From the article:
- Jaws: The Revenge (1987)
- Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker (2019)
- Star Trek: Nemesis (2002)
- Independence Day: Resurgence (2016)
- Coming 2 America (2021)
- A Good Day to Die Hard (2013)
- Friday the 13th: A New Beginning (1985)
- Superman IV: The Quest for Peace (1987)
- Book of Shadows: Blair Witch 2 (2000)
- Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania (2023)
- Highlander II: The Quickening (1991)
- Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977)
- Curse of the Cat People (1944)
Quantumania wasn’t bad. It just wasn’t great. There are many Marvel and DC sequels that were worse both critically and financially.
I’m torn because its inclusion feels like recency bias but I wonder if over time it will seem even more ill advised considering how much it does to try to set up a Kang storyline that never got off the ground.
That’s not really the movie’s fault though. That is solely on Majors.
What did he do?
Assault / domestic violence
We enjoyed Quantumania, but that could have been influenced by us watching it in a 4DX cinema. Sure there were issues, but it can’t really be criticised for setting up Kang as the next big bad as that was the plan at the time.
It was pretty bad. Something being worse doesn’t make it not bad.
But the list is supposed to be the absolute worst sequels, not a random list of not great sequels.
Yeah… and Coming 2 America wasn’t as awful as many on that list. I was pleasantly surprised despite the stupid title name. No where near as good as the original, but better than expected.
I can’t recall Star Trek Nemesis, but I’ve seen all the Star Trek films and I never thought any were bad enough to be put on this list.
That’s a good point. You win… this time.
Thank you.
I havent seen a single one of those
I’ve seen technically less than half but “Coming 2 America” is on my TODO list, so more than half eventually. Of the nearly half I’ve seen… I’ve seen worse.
I’ve seen less than half of you half as well as I’d like and less than half of you have as well as you deserve.
I have to go now. Goodbye.
Looks about right. Those that I have seen on this list were mediocre at best, and a far cry from the quality of the previous movie(s) which would have been fine being left alone.
Is jaws the revenge the one where the lady could have just moved to another town away from the ocean?
Richard Jenni on jaws 2. Starts around 2 minutes
Solid list. I only disagree with one of them, personally.
I nominate Starship Troopers 2: Hero of the Federation (free on Dailymotion)
The Marauders were the only good thing in this shitshow
Starship Troopers 3 at least had the power armor and a banger of a song for the new Sky Marshall
This list didn’t include American Psycho 2???
or the last two Indiana joneses. I know it’s all hip to hate on Star Wars but those were way worse than ROS.
At least the most recent one sucked less than crystal skull
I dunno about that. I was at least able to finish Crystal Skull, and for all that people shit on Shia Lebouf his character wasn’t nearly as intolerable as whatsherface. Or maybe he was, but since Indy himself wasn’t also suddenly a loser, I actually had other characters to give a shit about which cushioned his impact? Either way, I’d be willing to at least watch Crystal Skull again, but I still haven’t finished Dial of Destiny and have no desire to try.
Apparently they directly reference Young Adventures when they’re in Peru in Crystal Skull.
You missed the meeting huh?
We all agreed that one doesn’t exist. For reasons.
What were we talking about, I forget?
Until I read that comment I thought there wasn’t a sequel lol.
It seems like I didn’t miss anything.
Or Donnie Darko 2
Oh, is there such thing?!
It has a 13% on RT lol
American Psycho 2 wasn’t all that bad. Remove the flashback scene tying it to the original and stop thinking of it as needing to be anything like the original and… it was fine.
This is the idea right here. It wasn’t even meant to be a sequel, they slapped the name on it for recognition that ending flashback to her dad was a fucking tack on
Independence Day 2 is one of the worst movie ever. And why Charlotte Gainsbourg was here? She’s useless, her character is useless, and she’s a bad actress.
I honestly pressed stop, and turned off the movie when the scientist who clearly died in part 1, sits up in a hospital bed after being in a coma for decades and can talk and communicate just fine and somehow knows aliens are coming. I didn’t want to see anything beyond that point
Wait, there’s more Brent Spiner in the second one? I still won’t give it a try, but I do feel slight temptation.
He is probably the best part of the movie.
The plotlines for the younger characters are just standard tropes. It’s like they tried to jam every trope in there. Potential love triangle. Risk taker gets someone killed. By the book leader has to learn to loosen up.
There is? How??
Never mind, some thing are not for us to know.
I saw it in the cinema with friends, we all realised how shit it was pretty quickly, but I burst out laughing when the alien queen went on a rampage. It was so bad. “Look at its widdle legs!”
Compared to all of the other ones, Mission: Impossible 2 was the absolute worst of the bunch.
John Woo tried — he really did — but that script was brutal.
It received a “D” CinemaScore, the lowset ever for a superhero movie.
Except, it’s not a superhero movie.
That is a solid list, but I nominate Lawnmower Man 2 as possibly the worst sequel of all time. The first movie was actually pretty great for it’s time, but the sequel is just a nonsensical train wreck. Just take my word for it and don’t watch it.
The first movie was actually pretty great for it’s time
Goodness. Did we see the same movie? Even with the better-than-Money-For-Nothing graphics the first one was not all that great of a movie to start with. Plus it tried to cash in on the hot streak that Stephen King stories were on at the time: the movie had nothing to do with the short story of the same name.
Still, I do not doubt your claim that the sequel was horrible.
Yes, we saw the same movie, but I really liked it. The actual Stephen King story is basically unrelated, it was a bizarre couple page short story about a weirdo that mows lawns with psychic powers and then ate the lawn clippings (yes really!).
As for the sequel, just imagine that whatever you would have rated the first movie out of 10, adjust it down by 8 points. Yes, you can go negative :)
If memory serves me, you could consider Lawnmower Man 2 the prequel to the Spy Kids series.
That is both hilarious and bizarre if true.
Lazy listicle. However I am happy Exorcist 2 exists because it meant that we got Exorcist 3 which is phenomenal.
On the other side of the spectrum, I really like Patrick H. Willem’s take on the best sequel ever: Mamma Mia 2.
Not the best movie that is also a sequel, but biggest improvement over the original.
I thought we all agreed that Paddington 2 was the best sequel ever?
I didn’t even know about Die Hard 5, they ruined the streak.
Every Fast and Furious sequal
I like Tokyo Drift :(
Exorcist II is bonkers and worth a watch just for the craziness of it all.
I agree, I mean, it is objectively bad, but it is almost enjoyable with the right mindset.
Curse of the Cat People is a good movie. But the RKO studio executives wanted to cash in on the success of the first film and insisted on the title.