I’m sure some political talk will be unavoidable but I’d like to keep this dry and to the point if we could.
Trump has always been about bluster. He’s currently “blustering” at the entire world. In his mind, he’s setting expectations and trying to put other countries on their toes/sow chaos to “improve his negotiating position.” In reality, his behavior is depressingly predictable even when the specific content is not, and no one is going to take the bait.
I also think part of this is focusing the American public on big manufactured controversies that have no chance of ever actually happening to keep them distracted from the awful things that are going to be coming out daily very soon.
Yeah I guess. But when he was saying last election “and Mexico is going to pay for the wall”
Mexico was just like “no we aren’t”
Today I’m seeing blurbs about the prime minister resigning and Denmark changing the royal coat of arms… I guess both could be just coincidence, I was too busy to read the articles…
But I get off work today and om like “wait… What?.. Why?”
Trudeau is wildly unpopular and we have an election coming up this year; him resigning is the best chance we have of keeping the Conservatives out of office
Dane here
The change in coat of arms actually improved Greenlands position. They previously shared a square with the Faroe Islands. Both now have their own square
It could be seen as a move to please Greenland, as they have long been wanted independence, but they lack the economy for it
Ami saw the new coat of arms. As a stupid American with no knowledge of your country and history…
I think it was a good choice even if this didn’t happen.
Again, I have no idea about the history…
It looked like two weird lion things in square one, then repeated in square two. Then like one squiggly lion thing in the forth square… The third square was a cramped partition of multiple symbols.
Again, don’t know the history. I’m sure the repeated squigly lions ment something meaningful. Visually the coat of arms look better now.
I also have a lot of opinions on my state flag tho (Florida) what the fuck is with that steam boat? Are steam boats important to Florida? I’ve just got opinions on how these things look. It doesn’t mean anything insulting to your country.
Totally agree, that it looks cleaner. It’s the royal coat of arms, so it doesn’t represent Denmark as a nation, only the royal family.
I’m not very royally inclined, so whatever you say about their coat of arms have no effect on me. I see them at best, as a very expensive PR team for the nation, or if I was to put it in a mean way, a very expensive social welfare program
The state version is a simpler version of crowned shield.
The three lions are known to be used for 800+ years
As for the steamboat in the flag of Florida: I’m sure people also would protest if it was updated to a cruise ship 😛
- He seems to really want to be the president that makes the 51st state. He mentions it a lot.
- Greenland is going to have a lot of power and probably be able to make a lot of money when arctic melt opens up the northwest passage to shipping in 10ish years, especially from the oil tankers leaving the arctic drill sites they want to “drill baby, drill.”
- Trump has always hated that we honored our agreements with Panama and gave up control of the canal. His advisors also know that climate change is going to force Panama to allow fewer and fewer ships, but MAGA has no qualms about using every last drop of their drinking water as long is shipping is unaffected.
- They seems is a growing drum beat to invade another country. Time to place bets on who our Poland will be.
He seems to really want to be the president that makes the 51st state.
Puerto Rico is right there.
District of Columbia too.
He hates Puerto Rico. And no republican supports making DC a state because it’d vote very firmly blue and they’d lose the senate for probably at least 6 years, until the next super R favorable cycle comes up again.
And fuck it, Alberta
You really want a Texas but cold?
Most albertans also don’t like trump. It’s a loud minority here that likes him.
Destroying the US’s relationships with key allies is the reason putin put him in charge.
That’s not a satisfactory answer to my question. That’s what I said I didn’t want. I don’t like trump either. That doesn’t answer my question.
As an example if I asked “why is that school over there on fire” and you answered “we don’t fund schools enough”
I mean… Yeah … I agree… But even if it’s the “end of the day” reason it’s not providing the information I’m looking for. Compared to something like " the oven In the kitchen was old and got too hot, the kitchen was understaffed so no one noticed in time, and the sprinklers hadn’t been inspected in years so the fire spread. So it’s a funding issue "
That’s what I’m talking about.
It is a political question and therefore impossible to not awnser political
Trump wants to create a country in which the wealth of the nation is neither dependent on imports from other countries nor on the skilled workers within the nation
Why would you want that? Because setting up a more authoritarian government, where the government tells you what values, religions, and sexual orientation are acceptable is easier if neither your people nor other more liberal countries can stop you.
How would you achieve that? See Russia, have little complex labor and more simple or automated production. And rely on natural resources like gas and oil. Annex countries that have oil and gas but no strong military. I would assume both Canada and Greenland have gas reservoirs that are not used out if fears for environmental drawbacks. Trump could than use the fas without having to deal with disasters in his original borders
Assuming Trump acts logical, this annexation would help his goal while the negative relationships would not affect him strongly after he achieved it.
Or he just wants it because they said no, and he doesn’t realize how much global relationships affect even countries that would prefer to ignore them
political talk will be unavoidable
its literally only political.
Yes I’m fully aware of that. I think you know what I was referring too. We all have our own opinions about trump. I just want to know the facts.
It’s my first time in this group so I don’t know what kind of crowd this is but I know if I look it up myself the story is going to be slanted one way or another.
I just want to know why taking Greenland, or Canada, or taking back the Panama canal is a thing I’m seeing at all on feed. Is this a real thing, a quote taken out of context, like what’s going on right now.
He wants these regions for the future where the polar ice caps melt, as they canada, Greenland and Panama will be/are major shipping routes. He’s serious. You can’t take it out of context. He wants these areas for greed.
Also: Canada is The top oil supplier to the US. 2nd highest uranium production 20% of the world’s fresh water Estimated to have 15.2 million tonnes of rare earth metal deposits. A significant world exporter of metallurgical coal.
Yes, those too of course! Also lots of lumber
Distractions so rubes can ship his picks through without the public eye.
Well that backfired then because I had resigned myself to just white knuckling the next four years and focusing on what I can control and avoiding the news as much as I can.
Populists and consular republics are typically expansionist and autocratic. These are the WW3 aspirations leaking from a person unable to hold back such info even as nothing more than a front man. The solution to the climate problem is to not change the exploitation or 1%. The solution is to purge the population problem; us. This is why WW3 will happen before 2030. The boarders will be redrawn after.
Trump said he’d take control of Panama and Greenland potentially including a military invasion, and said he’d buy Canada.
Thats the short, out-of-the-loop, reason you’re hearing about it.
Is there a reason why? It just feels really out of the blue and random? It’s just I don’t think I’ve ever heard him mention anything about Greenland before.
Panama canal I could see some reasons, I don’t agree or like the idea, but I can at least see theres some history with that and America.
Canada is attached to the us and we had a war or two before I guess
Why greenland?
The only potential reason I can see is that it could be strategicly useful as climate change makes the weather there more mild. Given that this is Trump, however, and Denmark (and thus Greenland) is currently an ally, it would make more sense that he read it Twitter or something and he repeated it.
It’s just posturing to project strength and appeal to his base who want a strongman dictator. He did actually talk about buying Greenland during his first term as well. It’s probably just because it’s somewhat near the US and could conceivably be acquired without starting a world war. Not that I think it will happen.
There’s a funny “rumor” going around that Trump wants Greenland because of how huge it is (ie he has no idea what the Mercator projection is and thinks it’s as big as Africa)
It’s called a distraction. On Friday January 10th fat donnie will be sentenced in his criminal case. So he says crazy things to get people to talk about that, and not the fact that he is a loser criminal, con man. Also, he’s nuts anyway. Old man yells at windmills!