Far-right figure blames ‘corrupt leftwing media’ for January 6 attack on US Capitol in new Trump documentary
The founder of the Proud Boys, the far-right group that played a major role in the January 6 riot at the US Capitol and was memorably instructed by Donald Trump to “stand back and stand by”, has told the makers of a Trump documentary: “We want to make America hate again.”
Gavin McInnes, the UK-born British Canadian citizen who co-founded Vice magazine and was influential in the New York hipster scene of the early 2000s before becoming a far-right militia figure, also claimed to the BBC that his group wasn’t responsible for what happened that day.
“It was you,” he told the makers of the documentary, which has aired on the BBC’s Panorama strand. “If anyone should apologise … it should be the corrupt leftwing media, and I’ll accept your apology now if you want to do it.”
Thank you for bringing this up. Anytime this fuckwit is allowed back in the public eye, this should be right at the top to help invalidate the shit he spews.
Didn’t he also eat cereal with pee instead of milk and take a picture of himself stepping on his own nutsack? I feel like this dude is just forcing his gross fetishes on people left and right.
Which I’d respect if he was honest about it. I don’t think he’s capable of being honest with himself, much less anyone else.
Honest question: is it physically possibly to step on one’s own nutsack? Do I have to dislocate my pelvis or something?
I find if you use a pair of scissors to remove the nutsack first, then stepping in it becomes a lot easier.
Unfortunately, I can confirm that it is possible because you can’t actually bleach something like that from your brain once you see it. Really it was just the skin that he’d stretched way out but still.
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The peak of intellectual prowess.
I… I thought the top comment was a joke lmao
Wait, did he lube it first? Or shove it in dry?
The left are the violent ones. They burnt down this country for 2 straight years.
me looking at all the intact cities, towns, and unincorporated townships that haven’t been burnt to the ground for 2 years straight
These assholes literally live on Earth 2, don’t they?
They got frightened when people reacted poorly to cops killing people again and again and again …
They have no qualms about lying to further their agenda. Many of the people leading these movements aren’t unintelligent, but rather immoral.
Shane Isaac is the actual actual mastermind behind it all!
I’ve taken to believing conservatives live in a shadow realm, separate from reality. There, they are scared by their own delusions and exist detached from the real world.
Earth 2 had a better plot.
UK born British-Canadian citizen? So another far right anti-immigrant immigrant, coming to the US to stir up shit? When will we deport this clown and Phony Stark?
That’s one area I’m proud of Australia for. We frequently deny travel for problematic people - most recently Candace Owens was denied entry. Most likely for saying that Australia should be invaded, but she’s said a lot of horrible stuff so who can tell!
We do have our share of anti-immigrant immigrants though.
Jack van Tongeren comes to mind. A Dutch migrant that hated asians. He set fire to a bunch of Asian restaurants. There was something of a political movement IIRC, they wanted to send asian migrants back to where they came from (?!) and relocate Australia’s Capital City to Alice Springs because it was geographically central.
I don’t know much about Australia, but isn’t the geographically central part the least
pleasantlivable part?Yes!
I mean I don’t want to be mean about where someone lives. About 33k people live in Alice Springs and I’m sure it’s a great place to be.
That said, it really is in the middle of the desert. It’s harsh beauty is breathtaking even on google maps satellite view:
There’s no sensible reason to move Australia’s Political capital in any case.
I doubt it’s even feasible to support a large population in that area.
Yeah, perhaps I should have said livable instead of pleasant. I’ll change it. But Phoenix and Las Vegas have a lot of problems because they’re giant cities built in places that can’t really support populations that size using water in the way they do.
How far away is that from Barter Town?
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how the hell has he not been kicked out yet?
Some of those that work forces…
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Deporting just means we kick him out of our country, you don’t have to accept him in yours. A raft in the Atlantic should suit him fine!
There’s the actual real garbage island in the ocean, he belongs in the trash. (And no I don’t mean Puerto Rico, that island has suffered enough)
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I hate him, does that count?
If this post is any indication, he definitely has succeeded in making America hate him again. If that’s what he wanted.
Gavin, if you’re reading this thread, don’t worry bb, I never forgot to keep hating you
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The reactions from people when I declare without hesitation or questioning, that I do not believe in universal free speech in America. “But who decides what is policed??” The reasonable people I vote for that represent my interests do.
The reasonable people I vote for that represent my interests do.
I do not feel like this is an accurate representation of the people who actually get elected.
Definitely not most of the time
So you acknowledge the people who get elected aren’t who you’d want to be policing your speech. Who then in practice?
If you’re Socratic methoding me, haven’t I already communicated I’m self aware?
Nah, you’re supposed to take them seriously and give them various platforms to speak on and beat them with FACTS and LOGIC because that’s what’s needed for a marketplace of ideas and functioning democracy.
In other unrelated news, fascism is now rising tremendously in the world.
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You have to fire them into space so they can die alone and unloved.
This is why Elon has never gone up on one of his rockets. He doesn’t want to be shoved out the airlock.
(No it isn’t. He’s just a coward.)
Hey look it’s that chud who shoved a dildo up his ass on youtube to prove how unwoke he is…
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be the change
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Can we avoid becoming like the Area 51 raid where only one guy does it and all the chickens say they were just joking?
For everyone saying eat the rich, launch them into space, guillotine them… How do we figure out when to do that, on which billionaires first? How do we prevent the billionaires from buying the website (or whatever) where it’s planned?
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Even then, how can trust scale up? Who makes the call “today is the day” for a huge group without that person getting a knock on their door?
I forget where I read this, but if the British had just all the metadata we have today, then they could have stopped Paul Revere.
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Right, but encryption doesn’t necessarily eliminate metadata. And since so little traffic gets onion routed, even that is a signal.
Cold war espionage is a different situation because Soviet/Western hierarchy eliminated coordination problems.
rest assured this american hates you gavin
No! I would love to see him actually…on my phone while resting on my warm bed. I would love to see him while traversing the vast artic ice cap on foot with no shoes or other clothes other than his underwear. You know, being superior to me and proud since he can do that and I cannot. I admit my inferiority in this area.
Another such Netflix special would be a SpaceX adventure into the sun. He can wear anything he wants for this one. So long as the proper telescope satellite is viewing how superior he is over all of us, I would be so very satisfied with all my inferior fellows down here far from the superior vastness of the universe. I mean sure, he could also go to Mars where he can be superior too. But I don’t have all day man, I gotta do some work. Maybe Mars with no helmet?
Oh, I already hate.
I hate these fucking cocksuckers (proud boys) and hope they all burn.
Now vice had its problems, but how the fuck was this goon one of the co-founders?
The British-Canadian Hipster found of Vice became the leader of an anti-immigrant white nationalist group in the United States? Weird character arc. Anyone have any insight?
Yeah I’m… agog.
Am I wrong to think of hipsters as generally lefties?
Am I wrong to think of Vice as the people that do edgy progressive journalism and interesting documentaries?
Something is wrong with my preconceptions about these things.
… or maybe he just smoked too much crack and is suffering a psychosis.
Yea, same as you, I can’t connect those dots. Vice is absolutely left leaning from what I know and watch
Honestly, probably brain damage. Getting big head trauma can make people prone to rage and become less empathetic. Not everyone, of course. But the brain is complex, and some types of brain damage can really affect someone’s personality and mental capabilities.
He stuck a dildo up his ass and realized he might be gay?
The thought is still making its way from the rectum up, hasn’t reached the cerebellum yet
They walk among us.
Ah yes, Gavin “I enjoy practicing anal sex to defeat those degenerate liberals” McInnes has an opinion about something.
So glad no one forgot that time he fucked himself on cam
Same. I’m usually the one to bring it up but I’ve seen 3 comments about it already.
I love that he called his little gang ‘The Proud Boys’. It makes think of him and his little buddies all sitting around playing video games, proudly shitting in their pants, with big smiles on their happy faces.
You should look up ‘proud flesh’ on horses(warning, its a graphic skin condition). It’s what I think of everytime I see proud boys, except somehow they’re more disgusting.
I bet that skin condition smells better than the average Proud Boy.
Conflating culture with skin color is so strange. McInnes has way more culturally in common with the Taliban than he does with any white representative of liberal values. Idiot.
Let’s call him Gavin “White Taliban” McInnes
UK-born British Canadian
Found another foreigner that wants to destroy the USA.