Kremlin says hypersonic missile strike on Ukraine was a warning to the west
The Kremlin said on Friday that a strike on Ukraine using a newly developed hypersonic ballistic missile was designed to warn the west that Moscow will respond to moves by the US and the UK to let Kyiv strike Russia with their missiles.
According to Agence France-Presse (AFP), the Kremlin spokesperson, Dmitry Peskov, was speaking a day after Russian president, Vladimir Putin, said Moscow had fired the new missile – the Oreshnik or ‘hazel tree’- at a Ukrainian military facility.
Peskov said Russia had not been obliged to warn the US about the strike, but had informed the US 30 minutes before the launch anyway. Putin remained open to dialogue, Peskov said.
First ICBM ever used in conflict according to some military bloggers on twitter Twitter.
Honey wake up, Russia’s weekly nuke threat just dropped
Hey wake up, an ignorant wasp is once again trivializing the threat of nuclear holocaust.
Hey wake up, either Putin is threatening nuclear holocaust to achieve diplomatic goals or he’s committing nuclear holocaust to achieve diplomatic goals what the fuck are you talking about
Last I checked it was NATO that started launching missiles into Russia escalating the conflict, but do go on champ.
I suppose it’s also NATOs fault Russia invaded Ukraine in the first place?
I suppose it’s also NATOs fault Russia invaded Ukraine in the first place?
No, Putin woke up one day and felt like doing a little “full-scale” invasion.
As a treat
Pretty much, yes. If one great power keeps threatening and encroaching on another and undermines all attempts at diplomacy, it’s pretty obvious what is going to happen.
Yes the greatest threat, if you attack me and my friends we’ll attack you. Very scary so aggressive
Hey neighbor, you don’t mind if I invite over my serial killer friend with “1488 gas all Devorlons” tattooed across his forehead to stay over for a while, right? Btw we’re building a deer hunting stand in my yard with a perfect view of the couch you post from, don’t freak out about it though. It’s just a couple of guys hanging out.
Me and my friends, just standing here next to you, brandishing our weapons…
Yes lmao, if they didn’t ignore the minsk agreements and do a coup (maidan) to install a CIA handpicked government, this would not have happened.
Yeah there you go! Always nice to see people come around to a linear time, material conditions, and context view of the world instead of just vibes.
Yes, as many western experts explained in great detail for many decades now. Yet, we still have ignoramuses running around pretending that’s not the case. Even Stoltenberg has admitted this on record at this point, time to update your script
He wanted us to sign that promise, never to enlarge NATO. He wanted us to remove our military infrastructure in all Allies that have joined NATO since 1997, meaning half of NATO, all the Central and Eastern Europe, we should remove NATO from that part of our Alliance, introducing some kind of B, or second class membership. We rejected that. So he went to war to prevent NATO, more NATO, close to his borders.
He can get fucked.
It’s really hard to tell why Russia might start swinging when the west not only breaks every treaty it’s ever signed with it, but then has the gall to turn around and go “you can get fucked” right afterwards
nick, my dude. Save your sanity.
Most everyone here agrees that dude sucks, and you can’t reason with him
“We didn’t accept his demands for how we protect member states so he went to war” isn’t the defense you seem to think it is
One problem being that Ukraine isn’t a member state. 🤡
Being this fundamentally wrong should really be a sign for you to stop speaking on the subject lmao
What’s the member state?
Why is Ukraine the West’s Fault? Featuring John Mearsheimer - Date: Sep 26, 2015
John J. Mearsheimer, the R. Wendell Harrison Distinguished Service Professor in Political Science and Co-director of the Program on International Security Policy at the University of Chicago, assesses the causes of the present Ukraine crisis, the best way to end it, and its consequences for all of the main actors. A key assumption is that in order to come up with the optimum plan for ending the crisis, it is essential to know what caused the crisis. Regarding the all-important question of causes, the key issue is whether Russia or the West bears primary responsibility.
Watch this and think for yourself. A very similar comparison is Cuban Missile Crisis 1962.
Any time you end a thought with “so therefore threatening nuclear holocaust is justified” you’re the bad guys.
America, the only country ever to drop nukes on two cities full of people, has a nuclear first strike policy and is therefore threatening the entire world with nuclear holocaust at all times. I agree, we’re the bad guys.
During WWII, America shocked the world when they revealed their nuclear capacity to the world by dropping not one, but two atomic bombs on strictly civilian targets. Since then, they have maintained a first strike policy, meaning, their plans for their nuclear arsenal are not defensive, but aggressive and the highest form of escalation.
During the Korean War, Dugless MacArthur asked the joint chiefs of staff for approval to use nuclear weapons on China, to the tune of 30, to 50 nuclear strikes. MacArthur’s goal was to create a radioactive no-mans land across Russia and China to act as a buffer zone between after the war was “won”.
During the JFK Administration, they drew up plans for nuclear first strike against the Soviet Union if conflict in Berlin turned violent.
The Nixon administration drew up plans to drop nuclear bombs on North Vietnam.
The only place threatening a Nuclear Holocaust is the United States. They remain today the only country on earth to have dropped not one, but two atomic bombs on war targets (read civilian populations).
There were some anecdotes I remember reading (that I’d really appreciate some sources on, if ever I get around to investigating) about how the Soviet Union during the Cold War maintained a steely eyed, ice cold resolve as the US was doing everything they could to spark a nuclear war. Pieces I remember are times the US flew bombers at Moscow, watching for Soviet reaction, hoping to find out the range ability of Soviet radar.
And then the Cuban Missile Crisis of course
The fact that you don’t understand how idiotic that statement is says volumes about you. Imagine for a second what would happened if Russia started lobbing missiles into Florida from Cuba. Oh wait, we don’t have to imagine we know exactly what would happen. Killer clowns like you are gonna be the reason our civilization ends.
in this scenario, does florida invade cuba first?
Burgerland already occupies part of Cuban territory, so the invasion is just frozen at this point.
The USA literally has a torture camp in Cuba with admittedly innocent people being held for life.
I swear to god Americans know more about the Marvel movies than about their fucking state.
Nah the end of our civilization will be the dogs that roll over to daddy Putin like you.
That’s right, the grotesque excuse for a civilization that the rabid dogs in the west built is coming to an end.
There is no threat at all, russia is just trying to bluff a stronger position ahead of inevitable negotiation rounds. To claim more benefits and more territory. They won’t be doing anything against the US no matter what. Maximum cut some underwater cables and tell more nuclear threats like they always do.
What would we ever do without such stellar geopolitical analysis by geniuses such as yourself.
how sad is that
still cracks me up how north korea is more significant than putins russia.
still cracks me up how people can gobble up utter nonsense uncritically