locally any time soon even if Trump did his worst. He’d have a lot of catching up to do to match Israel’s crimes in just 4 years, so yeah, even at the shittiest Trump could be, it’s still an absolute moral imperative to never vote for someone funding a genocide. You’ll still be better off than those in gaza, maybe do your own resisting like they have to because people continue to consent to it. It’s shown the mainstream of caring progressive people are words than Eichman, they weren’t even given orders.
It sucks hard to know how many people are no better than Nazi collaborators and as far as I’m concerned that’s the case. It’s inexcusable Americans don’t care about anything but themselves.
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I’m comfortable letting genocide be the enemy of the good.
They’re white supremacists. There is no nuance mongering on their part there. It’s just indifference. Voting, a ritual, is their only tool they can and are willing to use as political agency. They’re comfortable leading their lives of privilege and safety because they will not be bothered by Trump’s policies or Biden’s genocide.
You should take comfort in the fact that most Americans do perceive this as genocide and want an arms embargo on Israel. What rhetoric you are getting upset at is just the politically impotent bargaining their impotence by berating you for not imbuing voting with godlike importance.
The definition is right there: supremacy. That means all-encompassing and being the default. What’s insidious is how thorough it is in becoming acceptable thought. Unless you actively resist white supremacy mentally and physically, you become its bearer. Even the most “”“progressive”“” whites will accept it, especially if it’s foreigners on the receiving end.
White privilege is born from the total supremacy of whiteness. Destroying that supremacy means giving up that privilege. It’s not something most whites are willing to do when push comes to shove.
The most propagandised people on the planet. If genocide is the lesser evil you’re a deeply fucked entity. All those times they praised the marching against charlottesville nazis but they’ve been wearing the white hood.
Their problem with Charlottesville was always a lack of decorum. If those nazis had filed the proper permits and obeyed the law, the libs would’ve praised them for their “civility”
Oh boy does this feel relevant now:
Nope, don’t think so. These people would be going “well, at least Hitler supports animal rights, regulated smoking, kept up law and order, and made the trains run on time” 80~ years ago.
I honestly can’t muster up a single speck of sympathy or common feelings of humanity for those who will openly work with genocide. If they’re aware of what they’re doing (and it’s nigh impossible to not be aware) there is no excuse and they deserve to go to the camps they will happily throw the Palestinians and whoever else comes next into to maintain their comfort.
Look kiddo, we all have pet politics, but don’t be a single issue voter!
"No, you don’t understand, Harris is only going to let Israel nuke Middle Eastern cities, instead of everybody everywhere, so you have to be excited to vote for her, she’s fleek, she’s brat, she’s
Don’t let the morally acceptable be the enemy of the morally unacceptable.