Imagine being the pathetic kind of person that has to spend $600,000,000 on a wedding solely for your own (and I suppose your partner’s) happiness, while millions of people around the world are starving, losing housing, unable to afford medical procedures, etc.
Hoarding this much wealth in the first place should be classified as a mental disorder.
We treat hoarding as such, I’d like to see someone explain how hoarding with is any different.
You don’t accumulate that much money by caring about other people.
how do you spend over half a billion on a wedding? did he buy the entire city of aspen and surrounding mountains?
I mean, if I were a wedding planner/caterer/anyone on staff and Jeff Bezos asked me to do his wedding, I’d upcharge the hell out of him.
i would take the deposit and use it to hire freelancers to do some kind of Die Hard 1 / Die Hard 3 / Under Siege sort of situation. or just get everybody to ingest/inhale ricin lol. just kidding, i would never do that because it’s illegal and i am a good boy.
someone just bill him for $450,000 for some vague reason and say it’s for the wedding. he might pay it
i’ve heard of people doing that kind of thing, like invoicing some giant multinational company for something after they’ve figured out the address for accounts payable or whatever and getting away with it. but i’ve also heard of people getting caught in an audit and hit with fraud charges because it went through the US mail, which above a certain amount is a felony. but, respect the grift lol.
OK but if I can get to a country that doesn’t extradite before then I should be in the clear right? Hypothetically
What if I normally charge that amount, but I give everyone except Bezos a massive “not being evil” discount?
It’s probably not the actual cost. Sensationalism from NY Post.
yeah he probably only spent like $450 million, which whomst among us.
Yeah we’ve all spent $450+ Million on a wedding at some point or another, of course
¥450 million
450 million iraqi dinar
My breakfast today alone was 450 million Vietnamese dong.
You can divide $450 million by 157 and it’s still more money than I’ll make in a lifetime. For one event.
Was gonna say I know wedding can be expensive but damn
This is like twice what my wedding cost, insane
That’s like 5 massively wasteful Hollywood blockbuster movies what the fuck
How in the fuck do you even spend $600M on a wedding? It’s a truly mind-boggling amount.
Death to all billionaires.
The richest guys in india(Ambanis) did a very lavish wedding for their son where they shamelessly flexed their wealth on the mostly poor Indian population for months.
probably to pay people to show up
Assuming this number is accurate, it’s roughly 0.2% of Bezos’s estimated net worth, or equivalent to the median American household spending $400.
Humans are feckless creatures for allowing it to get to this point. Like seriously what the actual fuck, how do we let these people exist
90% of people are submissive pain piggies. It’s the only explanation
Mario Lopez has the chance to do something very funny.
Rich people have no souls, change my mind.
Unrelated to anything in the article, but I know commercially available drones are programmed to shut down when entering restricted airspace. I wonder if they’re programmed to shut down close to any sort of civilian stuff like a large crowd, or a place someone would want to keep private?
Something that just popped in my head for no reason is that most decent quadcopters broadcast the gps coordinates of the person operating them.
that explains how the cops came straight to my house when i was flying my drone over the richy-rich neighbor houses
Gotta go diy.
guess so, but i have no skills
if we’re going for lore accuracy they’d be the Mangione brothers, meaning their name would be Mangione Mangione
mangione mangione
on ya wedding day your man’ll be gione
i thought they married years ago
i can’t imagine how much of that $600 million will go toward security
Idk but I bet it’s more than a hitman would charge and still wouldn’t be able to stop a hitman. I very much doubt we’ll see headlines about a hitman getting arrested or killed at this wedding. Maybe a lone wolf conservative with bad aim, but not an actual contract killer.
What are contract killers even up to then?it’s probably creating tragedies in the Middle East and Africa as mercenaries for the US military.
Yup, Crocus hall terrorists were just mercs
19722024, a crack commando unit wassent to prisongiven commendations by a military court for a crime theydidn’t commitdefinitely committed. These men promptlyescaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles undergroundwent to a party thrown in their honor at Los Angeles City Hall. Today, still wanted by the government so they can commit more warcrimes they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them… maybe you can hire The A-Team.
I feel a hitman wouldn’t choose the $600 million dollar wedding as the moment to strike.
that’s a hitman level for sure
agent 47 eliminating borzos in the dressing room and putting on his shirt then walking up to the podium with a poisoned ring, no one batting an eye
She likes him for his body
Well she certainly doesn’t like him for his weird fucking face.
Put them on this ride then shoot a stinger missile at it.
(From George Jackson’s Blood in my Eye)
I really need to read some George Jackson. This is from Soledad Brother.
George Jackson is fucking dope. Very considerate thinker, we def lost one of the great English theorists when he passed.
My first thought was something about the guy from Saved By The Bell, then I realized that wasn’t it.
How much paperwork is she signing before hand? I have to imagine a ton of lawyers, and paperwork involved here. Not that I care beyond the superficial, but involving what they have to involve to get hitched doesn’t sound fun. Like, let’s spend the rest of our lives together fun, or even let’s make a mistake in Vegas right now kind of fun. But whatever, I’m terrible at making relationships work so wtf do I even know.
I don’t think these people can even have fun. Certainly not in an empty room by themselves. This kind of flex shit is the closest they can get. Conspicuous consumption on an imperial scale, pretending to be the center of the universe.
Lots of hidden places around there, with beautiful overlooks.