Kremlin says hypersonic missile strike on Ukraine was a warning to the west
The Kremlin said on Friday that a strike on Ukraine using a newly developed hypersonic ballistic missile was designed to warn the west that Moscow will respond to moves by the US and the UK to let Kyiv strike Russia with their missiles.
According to Agence France-Presse (AFP), the Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, was speaking a day after Russian president, Vladimir Putin, said Moscow had fired the new missile – the Oreshnik or ‘hazel tree’- at a Ukrainian military facility.
Peskov said Russia had not been obliged to warn the US about the strike, but had informed the US 30 minutes before the launch anyway. Putin remained open to dialogue, Peskov said.
I suppose it’s also NATOs fault Russia invaded Ukraine in the first place?
No, Putin woke up one day and felt like doing a little “full-scale” invasion.
As a treat
Pretty much, yes. If one great power keeps threatening and encroaching on another and undermines all attempts at diplomacy, it’s pretty obvious what is going to happen.
Yes the greatest threat, if you attack me and my friends we’ll attack you. Very scary so aggressive
Me and my friends, just standing here next to you, brandishing our weapons…
As a deterrent, because I’ve never seen a NATO country attack Russia but have seen Russia invade plenty of countries not in NATO.
It’s almost like countries want to join NATO to avoid being invaded by Russia.
Operation Gladio by Paul L. Williams
Gladio: NATO’s Dagger Through the Heart of Europe by Richard Cottrell
*details on NATO false-flag terrorism in Italy to frame communists and rig elections against them (so that Italy wouldn’t increase ties to the USSR chiefly), NATO Nazi stay-behind armies in numerous states that were used to crush left-wing movements, etc.
How NATO Worked With Fascists to Crush the Left in Turkey
NATO controlled the very forces in the countries that would guarantee its stay there, rigging elections against and terrorizing movements that could potentially throw them out. You are sanitizing a Nazi fascist organization by omitting this aspect and simplifying NATO membership to a straightforwardly consensual relationship and I think you should be banned, along with everyone who liked your comment if that’s the policy now.
Hey neighbor, you don’t mind if I invite over my serial killer friend with “1488 gas all Devorlons” tattooed across his forehead to stay over for a while, right? Btw we’re building a deer hunting stand in my yard with a perfect view of the couch you post from, don’t freak out about it though. It’s just a couple of guys hanging out.
I’ll also be ethnic cleansing some people on my side of our border…
Yep, just you and your friend in your property, as long as you don’t attack it doesn’t matter.
Goddamn, was my brain ever this smooth??
Mine was and am very very embarrassed really
We promise we won’t do anything like the last several times<3
You genuinely think that someone who specifically wants to kill you making preparations from which they can kill you is fine, as long as they don’t actually kill you? You’re not a tiny bit bothered by the possibility of them actually killing you?
Yes lmao, if they didn’t ignore the minsk agreements and do a coup (maidan) to install a CIA handpicked government, this would not have happened.
Yeah there you go! Always nice to see people come around to a linear time, material conditions, and context view of the world instead of just vibes.
Yes, as many western experts explained in great detail for many decades now. Yet, we still have ignoramuses running around pretending that’s not the case. Even Stoltenberg has admitted this on record at this point, time to update your script
He can get fucked.
It’s really hard to tell why Russia might start swinging when the west not only breaks every treaty it’s ever signed with it, but then has the gall to turn around and go “you can get fucked” right afterwards
nick, my dude. Save your sanity.
Most everyone here agrees that dude sucks, and you can’t reason with him
“We didn’t accept his demands for how we protect member states so he went to war” isn’t the defense you seem to think it is
One problem being that Ukraine isn’t a member state. 🤡
So which one is it?
Would you also say that North Korea is attacking Ukraine since it’s North Korean artillery shells being lobbed into Ukraine?
What’s the contradiction there? NATO wasn’t directly involved in the war in Ukraine, now it is. What part of that are you struggling to understand?
Meanwhile, zero actual evidence for DPRK attacking Ukraine, but I guess that’s not going to stop western intellectuals from talking about it.
Don’t call people smoothbrains please, the problem isn’t anatomical it is ideological
I forgot we live in “what I don’t like is obviously not true” land here, despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, for example actual footage of North Korean soldiers arriving in Russian training camps, Putin himself doesn’t even denies it, but anything to lick some boot I guess.
You’re not arguing in good faith, as exemplified by your double standards regarding foreign involvement, so I know that you’re gonna write something about “manipulated footage”, ask for sources you could easily Google yourself and overall try to move the overall framing of the conversation to something else because the exchange of information is not the point for you.
I have neither the strength nor the patience to argue with utterly deranged idiots whose worldview would make Marx roll over in his grave.
Hey, with my modhat on,
Please provide evidence of DPRK troops fighting in Ukraine
not guy you’re replying to, but found the following sources below.
Please provide evidence of DPRK troops fighting in Ukraine, I’ll wait. 🤡
You wouldn’t know what arguing in good faith was if it hit you in the face bud.
Being this fundamentally wrong should really be a sign for you to stop speaking on the subject lmao
What’s the member state?
Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer - Date: Sep 26, 2015
Watch this and think for yourself. A very similar comparison is Cuban Missile Crisis 1962.