Choice quotes:
“I also fell in with feminism … initially drawn to the anti-violence aspects but always somewhat repelled by the girl-boss twist.”
I also thought of myself as “anti-capitalist”, until a wiser, older friend astutely pointed out that everything I complained about was better described as “globalism” and “corporatism”. I’m not opposed to hierarchies, or to competition. I don’t believe that all people are born equally smart, talented, and/or hardworking, but I dislike the incentives that push top-talent into careers I consider to be unethical or exploitative (e.g. investment banking).
I quickly became disillusioned by the socialist activists I met and by many of their political stances (e.g. abolish or defund the police).
It’s hard to pinpoint when exactly I gave up on the left. It might have been when my provincial NDP government tweeted that it was a “dangerous myth” that having adequate Vitamin D levels would protect against Covid. It might have been when I saw “leftists” and “socialists” celebrate the burning of Catholic churches. … I attended a socialist rally in a local park … and everyone except for me, my husband, and one Indigenous speaker were wearing masks. They praised China for their Covid policies and said Canada should be more like them. They served chips and other junk food. They vilified the police and landlords, without making distinctions between law-makers and the working people responsible for enforcing them, or between slumlords who owned multiple buildings and small-time landlords renting out their basements. They pushed for decriminalization and legalization of hard drugs such as cocaine, meth, and fentanyl…
…even in a more equal society, crimes likeremoved and murder would still occur and require police action. I said if anything the police needed more funding…
I’ve done a lot of reading and podcast-listening. I started engaging with content and content creators that mainstream liberals maligned as “right wing”, “conspiracy theorist”, evil in one way or another. I discovered that I quite liked Joe Rogan and many of his guests, and frequently agreed with him. Many of the people I’d been assured were “bad” actually seemed pretty reasonable,…
The totalitarian aspects of the “woke” movement became impossible to ignore.
Pregnancy and motherhood further changed me. I became more critical of mainstream feminism.
Race Realism:… there are average differences between different races and ethnicities and because of this racial parity in certain careers is not desirable. If medical doctors are disproportionately Indian and Jewish, that’s fine because I think what’s more important is we all get fairly good healthcare. If the majority of airline pilots are white men, I also think that’s a good thing because it’s in everyone’s interests that planes don’t crash. I also think that “white” people, in particular those from within the Hajnal line, are unique (note: not better), in particular that they are more “autistic” (for lack of a better word) on average than other populations
Jewish People: Yes, the Jewish advantage in general intelligence is clearly a real thing, and in a pure meritocracy, Jewish people will disproportionately be represented in “elite” professions. Jewish people seem to be unusually capable, and that means that individually they are capable of great good and great evil. Whatever path humanity turns toward, whether to light or darkness, I suspect it will largely be Jewish people who lead us there. (She has a Jewish husband)
Can’t leave what you were never part of. She dipped her toe in the water, encountered actual left-wing ideas, got scared, and backed out.
Uhg, that last quote about average Jewish intelligence; Liberal’s eagerness to accept that “pleasant” myth betrays their corrosive latent racism.
“I’m not antisemitic I just think jews run all our hospitals” is some serious “I’m not racist I just use the n-word against n-words” energy.
I really, really fucking hate nazi crocodile tears. They accuse others of antisemitism out one side of their mouth, while spreading Holocaust denial and blood libel out the other.
Happens to Asians too
No no, I said you have a racial bonus to that stat, not a debuff. Why can’t you people take a compliment?
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I stopped reading at globalism
Whines about masks alienating people, goes to a reactionary ideology that alienates and segregates people by race and creed.
When you’re this much of a loud clown, why would people bother trying to have a conversation with you?
Some of them probably did, and realized how fruitless it would be to discuss further.
“Wear a mask so you don’t potentially kill vulnerable people”
What more discussion is to be had?
That needs an /c/emoji post
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I love how Americans cannot fathom people who have convictions and choose not to associate with people who have awful beliefs. Moralists don’t really have beleifs, after all.
I will never understand how many Westerners’ brains just completely bricked at the thought of wearing a fucking paper mask
Petulant little diaper-filling baby people
Because it means “limiting” their “life” for the sake of others. A grave sin in western culture which sees only others to be burdensome or a feast to suck dry to advance their own station.
NGL, I am slightly embarrassed on behalf of lifelong conservatives, specifically Catholics.
Imagine making a firm commitment to live a moderate, ascetic life and even going through lent annually and then your entire political philosophy is flooded by people who specifically join your ideology for hedonistic reasons.
Then they call leftists weaklings even though they’re too decadent to sacrifice their own pleasures for any idea. Progressives and conservatives alike should mock these people.
I absolutely to this day cannot understand it at all. I just can’t. People have explained it over and over, smart people who study americans and american culture, but it just slides out of my mind.
Ah, but yuo see, if they really cared about public health they wouldn’t be serving junk food and simping for big pharma.
Race Realism:… there are average differences between different races and ethnicities and because of this racial parity in certain careers is not desirable. If medical doctors are disproportionately Indian and Jewish, that’s fine because I think what’s more important is we all get fairly good healthcare. If the majority of airline pilots are white men, I also think that’s a good thing because it’s in everyone’s interests that planes don’t crash. I also think that “white” people, in particular those from within the Hajnal line, are unique (note: not better), in particular that they are more “autistic” (for lack of a better word) on average than other populations
If the majority of airline pilots are white men, I also think that’s a good thing because it’s in everyone’s interests that planes don’t crash.
I wonder if the writer would like to elaborate on this statement because I may be wrong but this strongly seems to imply that only
can fly?
If crackers are so good at flying, then why did the Red Tails shoot down so many Luftwaffe in WWII? 🤔🤔
That whole post is deeply ingrained
I don’t think the author has any idea what they’re talking about so the statement doesn’t make sense. I think htey don’t know that racism is a system, and think that it’s “just natural” that some skull shapes are better at prestigous jobs.
Get the Calipers folks it’s 1926 and we’re bastardizing Darwin!
I could have sworn we had a calipers emote.
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I was terrified when the 2020 pandemic hit and I saw the mainstream response. I was convinced that lockdowns and masking mandates would cause more death and longterm illness than otherwise would have happened. I watched as many people I knew who claimed to be radicals suddenly act as hysterical shills for policies I thought were dangerous.
You claim to be a radical, but have you considered I personally don’t like that policy?
What the fuck is she on about? The mainstream response? The mainstream response in much of America was not to give a fuck. Even the places that had more of a response didn’t have super strict lockdowns like China did during their Covid Zero policy. And where did more people die of Covid in that time, China or the US? This lady was never leftist.
Aparently she did multiple heroic doses of psychedelic shrooms which confirmed to herself her inner chud. Then her ayawasha ceremony gave her the confidence to be out and proud
I haven’t done psychedelics, and I heard they were mind expanding, but when chuds do them it seems to only deepen their chuddery and I start to see how the hippie gen went to fucking
which always puzzled me.
I cannot comprehend the level of spiritual poverty that compels white middle income neofascists to travel to Guatemala to injest god knows what with a white “Shaman” named Trevor so they can shit and puke their guts out to try to feel something.
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My take on shrooms is they turn off or impair the part of your brain that recognizes separation of abstract objects. Like you look at a duck, but the context of “duck” is suppressed in some way so what you’re seeing is an arrangment of colors and textures and shapes, and you’re seeing it sorta kinda like you’ve never seen a duck before and this is your vry first time encountering one.
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They tilt the prism I say, showing you your life and self from different angles. Apparently, she saw nothing worth changing
She’s Canadian, I assume there wasn’t quite as much pushback as the States saw. Also, with their population density, there’s only like 3 places aren’t de-facto social distancing.
Yeah, America did nothing but people remember a few weeks of non-quarantine as stalin 1986 gulag berlin wall horror.
As soon as I read “globalism” I was like “nope, yeah that’s a Nazi”
I can excuse police brutality, 1000s of daily deaths from COVID, and race realism, but serving chips and junk food goes too far!
Get in the mineshaft.
If I let people know that I might have been a Republican but literally started moving left because republicans were rude to me, I’d be laughed out of the room but chuds can justify racism by saying the left rudely told them racism was wrong.
it seemed to me like a lot of [socialist activist’s] ideas would hurt small businesses.
Mom and pop hitler strikes again
Tldr: As I became more and more privileged I wanted to keep that privilege for myself!
Notice she talks alot about her families ancestry, about what scary leftists were doing to push her away (literally the softest left shit possible) and somehow never talks about how she was making money? What jobs was she working? What tax bracket did she fall into? I think all that would be way better at revealing why she left the left.
It was a sunny day, and everyone except for me, my husband, and one Indigenous speaker were wearing masks.
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Hey it’s cool that I was doing the sociopath thing, because I saw one specific non-white person doing it. No, I’m not hiding behind someone else’s marginalises status.
Writing a “Why I left the left” article on is in and of itself a parody
Another nobody leaving the “left” and race is a driver. What else is new
Note: I realize this essay title has been used by other authors. I hope they will forgive me.
"Note: I just now realized that other grifters have also tried this path- and yet somehow were able to get the big payout, but not me :( "
First thought: literally who?
Brief search: oh, an idle rich kid turned D-tier author and opinion-haver.
Shocked that a nominal socdem “in the top 10 percent of the 1 percent wealthiest in the country” would “leave” the “left.”